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[图形图像处理] 1501

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的传统文化系统(附论文),用户,管理员角色等(具体看下演示视频提供)。随着信息技术在管理上越来越深入而广泛的应用,作为一个一般的企业都开始注重与自己的信息展示平台,实现传统文化网站在技术上已成熟。本文介绍了传统文化网站的开发全过程。通过分析传统文化的需求,创建了一个计算机管理传统文化网站的方案。文章介绍了传统文化网站的系统分析部分,包括可行性分析等,系统设计部分主要介绍了系统功能设计和数据库设计。 本传统文化网站有管理员和用户两个角色,管理员有,个人中心,用户管理,文章类型管理,文章信息管理 (2024-05-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] Text_Mining_with_Scopus

This is a text mining file for scopus text mining from 2013 to 2023. It uses Web Scrapping with Beautiful Soup to collect the abstract text and keyword. The Algorithm i used is Word2Vec to Generate word embedding and analogies reasoning, keyBERT to make keyword extraction, and K-Means Cluster to make cluster graph between words and elbow graph. (2023-11-27, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] linux_java_opencv_4.5.1

linux centos java opencv4.5.1开发依赖,由于在本地是windows环境,直接在opencv官网下载windows版本下载后,即可得到opencv-451.jar和opencv_java451.dll,可以愉快的开发及测试,但是测通过之后需要部署到服务器,服务器是centos环境,jar包是跨平台的,但是dll不能,所以只能下载最新版的opencv源码,进行编译安装,并且打包成静态文件,大家只需要把libopencv_java451.so放到 java.library.path下面就行了
Linux CentOS Java opencv4.5.1 development depends on. Because it is a Windows environment locally, opencv-451.jar and opencv can be obtained directly after downloading the Windows version on the opencv official website_ Java451.dll, can be developed and tested happily. However, after the test is passed, it needs to be deployed to the server. The server is a CentOS environment. Jar package is cross platform, but DLL cannot, so only the latest version of OpenCV source code can be downloaded for compilation and installation, and it is packaged into static files. You only need to download libopencv_ Java451.so put into java.library.path Here's all (2021-04-22, Java, 8930KB, 下载0次)


[图形图像处理] 划分数据集Kylberg Sintorn

Kylberg Sintorn数据集可用于进行算法的旋转不变测试,然而官网中并没有直接划分训练集与测试集,本代码对该数据集的图片进行重新命名与划分,可用于算法测试中
The Kylberg Sintorn dataset can be used to perform the rotation-invariant test of the algorithm. However, the official website does not directly divide the training set and the test set. This code renames and divides the picture of the dataset, which can be used in algorithm testing (2020-03-26, matlab, 55KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] MyCrustOpen

Mesh reconstruction of discrete point cloud data using Delaunay triangulation and mesh filling (2017-10-29, matlab, 11KB, 下载25次)


[图形图像处理] Imageguidedfiltering_CN

In this article, we propose a novel explicit image filter called the boot filter. The filter is derived a local linear model, which can be used to calculate the filter output by considering the content of the image. (2015-08-04, Visual C++, 257KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] HALCON

Halcon learning materials, mainly about various positioning method, based on the shape of components, etc., finally introduced the 3 d match (2015-05-13, Visual C++, 3353KB, 下载20次)


[图形图像处理] project222xyz

homogeneous transformation (2015-03-23, matlab, 1KB, 下载29次)


[图形图像处理] CPC-1813CV6N_CN_C00

With CPC-3813CLD3N and CPC-3813CLD3N-MIL motherboard to meet the different needs of the user interface, and its mainly for information and communication, network storage, network audio processing, network image processing, industrial control, military and other applications CPCI products. (2014-09-06, Visual C++, 557KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] StatSymbol

Draw thematic maps of statistical topics symbols, mainly drawn 2.5D symbols, including pie charts, ring chart, histogram, grid, histogram, etc. (2014-05-15, QT, 14336KB, 下载9次)


[图形图像处理] tuxiangchuli

Defects on the steel mesh text processing, including pre-processing, segmentation, draw histograms, geometric feature extraction, feature extraction histogram (2014-05-09, Visual C++, 4KB, 下载9次)


[图形图像处理] MRF-grubcut

By Markov random field (MRF) for image segmentation, image segmentation routine gives the MRF algorithm for the three classes (2013-08-26, matlab, 57KB, 下载41次)


[图形图像处理] 168

Triangle network is composed of a series of triangles mesh plane control graphics, is arranged in a continuous triangle triangulation two main extended form, trigonometric interpolation calculation, drawing contour lines (2012-06-22, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载3次)


[图形图像处理] SUNSAN-Moravec

Based on the video image corner detection a c++ program, realize the basic misconduct detection methods, including Moravec corner detection operators, SUNSAN corner detection operators, etc (2012-04-19, C++ Builder, 792KB, 下载25次)


[图形图像处理] Studyof3Dconnectionmehodinstereovisionmeasurements

为了扩大立体视觉测量系统的测量范围,实现大型工件的高精度测量,提出了一种基于控制网的三维拼 接方法。
:In order to enlarge the measurement range of stereo vision measurement system and realize the accurate measurement for large2scale workpiece ,a 32D connection method is proposed based on control net . (2010-08-21, Visual C++, 283KB, 下载17次)


[图形图像处理] ResearchonRSImageSubdivisionPyramid

Analysis of the global mesh grid and the image of the pyramid advantages and disadvantages of combining the advantages of image pyramid model proposed subdivision and the construction of Tower Strategy (2010-05-26, Visual C++, 596KB, 下载32次)


[图形图像处理] Heighttexture

Elevation data to affix a pretty example of texture, left click with the Nets in the triangular texture map to switch between, and along with mouse, graphics will automatically move. (2009-03-28, Visual C++, 1058KB, 下载28次)


[图形图像处理] imageswithfade

Image渐显/ fade effects are very important images, widely used in image processing and multi-media entertainment software mentioned.渐显/ fade algorithm design are the most difficult problems, speed control, including the timing and rapid changes in images of various pixel color. Such as the ordinary full-scan algorithm, while slow, it is difficult to truly embody渐显/ fade effects (2009-02-25, C/C++, 2KB, 下载35次)


[图形图像处理] VENUS

一个婚纱摄影的网上选片的网站 有后台管理,数据库,支持多图片上传并加水印
a wedding photos online film's website background management, database, support multi-picture upload and watermark (2006-10-23, C#, 3904KB, 下载106次)


[图形图像处理] 2005525431579

Gray图象灰度处理示例 一个基于DirectX的图象灰度处理示例可是MMX的新作了 转载请注明来源: 开源盛世-源代码下载网 httpwww.vscodes.com
Gray gray image processing based on DirectX example of a grayscale image processing examples But the new MMX reproduced indicate the source : Open source Spirit-source code download network httpwww.vscodes.com (2005-10-14, Visual C++, 56KB, 下载15次)
