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[其他] KTKuaikan

OC开源项目- 快看漫画网是年轻人的青春读物,这里有最新鲜、最有趣的漫画大全在线观看,超多吐槽话题和海量网友神回复,聚合最好的内容,只因我们懂你,看漫画就上快看漫画
OC open source project - Kuailkan Cartoon Network is a youth reading material for young people. There are the most fresh and interesting comic books to watch online. There are too many topics to complain about and a large number of netizens responses. The best content is gathered. Just because we understand you, we can read the comics quickly (2018-01-23, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] JPDiscover

这个是一个类似朋友圈、发现页等 Feed 的样式效果 + 网易新闻的侧滑效果,实现方式是我自己设计的,之前很多人群里问过我类似的效果怎么实现,每次我都是光用嘴说给大家听,想想这次项目中正好用到这个需求,于是便自己做了一个,之后从项目中重构出来一份Demo给大家,精力有限,其他功...,
This is a style effect similar to the circle of friends, discovery page and other feeds+the sideslip effect of NetEase News. The implementation method is designed by me. Many people have asked me how to achieve the similar effect before. Every time I just use my mouth to tell everyone. Thinking that this project just uses this requirement, I made one myself, and then reconstructed a Demo from the project for everyone, with limited energy and other skills, (2017-04-05, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] DouYinComment

1.抖音视频转场动画,抖音左滑push进个人主页, 评论手势拖拽效果 , 视频播放, 边下边播, 预加载, TikTok 2.网易云iOS小组件Widget 3.铃声多多,上传铃声音频到库乐队(GarageBand) 4.微博主页、简...
1. Flip tone video transition animation, flip tone left slide push into personal homepage, comment gesture drag effect, video play, play while playing, preload, TikTok 2. Netease Cloud iOS widget 3. Lots of ringtones, upload ringtone audio to GarageBand 4. Weibo homepage, Jane (2023-06-13, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] MSPageScrollView

IOS horizontal multi page sliding, multi navigation page switching, horizontal TableView, native LeEco video channel page framework, similar to NetEase News, Tencent News mobile client interaction mode, has added autoLayout automatic layout to adapt to device rotation, and can be used for iPhone and iPad software development. (2015-03-02, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[iPhone/iOS] XDNews

The iOS application for news and information is modeled on the iPhone version of Netease News. The project was originally an outsourcing project. After the project was accepted, the customer was puzzled. It supports offline caching, asynchronous loading, pull-up and pull-down list refreshing, focus graph cycling and other functions. Personally, the cache loading is not very good. (2013-04-10, Objective-C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[直播] KMCAgoraVRTC_iOS

Jinshan Rubik s cube video connection solution iOS: Vocal network 1-to-1 video live connection product, the world s first UDP based live connection SDK, supports iOS, Android, multi platform interoperability, adapts to 5000+models, and performs well in echo cancellation, noise reduction, and anti squeaking. (2018-08-16, Objective-C, 17764KB, 下载0次)


[直播] FULiveStream_IM_Demo

FULiveStream_IM_Demo 是集成了 Faceunity 面部跟踪和虚拟道具功能和网易云信直播功能的 Demo。 本文是 FaceUnity SDK 快速对接七牛短视频的导读说明,关于 FaceUnity SDK 的更多...
FULiveStream_ IM_ Demo is a Demo that integrates Faceunity facial tracking and virtual props functions and Netease Yunxin live broadcast functions. This article is a guide to the quick docking of the FaceUnity SDK with the Qiniu short video. More about the FaceUnity SDK (2022-09-19, Objective-C, 103258KB, 下载0次)


