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按平台查找All Windows_Unix(474) 

[浏览器] Google-access-assistant-

Google Site Access Helper, installed the plug-in browser 360, using normal, speed is also good, but need to follow the instructions to add plug-in home page. (2016-08-08, Windows_Unix, 240KB, 下载1次)


[Windows编程] 200282318723

The new membership-based secondary market code. This is the code Dalian agency network is being used, the improvement in terms of interface or functionality are the eyes and ears as one another. (2016-03-02, Windows_Unix, 114KB, 下载1次)


[单片机开发] xb-ether-tester-code

小兵以太网测试仪(下文称 本软件 )是一款基于pc机网卡实现的测试仪工具。 主要功能:构造编辑报文流、发包、抓包。 本软件是一款开源、免费软件。 具体版权说明见COPYING.txt。
used for traffic send based on Net card. (2015-08-11, Windows_Unix, 1020KB, 下载16次)


[网络编程] set_IP

Modify local connection IP get way, you can choose to automatically obtain can also manually specify manually specify replace script inside the IP address, gateway, subnet mask, DNS can (2012-12-14, Windows_Unix, 1KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] USBPD108

ChipGenius是一款USB设备芯片型号检测工具,可以自动查询U盘、MP3/MP4、读卡器、移动硬盘等一切USB设备的主控芯片型号、制造商、品牌、并提供相关资料下载地址。当然也可以查询USB设备的VID/PID信息、设备名称、接口速度、序列号、设备版本等。   软件绿色小巧,即插即用,是数码消费者、电子爱好者、DIY人士和数码维修人员身边的好帮手。
http://bbs.mydigit.cn/read.php?tid-18285.html (2010-06-24, Windows_Unix, 258KB, 下载294次)


[处理器开发] 44b0-rtl8019as

This program is s3c44b0+ rtl8019 of the net mouth communication process. Program implemented arp protocol, imcp protocol and udp protocols of communication! The code has been tested and totally reliable! (2009-09-14, Windows_Unix, 646KB, 下载64次)


[处理器开发] AMBA20_cn

Bus AMBA2.0 official Chinese version of the agreement. AMBA2.0 embedded bus protocol is now the most widely used areas of the bus protocol. The English version of it in the arm on the company' s Web site can be obtained free of charge. (2009-08-18, Windows_Unix, 1070KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux_source_reading_requirement

Linux 源代码阅读知识点及要求 说明:1、本次源代码阅读,以Linux 最新的稳定版本(2.6)为主; 2、源代码下载地址: 在官方站点 www.kernel.org 上最新稳定版本是; 在清华的 ftp 上随时都可以下载到: ftp.tsinghua.edu.cn/mirror/kernel.org/linux/kernel/v2.6/ 3、源代码阅读辅助工具: 在Windows 环境下推荐SourceInsight3.5 在Linux 环境下推荐SourceNavigator 5 这两个软件都已经上传课程论坛
Linux source code to read the knowledge points and requirements: 1, read the source code to the latest stable version of Linux (2.6) mainly 2, the source code to download Address: www.kernel.org on the official site is the latest stable version in Tsinghua University on the ftp can be downloaded at any time to: ftp.tsinghua.edu.cn/mirror/kernel.org/linux/kernel/v2.6/3, the source code of reading aids: In the Windows environment recommended SourceInsight3.5 recommended in the Linux environment SourceNavigator 5 of these two software programs have been Forum Upload (2009-06-02, Windows_Unix, 121KB, 下载5次)


[单片机开发] Linux_bc

对vga接口做了详细的介绍,并且有一 ·三段式Verilog的IDE程序,但只有DMA ·电子密码锁,基于fpga实现,密码正 ·IIR、FIR、FFT各模块程序设计例程, ·基于逻辑工具的以太网开发,基于逻 ·自己写的一个测温元件(ds18b20)的 ·光纤通信中的SDH数据帧解析及提取的 ·VHDL Programming by Example(McGr ·这是CAN总线控制器的IP核,源码是由 ·FPGA设计的SDRAM控制器,有仿真代码 ·xilinx fpga 下的IDE控制器原代码, ·用verilog写的,基于查表法实现的LO ·精通verilog HDL语言编
up:in STD_LOGIC down:in STD_LOGIC run_stop:in STD_LOGIC wai_t: in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) lift:in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0) ladd: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) ) end control (2009-05-10, Windows_Unix, 18246KB, 下载168次)


