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[其他] 金山游侠 V 正式完全免费版

精灵复兴辅助,目前适用所有精灵复兴官F和私服,可自行根据说明进行修改,WIN7 WIN10均支持
Hi. This is the deliver program(remote) at eyou.net. I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out. (2020-09-23, C/C++, 17509KB, 下载1次)


[其他] ZStack-CC2530-2.3.0-1.4.0

After ZigBee networking is completed, the terminal collects gas data and transmits it to the coordinator wirelessly (2020-07-21, C/C++, 3630KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 2019千年沙漠杀手正版辅助

沙漠杀手6.0(练级)\addr.txt, 70 , 2017-10-26 沙漠杀手6.0(练级)\data\bfind.exe, 158720 , 2006-02-06 沙漠杀手6.0(练级)\data\bootinfo.dat, 548 , 2017-10-27 沙漠杀手6.0(练级)\data\DisplayIns.dll, 49152 , 2006-08-31 沙漠杀手6.0(练级)\data\item.txt, 6791 , 2016-12-11
Desert killer 6.0 (level practising) \ addr.txt, 70, 2017-10-26 Desert killer 6.0 (level practising) \ data \ bfind.exe, 158720, 2006-02-06 Desert killer 6.0 (level practising) \ data \ bootinfo.dat, 548, 2017-10-27 Desert killer 6.0 (level practising) \ data \ displayins.dll, 49152, 2006-08-31 Desert killer 6.0 (level practising) \ data \ item.txt, 6791, 2016-12-11 (2019-11-21, C/C++, 3758KB, 下载39次)


[其他] wananjiasuqi

Single window, single IP (2019-06-13, C/C++, 3777KB, 下载9次)


[其他] DLL Files

vb、vc++、c#与西门子plc s7-200以太网通信开发库文件
File of Ethernet communication development library with Siemens S7-200. (2019-06-09, C/C++, 270KB, 下载2次)


[其他] ARP

一个简单抓取并解析ARP包的小代码 vc做的,可以将代码提取出来在简单的编译器上运行
A simple code to grab and parse ARP packages (2019-06-04, C/C++, 2440KB, 下载0次)


[其他] ping

It implements a simple ping program of its own, including the sending and receiving of ICMP packets and the use of sockets. (2019-05-19, C/C++, 3478KB, 下载0次)


[其他] suanli3.4

Calculating the power distribution of each branch and the voltage and current of each node in power line system ring network (2019-03-26, C/C++, 7KB, 下载0次)


[其他] In-Sight Spreadsheets_CN

适用于In-sight软件的初学者和专业人士,内容包括In-sight简介、使用和例程等等 (包括 每个In-sight每个控件的详细使用)
(Beginners and professionals for In-sight software, including In-sight introductions, usage and routines, etc. Including the detailed use of each control of each In-sight) (2018-09-10, C/C++, 29279KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 1.6网页版网关及管理工具

1.6网页版网关及管理工具 网关管理GM工具
1.6 webpage gateway and management tool gateway manage GM tools (2018-08-28, C/C++, 17750KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 神武辅助工具 1.59

A thousand years of help, hand - training tools (2018-07-09, C/C++, 1571KB, 下载73次)


[其他] Jump OpenGLES跳跃游戏源码_爱给网_aigei_com

C++, two fork tree, additions and deletions to check, tree operation, source code (2018-05-25, C/C++, 1171KB, 下载1次)


[其他] ndnSIM-nom-rapid-car2car-master

内容网 车载网 中功能实现程序对应rapid vanet论文
This paper applies the Named Data Networking (NDN) concept to vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. Specifically, we develop a simple traffic information dissemination application based on the data naming design from our previous work and evaluate its performance through simulations. Our simulation results show that data names can greatly facilitate the forwarding process for Interest and data packets. With adequate vehicle density, data can propagate over long distances robustly at tens of kilometers per second, and a requester can retrieve the desired traffic information 10km away in a matter of seconds (2018-04-28, C/C++, 129KB, 下载5次)


[其他] 网络编辑超级工具箱

Network editor super toolbox, you can edit the text online, you can delete the style sheet of copying the article. (2018-04-20, C/C++, 410KB, 下载1次)


[其他] qtmultimedia-opensource-src-5.6.1

Qt5 multimedia library source code (2017-10-14, C/C++, 6273KB, 下载12次)


[其他] 唱歌程序

The use of 51 single-chip microcomputer and buzzer music player, simple, concise and effective (2017-08-19, C/C++, 18KB, 下载1次)


[其他] com2tcp-

Serial data can be converted into network data to send out (2017-08-12, C/C++, 19KB, 下载8次)


[其他] PNG

PNG文件结构分析 及功能辅助说明 文件。不管从事网游工作还是其他。都能用的到。
Structural and functional analysis of PNG files supporting documentation. Whether in work or other online games. Can be used to. (2011-11-08, C/C++, 142KB, 下载9次)


[其他] BooksManagementSystem2.0

用C语言实现的图书管理系统,数据用文件的方式存储。 该系统的主要功能: 添加数目、删除数目、查询数目; 添加读者、删除读者、查询读者; 借出图书、归还图书、记录借阅信息; 显示所有数目、显示所有读者、显示过期的借阅等。 是学习C语言,开发小型项目最适合的参考程序。 期待您提出宝贵意见,共同交流,E-mail:lewsn2008@yahoo.com.cn
Realized with C language library management system, data stored with the document. The primary function of the system: Add the number, delete the number, the number of inquiries readers add, delete users, query the reader lending books, the return of books, records of loan information show all the number of all readers, showed that the loans expired. Learn C language, the development of small-scale projects refer to the most suitable procedure. Look forward to your suggestions to share, E-mail: lewsn2008@yahoo.com.cn (2009-07-15, C/C++, 49KB, 下载21次)


[其他] LLpv9

PV流量专用工具 9.6.2 升级版 PV流量专用工具 9.6.2 升级版
PV flow of specific tools 9.6.2 upgrade PV flow specific tools 9.6.2 upgrade (2008-11-19, C/C++, 5173KB, 下载1次)
