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[图形图像处理] FeatureExtraction-(1)

color segment application is a useful data to extract the feature of the image especially for the vegetation index extration. (2012-03-13, MultiPlatform, 1KB, 下载20次)



GPRS DTU数据中心 源代码,实际cdma的也可以用 DTU接受程序使用Java编写,其中,…\WSNserver\src 为源文件,…\WSNserver\bin 为可执行程序。该文件夹下project文件可用eclipse for java 直接打开编译。编译是需要注意的是将java-mysql的类库放置在C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\ext路径下。本程序只用到这一个Java外部类库。 在源文件中,DataReceiver.java 为主程序类,通过该类调用其他子类。 其中:DataReceiver.java 包括主程序main,以及TCP/IP 接收数据的实现。 DataAnalysis.java 对接受的数据按照既定格式进行拆分 DataBase.java 将数据写入Mysql数据库 DataStructure.java 规定数据格式 TwoThread.java 开启多线程功能 post.java 实现向新浪网备份数据 GetIP.java 获取本机固定IP
GPRS DTU data center source code, you can also use the actual cdma DTU to accept the program written in Java, which, ... \ WSNserver \ src for the source file, ... \ WSNserver \ bin for the executable program. The project file folder opened directly available eclipse for java compiler. Compilation is important to note that the library will be java-mysql placed in C: \ Program Files \ Java \ jre6 \ lib \ ext path. This procedure is only used outside this a Java class libraries. In the source file, DataReceiver.java main classes, the class called by other sub-categories. Of which: DataReceiver.java including the main program main, and TCP/IP implementation to receive data. DataAnalysis.java of the received data in accordance with the established format for split DataBase.java to write data to Mysql database DataStructure.java data format requirements TwoThread.java on multithreading post.java Sina backup data to achieve GetIP.java fix (2011-10-31, MultiPlatform, 31KB, 下载189次)


[WEB开发] SchoolNews

该源码为成都理工大学学生作品,可以实现新闻添加管理、用户注册等常用功能 后台功能有: 新闻管理 : 添加新闻 | 新闻管理 新闻审核 分类管理 : 添加新闻分类 | 管理 用户管理 : 添加用户 | 管理 系统管理 : 系统设置 | 风格设置 | 友情链接 其中页面风格有: 动网论坛 蓝色清爽 新闻风格 淡味金属 绿色畅想 灰色轨迹 清新剔透 透明风格 可以自由切换选择 管理员可以设置为:管理员、审核员、输入员三级 管理地址:admin_login.aspx,默认管理帐号/密码:51aspx/51aspx lbnews.mdb为Access数据库文件
The source code for the Chengdu University of Technology student work, you can get news to add management, user registration and other common functions Back-office functions are: Information Management: Add news | News Management News review Category Management: Add a News Category | Management User Management: Add User | Management System Administration: System Settings | Style Settings | Link One page styles are: Dongwangluntan blue-light metallic green fresh news style Imagination gray-clear and transparent style of fresh tracks are free to choose to switch Administrators can be set to: administrators, auditors Entry Clerk 3 Management Address: admin_login.aspx, the default administrative account/password: 51aspx/51aspx lbnews.mdb for the Access database file (2009-10-21, MultiPlatform, 759KB, 下载6次)


[Windows CE] NETCFv35.Messages.zh-CHS.cab

.net CompactFramework 3.5的debug字符串列表,安装在手机上使用,用于显示部分程序报错后的错误原因 本安装包为WindowsMobile手机和WinCE设备使用的cab安装包,请安装到手机内存中 对应程序语言:简体中文 对应系统:WinCE
Debug string resource for .net Compact Framework 3.5, used to display some debug imformation on WM or WinCE programs. Usage: install on phone memory on WinCE or Wm phone. Corresponding language: Simplified Chinese Corresponding system: WinCE (2009-07-04, MultiPlatform, 245KB, 下载137次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] tcp_ip_design_report.doc

本文件介绍了一个TCP/IP的功能,设计要点,本协议栈实现的组件包括ARP,I CMP(PING),UDP,TCP。并设计了一个与SOCKET API兼容的标准接口。 TCP/IP协议栈背景 TCP/IP是使用最为广泛的INTERNET通信协议,几乎所有的桌面操作系统如Windows,Redhat Linux都支持TCP/IP协议。为了实现嵌入式系统与PC机的组网通信,就必须在嵌入式系统上实现复杂的TCP/IP协议栈,通过实现了TCP/IP协议栈,就可以方便的实现嵌入式系统与主流桌面操作系统的通信和资源共享,这也是作者编写TCP/IP协议栈的由衷。
Introduction This document is a TCP/IP functionality, design elements, realize the protocol stack components including ARP, I CMP (PING), UDP, TCP. And designed a SOCKET API-compatible with standard interfaces. TCP/IP protocol stack background TCP/IP is the most widely used communication protocol INTERNET, almost all of the desktop operating system such as Windows, Redhat Linux support TCP/IP protocol. In order to realize embedded systems and PC-letter Netcom Group, we must realize the complexity of embedded system on the TCP/IP protocol stack, through the realization of the TCP/IP protocol stack, we can facilitate the realization of embedded systems with mainstream desktop operating system of communication and resource sharing, this is also author of the preparation of TCP/IP protocol stack heartfelt. (2008-08-12, MultiPlatform, 15KB, 下载117次)


