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[图形图像处理] ContainerControllerDem

For example, the head navigation bar of Netease News ios client switches from left to right, and the font color and size of title change with the change, (2015-12-29, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] NeteaseMusicCrack

iOS网易云音乐 免VIP下载、去广告、去更新 无需越狱...
IOS NetEase Cloud Music is free of VIP download, advertising, updating and jailbreak (2018-08-14, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[多国语言处理] Networkspeed

使用NSURLSession网络 库 实现的检测网速功能,以及实现的 字 符串的打印机效果,
Use the NSURLSession network library to realize the function of network speed detection and the printer effect of the string, (2018-07-31, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] wangyiyunMusicPlayer

模仿网易云播放界面的CD转盘, 缓 存 进度条,自动播放下一曲等基础功能
Basic functions such as imitating the CD turntable of Netease Cloud s playback interface, caching the progress bar, and automatically playing the next song (2017-09-25, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] CoreDataCache-Demo

CoreDataCache-Demo,据说网易的数据 缓 存 是CoreData做的啊,打个Demo玩玩
CoreDataCache Demo. It is said that NetEase s data cache is made by CoreData. Call Demo to play (2015-01-30, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数值算法/人工智能] FMDB_news

FMDB数据库 缓 存 ,数据库保 存 新闻。新闻 缓 存 至数据库。断网查看新闻。
FMDB database cache, the database stores news. The news is cached to the database. Cut off the network to view the news. (2017-02-21, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] JNCodeLibrary

JNCodeLibrary总结项目中常用的方法, 支付(支付宝, 微 信 ,内购)封装 ,基于七牛SDK的封装,可以实现断点续传,获取当前手机的具体型号,简单封装NSUserDefaults,iOS JWT,WKWebView支持POST
JNCodeLibrary summarizes the methods commonly used in the project, payment (Alipay, WeChat, and internal purchase) packaging, and packaging based on the seven cow SDK, which can achieve breakpoint continuation, obtain the specific model of the current mobile phone, and simply package NSUserDefaults, iOS JWT, and WKWebView to support POST (2018-10-05, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] XHSetting

中文:类似微信、QQ、instagram、网易新闻、唱吧、新浪微博、Twitter、系统设置的设置页面 English: like weChat、 QQ、 instagram、NetEase new、changba、sina weib...
English: like weChat, QQ, instagram, NetEase new, changba, sina weib (2016-03-16, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] WAAppRouting

iOS routing done right. Handles both URL recognition and controller displaying with parsed parameters. All in one line, controller stack preserved automatically! (2016-05-19, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[直播] NEPlyaer

The function of creating a suspended player based on NetEase Live Player SDK NEPlyaer, which is similar to the function of fish quitting live broadcast details page (2017-03-22, Objective-C, 6081KB, 下载0次)


[Flutter开发] install_apk_plugin_ios

install_apk_plugin has an error that "No podspec found for `install_apk_plugin` in `.symlinks/plugins/install_apk_plugin/ios`" when run in iOS simulitor . please replace the folder in the path "??youur username ? ?.pub-cache? ? ?hosted? ? ?pub.flutter-io.cn? ? ?install_apk_plugin-1.0.1?-ios" with my file,and have a try.Maybe it work! (2020-08-13, Objective-C, 4KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] ReadyForBAT

Summary of MOOC.com s iOS Interview Practical Project: Thinking Map and Answers for iOS Interview Questions (2018-12-05, Objective-C, 14803KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Project2

To achieve communication, Ethernet and OMRON PLC through the network line to communicate, very good and powerful (2019-08-01, Objective-C, 442KB, 下载3次)


[3D打印] 3DModelShow

Demo is a simple example for displaying the 3D model in STL and obj formats. (2018-02-24, Objective-C, 2079KB, 下载2次)


[GIS/地图编程] YZDisplayViewController-master

The realization of the different style of the page slide of the Tencent, the headlines, the news of the NetEase Demo (2016-09-05, Objective-C, 362KB, 下载2次)


[操作系统开发] sneteasy-master

This is a iOS spare time to do the following Netease framework, content and skidding, sliding tab (2015-12-21, Objective-C, 494KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] XBook

iOS 小说阅读器 用于阅读网络小说,下载网络文本数据对小说文本进行分析
iOS fiction reader for reading the novel network, download network text data to analyze the text of the novel (2015-03-16, Objective-C, 1157KB, 下载4次)


[MacOS编程] EmptyProject

Xcode commonly used control the use of methods and instance, similar to Taobao Categories control operation and display (2013-04-25, Objective-C, 1132KB, 下载4次)


[MacOS编程] hxy060799-MusicPlayer-5b0587c

oc 音乐播放器,供大家学习使用,请大家参照
oc music player, for them to learn to use, please reference (2012-10-17, Objective-C, 807KB, 下载14次)


[USB编程] USB_disk_technical_report

本文介绍了在基于MCS51 的嵌入式系统上开发USB 接口的详细内容。项目使用MCS51 (MCU 处理器)和PDIUSBD12 (USB 芯片)完成了U 盘的开发。主要内容涉及USB 接口的U 盘开发过程中所涉及的技术内容;重点介绍项目调试方法与步骤; 诚邀与您合作:qq:292942278,e-mail:tony_yang123@sina.com.cn
This paper introduces the MCS51-based embedded systems development of the details of USB interface. Project MCS51 (MCU processor) and PDIUSBD12 (USB chip) completed the development of U disk. Mainly related to the U disk USB interface development process involved in the technical content focuses on project debugging methods and steps invited to work with you to: qq: 292942278, e-mail: tony_yang123@sina.com.cn (2008-09-10, Objective-C, 1413KB, 下载94次)
