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[其他] ZStack-CC2530-2.3.0-1.4.0

The network of zstack protocol stack completes the collection and transmission of LCD interface, serial port transmission and coordinator equipment based on DHT11 temperature and humidity (2020-07-21, C/C++, 9659KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 经典平差

Deal with the relevant problems of leveling network adjustment, output the adjustment report and the accuracy documents of each elevation point, and judge the accuracy of the adjustment results (2020-05-19, C/C++, 287KB, 下载1次)


[其他] ds18b20

With the serial port viewing tool, the ROM of a single DS18B20 can be viewed separately, and the temperature of each DS18B20 can be read through ROM matching, with adjustable precision. (2020-04-18, C/C++, 2472KB, 下载0次)


[其他] CNN_MNist

卷积神经网络是一类包含卷积计算且具有深度结构的前馈神经网络,是深度学习(deep learning)的代表算法之一。这是C++实现的卷积神经网络源码,识别手写阿位伯数字(以MNIST集为例),很容易改为识别汽车牌照的CN版本源码。
This is a convolutional neural network source code implemented by C + + (2020-04-11, C/C++, 185KB, 下载3次)


[其他] swmm5_1_014_engine

The source code of swmm, which can calculate the status of the drainage, it will be the core code to develop a model of drainage (2020-03-06, C/C++, 365KB, 下载0次)


[其他] CH08-KEA128-FTM_Timer

功能概要:构件化理解FTM的基本定时功能 版权所有:苏州大学飞思卡尔嵌入式中心(sumcu.suda.edu.cn) 版本更新:2015-05-07 V1.0 1. 工程概述 (1)本工程为KEA128微控制器的FTM基本定时测试程序 (4)启动FTM2计数器溢出中断,中断周期是100ms,每1s进行一次时间的更新, 并转换四盏小灯的状态。 2. 软件环境 (1)Kinetis Design Studio IDE v3.0. 3. 硬件环境 (1)TRK-KEA128 (2)灯0对应的引脚是PORTC0,灯1对应的引脚是PORTC1,灯2对应的引脚是PORTC2, 灯3对应的引脚是PORTC3 4. 实验现象 (1)TRK-KEA128板上的灯每1s转换一次亮暗状态。 (2)通过串口发送字符串"Hello FTM_Timer! 2015-05-07 "
Function summary: basic timing function of component-based understanding of FTM Copyright: sumcu.suda.edu.cn Version update: 2015-05-07 V1.0 (2020-02-26, C/C++, 877KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 一键快速切换双网卡

Press 1 to select network card 1, and press other keys to select network card 2 (2019-11-24, C/C++, 2KB, 下载0次)


[其他] SLAM第四讲作业及资料

This information is the source code and third-party library of Dr. Gao Xiang's devoted work "Visual Slm 14 Lectures", which should have been downloaded on the official website, but I also put it here for you to download and study. (2019-07-22, C/C++, 3589KB, 下载8次)


[其他] 6.0DolbyDigita杜比音效包

杜比音效 (Dolby Audio?) 技术是一系列用于为影院、家庭和途中提供丰富、清晰且撼人心魄的音效的强大技术。通过为用于广播、下载、流式传输、在影院中播放或通过光盘享受的内容提供充满活力的听感体验,该技术可进一步增强娱乐的感染力。
Dolby Audio technology is a series of powerful technologies used to provide rich, clear and exciting sound effects for cinemas, homes and on the way. This technology can further enhance the appeal of entertainment by providing a dynamic auditory experience for content used in broadcasting, downloading, streaming transmission, playback in cinemas or enjoyment through CD-ROMs. (2019-04-22, C/C++, 14872KB, 下载6次)


[其他] 19829EasyMesh

It has been successfully compiled with VC++6.0, which can be divided into triangles. It is easy to operate and suitable for many types of purposes. (2019-03-06, C/C++, 19KB, 下载2次)


[其他] 大漠答题器

Desert answerer gadget, answerer support for the image format of static pictures and dynamic pictures (picture sequence) (2019-02-11, C/C++, 310KB, 下载0次)


[其他] jsq

Network accelerator, support any game, support any process, own SOCKS5 proxy can be, proxy IP support TCP and UDP can be. These games are supported by steam. (2018-10-10, C/C++, 15152KB, 下载12次)


[其他] ifunbox_cn

iFunBox是iPhone以及苹果其他产品的通用文件管理软件。以类似windows资源管理器的窗口方式浏览和管理iPhone、iPad、 iPod touch上的文件和目录,使苹果各类设备得以共享彼此的资源,让您轻松上传电影、音乐、电子书、桌面、照片以及应用程序。还能把您的iPhone变为一个U盘,方便携带文件,需要iTunes支持
iFunbox to help you easily get a jailbreak iOS device root file system provides fast browsing, instant file preview and fast file search (2018-10-03, C/C++, 3187KB, 下载0次)


[其他] Rlab

(This document refers to the source code implementation of offer book, but also in the process of looking for a job to brush the title record, you can download and learn, can pass the Niukee test.) (2018-09-27, C/C++, 1867KB, 下载0次)


[其他] 爱代挂对接

Love to hang up the robot for details. (2018-08-05, C/C++, 1043KB, 下载1次)


[其他] 校园导游系统2016

/*校园导游程序*//用无向网表示学校的校园景点平面图,图中顶点表示主要景点, <br>存放景点的编号、名称、简介等信息,图中的边表示景点间的道路,存放路径长度等信息。要求能够回答有关景点介绍、游览路径等问题。
/ * campus tour guide program * / / / / / using undirected network to express the campus scenic spot map of the school. The main attractions are expressed in the vertex of the map. <br> stores the number, name, introduction and other information of the scenic spots. The edges of the drawings represent the road between the scenic spots and the length of the path. It is required to answer questions such as scenic spot introduction, sightseeing route and so on. (2018-04-28, C/C++, 6KB, 下载2次)


[其他] Local

Obtain the name and IP address of the computer, the subnet mask of the computer, the DNS setting of the computer, the network card address of the computer, the protocol of the computer installed, the service provided by the computer, all the network resources of the computer, all the network settings of the local computer, and all the information of the TCP/IP protocol of the computer (2018-04-24, C/C++, 129KB, 下载2次)


[其他] qt-vs-addin-1.1.5

Qt-vs-addin-1.1.5 can't find it on the official website, but there are still some techniques that need to be used in the original plug-in, so I've found a plug-in for qt-vs-addin-1.1.5 that can be perfectly integrated with VS2008 (2017-08-10, C/C++, 44685KB, 下载3次)


[其他] stm32

一种姿态传感器,本案例是STM32版本keil平台 通过串口读取数据的案例淘宝网购资源,供大家分享!
A gesture sensor, this case is STM32 version of the Keil platform, through the serial data to read the case, Taobao online shopping resources for you to share! (2017-07-06, C/C++, 1446KB, 下载2次)


[其他] helloworld-BT

输出Hello, World 混乱C语言的源代码(加密源代码,嘿嘿) 仅供朋友们“消遣作乐”,能够看懂是为什么固然不错。看不懂也不必太过认真,如果你要觉得有意思的话,顶顶贴。如果你觉得没什么意思的话,一笑了之。仅供娱乐而已,不必太过认真。
The output Hello, World chaotic C language source code (encrypted source code, Hei hei) only friends " entertainment creating music" , able to read it all very well why. There is no need to read too seriously, if you want to find interesting, then, Dingding paste. If you think there is any meaning, then laugh. Only for entertainment only, do not be too careful. (2009-12-12, C/C++, 370KB, 下载40次)