[杀毒] setup

360安全卫士拥有强大的恶意软件查杀能力,保证电脑不受恶意软件侵害。同时,也可为系统生成详尽的诊断报告,使您时刻了解系统安全状况,放心享受上网乐趣。 [查杀恶意软件] 彻底查杀240款恶意软件,保障电脑安全 [诊断与修复] 全面诊断系统,一键修复保证系统恢复如初 [清理使用痕迹] 清理使用电脑时留下的痕迹,让您踏网无痕来去无踪
360 security guards have a strong killing ability of malicious software, and ensure against the computer from malicious software. At the same time, the system can also generate detailed diagnostic reports, so you always understand the system security status, rest assured to enjoy the fun上网. [Killing malware] completely killing 240 malicious software to protect computer security [Diagnosis and repair of] a comprehensive diagnostic system, one button system recovery to repair guarantee unabated [clean up traces of the use of] the use of computer clean-up left behind traces of your treadmill Seamless Network to come and go without a trace (2008-06-04, MultiPlatform, 5398KB, 下载9次)


[通讯编程] CMPPAPI

华为cmpp接口API说明 短消息中心(SMC)和手机(MS)之间的联系,通过PLMN网,按照有关协议进行联系。而扩展短消息实体(ESME)和短消息中心之间的联系,ETSI规范中另有相关规定,GSM 03.39 SMPP协议等。ESME和SMSC之间通讯协议一般是 TCPIP协议,上层协议可以是SMPP或者其他扩展协议。例如中国移动的CMPP协议中国联通的SGIP协议,中国电信的SMGP协议等。华为公司的M900INtess-SMAX II系统提供的SMPP协议,对GSM03.39 SMPP协议中的某些局限进行功能上的扩展,支持SMPP协议定义的所有功能。
Huawei cmpp Description Interface API Short Message Center (SMC) and mobile phone (MS) the link between the network through the PLMN, in accordance with the agreement to contact. Expand Short Message Entity (ESME) and Short Message Service Center, the links between, ETSI specification otherwise the relevant provisions, GSM 03.39 SMPP agreement. Esme and the communication protocol between SMSC is generally TCPIP agreement, the upper SMPP agreement may be extended or other agreement. For example, China Mobile China Unicom CMPP agreement SGIP agreement, China Telecom SMGP agreement. Huawei (2008-05-14, MultiPlatform, 118KB, 下载13次)


[认证考试资料] netengineer

本书共20章,分为五大部分。前面第1章引言,内容涉及网络的产生和发展、主要功能、分类以及网络体系结构和ISO/OSI参考模型。第一部分(第2~3章)介绍数据通信知识,涉及数据通信基本概念和基础理论、传输介质、多路复用技术、数据交换技术、调制解调技术以及物理层接口技术等内容。第二部分(第4~6章)讨论各种底层网络技术,涉及各种广域网、局域网和高速局域网技术。第三部分(第7~11章)讨论网络互连技术及其相关协议,涉及网络互连、TCP/IP参考模型、IP、ARP和ICMP、IP路由以及TCP和UDP等内容。第四部分(第12~17章)讨论网络应用程序相互作用模式以及各种具体的网络应用,涉及客户/服务器模型、套接字编程接口、域名系统(DNS)、远程登录(Telnet)、文件传输和访问、电子邮件以及万维网。第五部分(第18~19章)讨论网络安全和管理。最后第20章简单介绍了网络技术的未来发展。本书主要供高等院校计算机专业高年级本科生和低年级硕士研究生作为计算机网络课程的教材使用,同时也可供计算机网络设计人员、开发人员以及管理人员作为技术参考书使用。 (2008-03-15, MultiPlatform, 1277KB, 下载114次)


[WEB开发] china-code.net.wwnsx.6962

本人在前几天发布了一个云网生成HTML,支持P2P系统,发布当天下载超过1000,现在都3 4千了。但是随着下载人数的过多我程序的毛病也越来越多,这几天我的QQ几乎被吵爆了,问什么问题的都有我真的怕了,但是我还是要谢谢大家能帮我找出这么多的不足,太谢谢了我是一个新人学ASP也不是很久。刚开始做网站所以很垃圾这里也需要大家理解.
a few days ago I released a cloud network generate HTML, and peer-to-peer support system, Download the release of more than 1,000, now have a 3 4 1000. However, with the excessive number of downloads procedures illnesses I have had more and more of these days I almost QQ was a noisy explosion, asked what problems I have really afraid, but I want to thank you all to help me to find so many deficiencies, Thank you very much I was learning a new ASP is not a long time. Just beginning refuse site so it is here also we need to understand. (2006-07-14, MultiPlatform, 2549KB, 下载7次)