[网络] openvpn-2.0.9

Structures can be achieved VPN server, NAT can be shared through a public network address group realize LAN. (2008-08-22, Windows_Unix, 788KB, 下载21次)


[其他] YC51DPJ

高精度稳压源,在往返夜里可以尽量的 多浏览,这样就可以做到很多中选择 了
High-precision voltage regulator source of travel to and from the night can be as much as possible to surf, so a lot can be done by choosing a (2008-05-14, Windows_Unix, 5KB, 下载3次)


[处理器开发] sw01266-195

ARM CORTEX L3M6XXX CPU 以太网 lwip 源码
ARM CORTEX L3M6XXX CPU Ethernet lwIP source (2008-03-23, Windows_Unix, 561KB, 下载54次)


[Windows编程] Programming_the_MS_Windows_Driver_Model_CN

以某种观点来看,Windows 2000或Windows 98都是由一个操作系统核心和多个驱动程序组成,这些驱动程序与系统中的硬件相对应。本书的内容全部都是关于驱动程序及其相关的技术。
in some perspective, Windows 2000 or Windows 98 operating systems are a core and a number of drivers Group % of these drivers and the hardware system should be relative. The contents of the book are all on the driver and its associated technologies. (2006-11-30, Windows_Unix, 7041KB, 下载51次)


[邮电通讯系统] NO.7t

隆重推出NO.7信令系统(SS7)之国家标准(中文)—— 中国国内电话网NO.7信号方式测试规范和验收方法
grand launch Signaling System No.7 (SS7) of the national standard (English)-- China's domestic telephone network No.7 signal testing standards and the method (2006-02-28, Windows_Unix, 5409KB, 下载35次)


[邮电通讯系统] NO7-ISUP-ydn038.1

隆重推出NO.7信令系统(SS7)之国家标准(中文)—— NO7-综合业务数字网用户部分ISUP(补充) ydn038.1
grand launch Signaling System No.7 (SS7) of the national standard (Chinese)-- nr 7-integrated business Digital Network User Part ISUP (supplementary) ydn038.1 (2006-02-28, Windows_Unix, 677KB, 下载33次)


[DirextX编程] DirectX8JC

《DirectX8教程》配套代码 [涉及平台] VC++ [作者] void [文件大小] 1003KB [更新日期] 2005-10-29 本代码来自CZVC编程网: HTTP://WWW.CZVC.COM
"DirectX8 Guide" complementary code [involving platform] VC void [Author] [large documents small] 1003KB [updated] 2005-10-29 CZVC the programming code from the net : HTTP :// WWW.CZVC.COM (2006-02-10, Windows_Unix, 1007KB, 下载264次)


[IP电话/视频会议] jrtplib-3.3.0

Jrtplib library annex version 3.3.0. Achieving RTP/RTCP for audio, video frequency transmission network. Development of VoIP friends reference. (2005-12-10, Windows_Unix, 546KB, 下载134次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] 网友张巍提供的tcpip协议栈

netizen Zhang Wei, the TCPIP protocol stack, is a successful and stable Ethernet interface on the TCP/IP protocol procedures. They include a note (2005-11-21, Windows_Unix, 1611KB, 下载194次)


[界面编程] switch

a basic gateway switch (Advanced use) for two with a broadband Internet use, lack of time, Gateway address the program is no single set of configuration it is ills. (2005-04-29, Windows_Unix, 28KB, 下载14次)


[系统设计方案] (2004.04.08)原校园网络布线图

Wuchang Central China University of Science and Technology at the original campus network layout, two network layout before. With high reference value (2005-01-19, Windows_Unix, 4198KB, 下载57次)
