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[数学计算] RunFastTurtle-A-python-turtle-project

RunFastTurtle is an entertaining Python-based turtle racing game. Select your favorite turtle, place your bet, and watch them race to the finish line! With randomized movement and colorful visuals, it offers an engaging experience for players of all ages. Play again for endless excitement and fun! (2024-04-23, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Gurobi-and-Algorithm-for-solving-VRP

Gurobi was used to model and solve four types of problems, namely VRP, CVRP, CVRPTW and CVRPPDTW. The data set used was mainly Solomon (R-101) and part of the road network in Jiulong Lake Campus of Southeast University., (2023-10-14, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] IPMaths-Toolkit

?? A collection of C functions dedicated to IP address mathematics and manipulations. Dive deep into bitwise operations, subnetting, and other networking essentials. A hands-on approach to mastering IP calculations for budding system programmers. ???? (2023-08-27, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] Mathematical_study_notes

My notes on mathematical modeling. Including the code of Brother s online course "Application of Python in Mathematical Modeling". Brother, 30 commonly used algorithms for mathematical modeling are being updated.. (2022-10-04, Jupyter Notebook, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] MFSGrp-class2

R package: Computes the solution path of the multivariate Scalar-on-Functional Elastic Net regression in serial and parallel. (2022-04-22, R, 151KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] PolishedCode_MachineLearning

This is a polished code example of my own implementation of a Coordinate Descent Algorithm with Elastic Net Regularization used for solving least- squares regression. This was done as part of my DATA 558 Machine Learning course at the University of Washington. (2017-06-09, Python, 186KB, 下载0次)


[数学计算] 3970971SPH-for-couette

SPH 源代码,用于科研计算,是光滑粒子流体动力学-一种无网格粒子法书后的源代码
SPH source code, for scientific computing, is a smoothed particle hydrodynamics -- a source code after a meshless particle method. (2018-06-26, Fortran, 24KB, 下载18次)


[数学计算] select

According to the data of the national meteorological station, which is downloaded by the China Meteorological data network, the data of the required sites are extracted. (2018-01-14, matlab, 18KB, 下载18次)


[数学计算] Map-projection

1、根据所给的中国版图数据 绘制显示基于北京54坐标系的经纬度数据 编写兰勃特投影转换程序,转换上述数据,并显示 编写墨卡托投影转换程序,转换上述数据,并显示 同时,要绘制相对应的经纬网格,网格间距5度 2、根据所给的世界版图数据 绘制显示基于WGS84坐标系的经纬度数据 编写墨卡托投影转换程序,转换上述数据,并显示 计算北京(116.4,39.8)到巴黎(2.2, 48.52)的大圆轨迹,并显示 同时,要绘制相对应的经纬网格,网格间距5度
1, according to the Chinese territory given display data drawn based on latitude and longitude data write Beijing 54 coordinate system Lambert projection conversion process, the conversion of the data, and displays the write Mercator projection conversion process, the conversion of the data, and display the same time, Draw the corresponding latitude and longitude grid, the grid spacing of 5 degrees 2, according to the world map rendering display data written to the Mercator projection based on latitude and longitude data conversion program WGS84 coordinate system, the conversion of the data, and displays the calculation Beijing (116.4, 39.8) to Paris (2.2, 48.52) the great circle track and display the same time, to draw the corresponding latitude and longitude grid, the grid spacing of 5 degrees (2015-12-08, C++, 70KB, 下载43次)


[数学计算] kring123

Kringing smooth (2013-05-05, matlab, 116KB, 下载55次)


[数学计算] lars

Lar realization of the code written using the R language to lar steps show (2012-08-06, Others, 2262KB, 下载74次)


[数学计算] SAVI

SAVI(Simulated Annealing algorithm for minimizing Validity Index)详见李铁军教授的个人主页http://dsec.pku.edu.cn/~tieli/
SAVI(Simulated Annealing algorithm for minimizing Validity Index), developed by Tiejun Li(Peking University) is based on the optimal reduction of the random walker dynamics on the complex network (see the papers on complex networks below) is integrated here. To use it, unzip the downloaded files and run the main.m file in matlab environment. The matlab codes main.m is the main function. The other .m files are functions called by main.m. Some network data files are also included. The output is the .clu file which can be visualized with the software Pajek. (2012-07-31, matlab, 23KB, 下载1次)