[直播] PLRTCStreamingKit

PLRTCStreamingKit 是七牛推出的一款适用于 iOS 平台的连麦互动 SDK,支持低延时音视频通话、RTMP 直播推流,可快速开发一对一视频聊天、多人视频会议、网红直播连麦、狼人杀、娃娃机等应用,接口简单易用,支持高度定...
PLRTCStreamingKit is a connected microphone interactive SDK for iOS platform launched by Qiniu. It supports low latency audio and video calls, RTMP live streaming, and can quickly develop one-on-one video chat, multi person video conference, online celebrity live connected microphone, werewolf killing, doll machine and other applications. The interface is simple and easy to use, and supports highly customized (2020-09-18, Objective-C, 85640KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] bigShow

iOS教学 各类知识点总结:运行时 贝塞尔曲线 水纹 粒子发射器 核心动画 渐变色 网络请求 按钮 标签 视图布局 视图效果 文字视图 表情键盘 旋转动画 2048 网易 微信 猿题库 阿里巴巴 设计模式 数据持久化 多次点击按钮 微...
Summary of various knowledge points in iOS teaching: runtime Bézier curve water grain particle emitter core animation gradient color network request button label view layout view effect text view emoticon keyboard rotation animation 2048 NetEase WeChat question library Alibaba design mode data persistence multiple click button WeChat (2017-01-13, Objective-C, 63269KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] BigShow1949

iOS教学 各类知识点总结:运行时 贝塞尔曲线 水纹 粒子发射器 核心动画 渐变色 网络请求 按钮 标签 视图布局 视图效果 文字视图 表情键盘 旋转动画 2048 网易 微信 猿题库 阿里巴巴 设计模式 数据持久化 多次点击按钮 微...
Summary of various knowledge points in iOS teaching: runtime Bezier curve water texture particle launcher core animation gradient network request button label view layout view effect text view emoticon keyboard rotation animation 2048 NetEase WeChat Ape question bank Alibaba design mode data persistence multiple click button micro (2021-05-23, Objective-C, 65015KB, 下载0次)


[Leetcode/题库] CocoaAsyncSocket_Demo

基于AsyncSocket搭建即时通讯体系 . 包含TCP连接 , 消息发送 , 消息接收 , 心跳处理 ,断网重连 , 消息超时 , 消息分发 , 数据库结构设计 , 消息丢失等 . 以及UI设计, 文本表情消息 语音消息 图片消息...
Build an instant messaging system based on AsyncSocket Including TCP connection, message sending, message receiving, heartbeat processing, network disconnection and reconnection, message timeout, message distribution, database structure design, message loss, etc And UI design, text emoticons, voice messages, image messages (2019-01-16, Objective-C, 4266KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] LXAppIOS

2020.3.9 创建的iOS项目,主要用于研究当下热门的技术点功能,使用第三方sdk实现 (环信)自定义UI的即时通讯(防微信),(即构,声网)自定义UI的直播功能(映客的真人秀直播,QQMusic的语音直播),(美摄)自定义UI的美颜...
The iOS project created on March 9, 2022 is mainly used to research current popular technology features, using third-party SDKs to implement instant messaging (WeChat prevention) for custom UI, live streaming functions for custom UI (Yingke s reality show live streaming, QQMusic s voice live streaming), and beauty for custom UI (2020-03-16, Objective-C, 16KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] HX_VoiceAndVideoCall

HX_ VoiceAndVideoCall, as the project requires the use of voice and video calling services from Huanxin, I integrated it myself based on the documents on Huanxin s official website. But when I saw the SDK integration process of Huanxin, I was really confused and felt too messy. The modules inside were quite detailed, but not detailed enough. After submitting multiple work orders, I finally solved the voice and video modules (2020-04-21, Objective-C, 627KB, 下载0次)


[Windows编程] MMDrawerController-master

实现自定义各种参数的sidebar视图布局(或者叫drawer view)效果,所谓sidebar视图布局,在很多app(比如网易新闻、facebook等等app)中都可以看到运用,即手指左右移动视图,主视图会移向旁边,在左边或者右边出现sidebar视图,一般是一些菜单。code4app有多份这种视图布局的代码,但这份代码能够对很多参数进行自定义,比如sidebar的宽度,是否需要阴影,是否支持pan手势、主视图移动的动画等等等等你能想到的属性都可以自定义
MMDrawerController is a side drawer navigation container view controller designed to support the growing number of applications that leverage the side drawer paradigm. This library is designed to exclusively support side drawer navigation in a light-weight, focused approach while exposing the ability to provide custom animations for presenting and dismissing the drawer. (2013-11-26, Objective-C, 137KB, 下载4次)


