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[Leetcode/题库] online_merge_offline_education

在线教育多网校系统,自主研发集知识付费、直播授课、在线教育功能为一体的在线/直播/题库/考试(exam)的教育平台系统, stars:0, update:2024-06-28 09:59:40 (2024-06-28, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Rust编程] tickets

大麦、大麦网 演唱会抢票软件,一个基于 tauri + rust + vue 调用接口的抢票软件。
The concert ticket grabbing software of barley and barley net is a ticket grabbing software based on tauri+trust+vue call interface. (2024-05-08, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] VScout

VScout is an analytical tool for exploring Avalanche Network subnetworks (dynamic validator pools), and an interface for monitoring individual node metrics. (2024-05-07, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] qyMart

Qingyou store applet, including mobile terminal management system, has two interfaces for businesses and individuals, uses uniCloud cloud development to write back-end functions, uses uni id to achieve login and registration, and uses uni pay to achieve WeChat and Alipay (2024-03-08, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] canteen_order_cos

基于SpringBoot的药品销售系统 包括不限于 公告管理,菜品管理,员工管理,用户管理,销售统计,商家管理,订单管理,订单配送,支付宝沙盒支付,收货地址管理,积分兑换,会员折扣
The medicine sales system based on SpringBoot includes but is not limited to announcement management, dish management, employee management, user management, sales statistics, merchant management, order management, order delivery, Alipay sandbox payment, receiving address management, point exchange, member discount (2023-12-03, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SuperBot

基于JDK17开发的微信流量主小程序 ,内置图片服务器无需第三方OSS,内含两个版本,小程序与网页版本数据不连贯,接入支付宝当面付款
The main applet for WeChat traffic developed based on JDK17 has a built-in image server without third-party OSS, and contains two versions. The data of the applet and the web version are not consistent, so it is connected to Alipay to pay in person (2023-08-16, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[音频处理] vue-netease-music

基于 Vue2、Vue-CLI3 的高仿网易云 mac 客户端播放器(PC) Online Music Player,
Online Music Player (PC) based on Vue2 and Vue-CLI3, (2023-01-06, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] java_travel

基于Java的旅游信息网站 java+springboot+vue开发的旅游景区门票网站管理系统 - 毕业设计 - 课程设计,
The tourist attraction ticket website management system graduation design curriculum design developed by Java based tourism information website java+springboot+vue, (2023-09-27, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[硬件设计] webinterface

The web interface for the tool Adam (AdamMC and AdamSYNT) providing an intuitive, visual definition of Petri nets with transits and Petri games, and an interactive interface to the algorithms of AdamMC and AdamSYNT. Contains the repos (as submodules): libs, framework, logics, modelchecking, examples, synthesizer, high-level, webinterface-backend. (2022-04-05, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] chiko_music

For music websites based on TypeScript+Vue3.0, the data comes from the Netease Cloud interface and will be written when free., (2023-08-26, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] nbPlayer

Listen to music player with search. It is developed by vue3. x and can search Netease Cloud music and QQ music online, (2023-01-05, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[微信小程序] mpvue-b2c

基于mpvue框架,使用Vue.js开发、搭建一套完整的B2C电商小程序项目,可编译分发 微 信 小程序、支付宝小程序、抖音小程序、头条小程序、百度小程序
Based on the mpvue framework, use Vue.js to develop and build a complete set of B2C e-commerce applet projects, which can compile and distribute WeChat applet, Alipay applet, dithering applet, headline applet, Baidu applet (2021-07-23, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] vue-music

vue精仿网易云音乐播放器 ...慢慢填坑中.... preview page <a href="https://flantic.github.io/vue-music/" rel="nofollow">https://flantic.github.io/vue-music/</a> , stars:3, update:2017-07-01 03:11:30
vue精仿网易云音乐播放器 ...慢慢填坑中.... preview page <a href="https://flantic.github.io/vue-music/" rel="nofollow">https://flantic.github.io/vue-music/</a> , stars:3, update:2017-07-01 03:11:30 (2023-06-28, Vue, 0KB, 下载0次)


[构建工具] vue-movie

基于vue2.0构建的在线电影网【film】,webpack+vue+vuex+keepAlive+muse-ui+cordova 全家桶,打包成APP
Online movie network [film] based on vue2.0, webpack+vue+vuex+keepAlive+muse ui+cordova whole family bucket, packaged into APP (2022-05-01, Vue, 5156KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] minapp-hepburn-member

The membership management system supports online recharge, offline write off, evaluation and reward and other functions. The applet can be developed for cross platform use on the basis of uni app, and can be packaged to support WeChat, Alipay and other applets. (2020-08-05, Vue, 601KB, 下载0次)


[Web商城] Mall

一个spring boot+uniapp的JAVA开源商城系统,前后端分离、 [ 微信 + 支付宝 + 百度 + 头条 ] 小程序 + APP + 公众号,集成常用支付,是一套拥有完整的下单流程设计精美的商城开源系统。
A spring boot+uniapp JAVA open source mall system, with front and rear end separation, [WeChat+Alipay+Baidu+Headlines] applet+APP+public account integration, and common payment, is an open source mall system with complete order placing process design. (2020-07-06, Vue, 10779KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] NeteaseMusic

网易云音乐 & QQ音乐 & 咪咕音乐 第三方 web端 (可播放 vip、下架歌曲)
Netease Cloud Music&QQ Music&Migu Music Third party web terminal (can play vip and offline songs) (2021-07-13, Vue, 743KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] RuoYi-App

(RuoYi)官方仓库 RuoYi APP 移动端框架,基于uniapp+uniui封装的一套基础模版,支持H5、APP、微信小程序、支付宝小程序等,实现了与RuoYi-Vue、RuoYi- Cloud后台完美对接。
(RuoYi) The mobile end framework of the official warehouse RuoYi APP, based on a set of basic templates encapsulated by uniapp+uniui, supports H5, APP, WeChat applet, Alipay applet, etc., and achieves a perfect connection with the background of RuoYi Vue and RuoYi Cloud. (2023-04-06, Vue, 746KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] CUTE-

Python+scraper+mongodb crawls data from Tiantian Film and Television Network, builds backend APIs using Python+django+mongodb, and builds front-end frameworks using Vue. (2023-03-27, Vue, 816KB, 下载0次)


[前端开发] uk-doc

uk-doc,UIkit - 一款轻量级、模块化的前端框架,可快速构建强大的web前端界面 - UIkit中文网
Uk-doc, UIkit - a lightweight, modular front-end framework that can quickly build powerful web front-end interfaces - UIkit Chinese website (2019-04-20, Vue, 15132KB, 下载0次)