[数学计算] shop

算法实验作业 3-3 购物问题 问题描述: 由于换季,某商场推出优惠活动,以超低价格出售若干种商品。但是,商场为避免过分 亏本,规定某些商品不能同时购买,而且每种超低价商品只能买一件。身为顾客的你想获得 最大的实惠,也就是争取节省最多的钱。经过仔细研究过,我们发现,商场出售的超低价商 品中,不存在以下这种情况: n(3≤n)种商品 c1, c2, c3,…, cn,其中 ci和 ci+1是不能同时购买的(i=1, 2, …,n-1),而 且 c1和 cn也不能同时购买。 编程任务: 请编程计算可以节省的最大金额数。 数据输入: 第 1 行两个整数 K,M(1≤K≤1000),其中 K 表示超低价商品数,K 种商品的编号依 次为 1,2, …,K;M 表示不能同时购买的商品对数。 接下来 K 行,第 i 行有一个整数 Xi 表示购买编号为 i 的商品可以节省的金额(1≤Xi ≤100)。 再接下来 M 行,每行两个数 A 和 B,表示 A 和 B 不能同时购买,1≤A≤K,1≤B≤K,A ≠B。 结果输出 输出计算出的能节省的最大金额数。 输入文件示例 输出文件示例 input.txt output.txt 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
算法实验作业 3-3 购物问题 问题描述: 由于换季,某商场推出优惠活动,以超低价格出售若干种商品。但是,商场为避免过分 亏本,规定某些商品不能同时购买,而且每种超低价商品只能买一件。身为顾客的你想获得 最大的实惠,也就是争取节省最多的钱。经过仔细研究过,我们发现,商场出售的超低价商 品中,不存在以下这种情况: n(3≤n)种商品 c1, c2, c3,…, cn,其中 ci和 ci+1是不能同时购买的(i=1, 2, …,n-1),而 且 c1和 cn也不能同时购买。 编程任务: 请编程计算可以节省的最大金额数。 数据输入: 第 1 行两个整数 K,M(1≤K≤1000),其中 K 表示超低价商品数,K 种商品的编号依 次为 1,2, …,K;M 表示不能同时购买的商品对数。 接下来 K 行,第 i 行有一个整数 Xi 表示购买编号为 i 的商品可以节省的金额(1≤Xi ≤100)。 再接下来 M 行,每行两个数 A 和 B,表示 A 和 B 不能同时购买,1≤A≤K,1≤B≤K,A ≠B。 结果输出 输出计算出的能节省的最大金额数 (2012-07-10, C++, 1KB, 下载28次)


[数学计算] bnt

This is a matlab a complete Bayesian network toolbox is used for data mining, data analysis, a powerful tool, are welcome to download。 (2011-06-02, matlab, 11691KB, 下载54次)


[数学计算] chaoliuchengxu

Application of polar coordinates in the form of cattle Rafah transmission grid algorithm to retain non-linear trend, and consider the system of the transformer ratio (2011-02-21, C/C++, 21KB, 下载21次)


[数学计算] jixieshoubi

a mechanical arm ANSYS finite element analysis model of order flow, in the modeling sub-network can give readers some reference. (2007-10-02, TEXT, 38KB, 下载29次)


[数学计算] newdon

Newton Raphson method procedures for the trend is simple networks Thank you (2007-06-28, C++ Builder, 3KB, 下载31次)


[数学计算] montecarlonotes

蒙特卡罗方法得课件,很详细! 蒙特卡罗随机模拟方法很不错得,大家快下。
Monte Carlo method in the courseware, very carefully! Monte-Carlo simulation method is pretty good in, we quickly under. (2006-12-21, Others, 295KB, 下载426次)


[数学计算] LE

计算各种混沌系统李雅普洛夫指数的MATLAB 源程序。
calculating various chaotic system schematic index Lee MATLAB source. (2006-04-18, matlab, 32KB, 下载1138次)


[数学计算] 44569084

provides discrete point triangulation with the contours to the realization share. Who put smooth contours handled, please do not forget to also give me a (2005-04-06, Visual C++, 218KB, 下载238次)