[棋牌游戏] IPhone-Play-Cards

IPHONE Landlords under a networked game, living UDP protocol. Currently only supports network (you can also modified to support wide-area Internet), embedded chat and friends interface. Can be networked to invite more friends to join the game, the game s artificial intelligence to achieve more complex .... (2013-09-23, Objective-C, 708KB, 下载11次)


[iPhone/iOS] ShareSDK-Demo-1.0.3

ShareSDK a component of the social function is to provide for the iOS APP developers just 10 minutes to be integrated into the APP, which not only supports QQ, micro letter, Sina, Tencent Weibo, Kaixin all networks, watercress, microblogging Netease, Sohu microblogging, facebook, twitter, google+ domestic and international mainstream social platform, there is a powerful statistical analysis management background, can be real-time data about users, information flow, reflux rate, propagation effects effective guide day-to-day operations and marketing, as well as the APP to introduce more social traffic. (2013-01-22, Objective-C, 11714KB, 下载49次)


[单片机开发] TCP_IP_C

Through the MCU TCP/IP, ENC28J60 is a single-chip applications specifically designed for the Ethernet controller chip, a total of 28 pins, the SPI bus to connect with single chip, take a small port line speed is relatively fast, the software development, the design engineers to simplify the design of the difficulty of (2011-12-15, Objective-C, 141KB, 下载7次)


[其他嵌入式/单片机内容] 1

本文首先提出了无线传感网络节点的基本要求,并针对其要求成功实现了无 线传感网络节点的设计,为了满足定位与跟踪的特殊需求,特别设计了超声波定 位的传感器板。论文叙述了节点的设计过程及测试内容。运用计算机、调试器、 节点等硬件组成网络硬件平台,并运用TinyOS软件开发系统组网,实现了温度 显示、节点的定位等功能,自行研制了数据管理监控软件,可以监测节点的温度、 距离等信息,也可以观察网络节点的拓扑变化情况。最后,总结了整个系统的优 缺点,并提出了下一步工作计划。
Wireless sensor networks(WSNs) (2009-09-22, Objective-C, 4406KB, 下载15次)


[网络编程] 081012084108

苹果下的锐捷认证软件(有源代码).本程序完成Mac OS X下校园网的锐捷认证,算法是锐捷2.56。 power PC version 测试环境(PowerPC G4, Leopard 10.5.2) verion 1.0 beta
Czech Republic under the Apple authentication sharp software (source code). This process is complete Mac OS X under the campus network authentication Rui Jie, Rui Jie algorithm is 2.56. power PC version test environment (PowerPC G4, Leopard 10.5.2) verion 1.0 beta (2009-08-11, Objective-C, 108KB, 下载4次)


[软件设计/软件工程] Embbeded_tcp_ip_user_guide

嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈说明书下载-- 技术说明: 1)用户应用协议栈则需要编写以太网的数据报收发驱动,就可以使用协议栈提供的标准SOCKET API,完成服务器和客户端应用程序的开发。 2)协议栈运行于非操作系统的环境下,因此它的运行速度与一般采用多任务操作系统的TCP/IP协议,速度相对说来要快。 3)协议栈完成的功能包括ARP,IP,ICMP(ping),TCP,UDP,暂不支持IGMP,RARP。 4)协议栈采用C代码编写,可方便的移植于各种单片机平台。 5)协议栈在ARM7+RTL8019硬件环境下测试,并建立了FTP服务器和WEB服务器,性能稳定。 6)协议栈建立的FTP服务器和WEB服务器与Internet Explorer浏览器和ftp.exe相互兼容。 7)协议栈每一个SOCKET上建了数据缓冲队列(数据结构),用于接收SOCKET的并发数据,实现多SOCKET的并发数据报处理,可同时运行FTP服务器和WEB服务器。 8)协议栈实现了ACK的延时答应(200ms),支持TCP多包发送和接收,但未支持TCP数据报的失序处理,因此适合局域网内使用。 诚邀与您合作,QQ:292942278
err (2008-09-10, Objective-C, 11KB, 下载176次)
