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[ASP/.NET编程] CaterServ

This ASP.NET-based catering service website includes an admin panel for managing settings and user bookings, with email confirmation for successful bookings. Users can browse services, select items, and receive confirmation emails upon booking. (2024-03-29, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[WEB开发] Tic-Tac-Toe-Game

“体验Tic Tac Toe永恒的乐趣!在这款时尚、用户友好的网络版本中与朋友玩游戏或挑战计算机。凭借直观的控制和时尚的设计,享受无穷无尽的战略游戏。简单但令人上瘾,这是所有年龄段的经典娱乐!”
"Experience the timeless fun of Tic-Tac-Toe! Play against a friend or challenge the computer in this sleek, user-friendly web version. With intuitive controls and stylish design, enjoy endless rounds of strategic gameplay. Simple yet addictive, it s classic entertainment for all ages!" (2024-03-18, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] capstone_project_QS_WC_RP

这是一个新闻网页,在Django框架上托管时以HTML、CSS和JavaScript制作。该项目由Quinton Summerford、Will Collins和Rkay Pickering为我们在大本营编码学院的顶级项目创建。
This is a news webpage that was made in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript while being hosted on the Django framework. This project was created by Quinton Summerford, Will Collins, and RJay Pickering for our capstone project at Base Camp Coding Academy. (2024-02-28, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Java编程] TaotaoOnlineStore

加入Q群959706394,Coding from java。共同学习交流,群内会分享一些群主做过的一些经典项目,如慕课网实战项目,培训班就业项目,springboot经典项目。经典高并发分布式淘淘商城项目源码,黑马培训班大型就业项目。视频地址链接: [https: pan...](https: pan.baidu.com s 1_ftqTM58_YpM9iMFynzvIQ),
Join Q group 959706394, coding from java. Learn and exchange together. The group will share some classic projects that the group leaders have done, such as MOOC practical project, training class employment project, and spring boot classic project. Source code of classic high concurrency distributed Taotao Mall project, large employment project of dark horse training class. Video address link: [https: pan...] (https: pan. baidu. com s 1_ftqTM58_YpM9iMFynzvIQ), (2018-07-11, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] SimpleMobileSite

【响应式 微 网站模板】代码量极小,适用于PC、手机、 微 信 等不同终端浏览器或App的响应式网站模板。 适合场景包括手机游戏平台,新闻娱乐平台等。经过良好的兼容性测试,可以直接拿来用,也可应用于hybird app开发中
[Responsive microsite template] has a small amount of code and is suitable for responsive website templates of different terminal browsers or apps such as PC, mobile phone, WeChat, etc. Suitable scenes include mobile game platform, news and entertainment platform, etc. After a good compatibility test, it can be used directly or used in the development of hybird app (2017-09-21, CSS, 0KB, 下载0次)


[图形图象] yzsunlei.github

小磊哥er的博客总览:专栏、编程、阅读、思考。 旧版技术博客,停止更新,公网预览:[http: 2020.yzsunlei.com。新版技术博客,请访问http: www.yzsunlei.com](http: 2020.yzsunlei.com%E3%80%82%E6%96%B0%E7%89%88%E6%8A%80%E6%9C%AF%E5%8D%9A%E5%AE%A2%EF%BC%8C%E8%AF%B7%E8%AE%BF%E9%97%AEhttp: www.yzsunlei.com)
Xiaoleige er s blog overview: columns, programming, reading, thinking. Old version technology blog, stop updating, public preview: [http: 2020.yzsunlei.com. New version technology blog, please visit http: www.yzsunlei.com] (http: 2020.yzsunlei.com% E3% 80% 82% E6% 96% B0% E7% 89% 88% E6% 8A% 80% E6% 9C% AF% E5% 8D% 9A% E5% AE% A2% EF% BC% 8C% E8% AF% B7% E8% AE% BF% E9% 97% AEhttp: www.yzsunlei.com) (2020-10-03, CSS, 832KB, 下载0次)


[数据采集/爬虫] JD_crawl_synthesis

The data analysis part of the Python Full Stack Engineer of NetEase Micro specialty, the comprehensive project of JD commodity crawler, covers the whole process of commodity information acquisition, data warehousing, data analysis, front-end presentation and web service. (2020-09-23, CSS, 32226KB, 下载0次)


[后台框架] FlaskMooc

使用Flask框架 仿照慕课网课程《Python升级3.6 强力Django+杀手级Xadmin打造在线教育平台 》开发的在线教学平台 原课程使用django 该代码修改为flask
The online teaching platform developed by using Flask framework and imitating MOOC course Python Upgrade 3.6 Powerful Django+Killer Xadmin to Create Online Education Platform The original course uses django, which code is modified to flask (2018-03-08, CSS, 6250KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] MyRepo

后台通用管理系统,使用asp.net mvc +sqlserver+ vue cli4 + elementUI + typescript。实现登陆,身份认证,权限分配,管理员的增删改查,博客的增删改查,爬取天气数据。花生壳内网穿透:
The background general management system uses asp.net mvc+sqlserver+vue cli4+elementUI+typescript. Realize login, identity authentication, permission allocation, administrator s addition, deletion, modification and query, blog addition, deletion, modification and query, and crawl weather data. Peanut shell inner net penetration: (2023-01-05, CSS, 2982KB, 下载0次)


[博客] hexo-blog

个人博客备份,基于 maupassant 主题做了一些个性化的改造,增加了网易云跟帖、相册、头像的模块,如果喜欢,fork 后可直接使用。
Personal blog backup, based on the maupassant theme, has made some personalized modifications, and added Netease Cloud post following, photo album, and avatar modules. If you like, you can use them directly after forking. (2022-02-09, CSS, 1298KB, 下载0次)


[中文大模型] setool-master

SetoolMaster is an advanced social engineering tool developed by Python 3 that allows you to get started and go to jail. Including global positioning, Ngrok intranet penetration, Seeker high-precision positioning, web phishing, virus attacks, threatening ransomletters, crawls, website cloning, IoT device search, etc., with Chinese support (2022-10-15, CSS, 22998KB, 下载0次)


[NFT] -daohang

IPv6 is no longer the future. With every computer having a public IP address, connected devices at home can be remotely managed. Outside, they can be managed by accessing their home NAS, using a simple navigation website to save the need to remember the address of each device. (2019-12-10, CSS, 2378KB, 下载0次)


[特征抽取] guanchazhe_spider

Observer News Web Crawler (News Crawler), based on Python+Flask+Echarts, implements homepage and more news page crawling (Requests+tree+Xpath), news storage (MySQL), text analysis (Jieba), and visualization (news word cloud, word frequency statistics). (2021-10-28, CSS, 9509KB, 下载0次)


[GPT/ChatGPT] GPT3-site

Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3是一个自回归语言模型,使用深度学习生成类人文本。它是由位于旧金山的人工智能研究实验室OpenAI创建的GPT-n系列中的第三代语言预测模型。本网站是信息网站的前端...
Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 is an autoregressive language model that uses deep learning to produce human-like text. It is the third-generation language prediction model in the GPT-n series created by OpenAI, a San Francisco-based artificial intelligence research laboratory. This website serves as the Frontend for an information website ... , (2022-02-13, CSS, 19669KB, 下载0次)
