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按平台查找All C(642) 

[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] Saffron_Dojo_Arm64

Jinhuang Taoist Temple is the official Taoist Temple of Jinhuang City. Its specialty is the super ability attribute Baokemeng. The owner of the Taoist Temple is Nazi. After winning, the protagonist can obtain a gold badge. (2024-03-27, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[C/C++基础] EasyMusic

This is an open source third-party Netease cloud music committed to using C++and win32 apis., (2023-10-03, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[TCP/IP协议栈] netPI-netx-ethernet-lan

Dockerfile生成的Docker镜像的来源“TCP IP over RTE工业以太网端口”,
Sources of Dockerfile generated Docker image "TCP IP over RTE Industrial Ethernet ports", (2021-03-28, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[交通/航空行业] flowatcher

用于具有DPDK的10 Gbit以太网的基于流量的实时流量监控工具,
Real-time flow-based traffic monitoring tool for 10 Gbit Ethernet with DPDK, (2017-05-22, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] blwnet_xram

Linux虚拟以太网驱动程序和实用程序,使BL808 Linux能够使用片上Wi-Fi,
Linux virtual Ethernet driver and utility enabling BL808 Linux to use on-chip Wi-Fi, (2023-08-18, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] soem

ROS package wrapping the Simple Open EtherCAT Master (SOEM) from , (2020-08-03, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WOAHS-X_10

WOAHS-X 10.7的宾馆存储库,这是OS X 10.7中的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WOAHS-X 10.7, an open source recreation of OS X 10.7. Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2023-04-10, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WOAHS-X_10

WOAHS-X 10.11的宾馆存储库,这是OS X 10.11中的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WOAHS-X 10.11, an open source recreation of OS X 10.11. Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2023-04-10, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WOAHS-X_10

WOAHS-X 10.8的宾馆存储库,这是OS X 10.8中的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WOAHS-X 10.8, an open source recreation of OS X 10.8. Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2023-04-10, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WOAHS-X_10

WOAHS-X 10.9的宾馆存储库,这是OS X 10.9中的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WOAHS-X 10.9, an open source recreation of OS X 10.9. Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2023-04-10, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] WacOS_13

WacOS 13的宾馆存储库,这是MacOS 13.x(Ventura)的开源娱乐。WacOS操作系统项目的一部分。
The guesthouse repository for WacOS 13, an open source recreation of MacOS 13.x (Ventura). Part of the WacOS operating system project. (2022-06-18, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] UDPHole

专门针对位于于CERNET+Internet NAT后的无公网IP的OpenVPN服务器打洞程序,
It is specially designed for the OpenVPN server holing program without public IP after CERNET+Internet NAT, (2019-01-19, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[wifi] wifi_link_tool

This is a general distribution network and cluster library designed for esp8266, (2023-01-28, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] MPU6050_KF_DMP

This is a small module based on STM32C6T6 and MPU6050. It is very similar to the GY-521 module bought on a treasure. It can also be understood that this is a 50+packaged module on a treasure. Here, DIY costs about a dozen yuan! The angles of the two axes filtered by Kalman can be output directly through UART, and SPI interface is reserved, which has not been developed yet (busy with re examination, (2023-03-12, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[嵌入式/单片机/硬件编程] openwrt-kmod-rb951g-2hnd-eth-fix

用于OpenWRT的Mikrotik RB951G-2HnD以太网修复内核模块,
Mikrotik RB951G-2HnD ethernet fix kernel module for OpenWRT, (2020-01-26, C, 0KB, 下载0次)


[] V3S_OV2640_RTMP

RTMP live video monitoring platform based on Quanzhi V3S platform, OV2640 camera and Ethernet network. (2019-08-14, C, 20704KB, 下载0次)


[3G/4G/5G开发] pcbcrew-esp32-router

ESP32 Wi-Fi、以太网和4G LTE网络路由器
ESP32 Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and 4G LTE Network Router (2023-04-12, C, 1461KB, 下载0次)


[uCOS/RTOS] stm32h7-nucleo-h743zi-ethernet-lwip

Nucleo-H743ZI+以太网+LwIP(无RTOS)+静态IP。立方体MX 5.0。生成文件。打开OCD。
Nucleo-H743ZI + Ethernet + LwIP (without RTOS) + Static IP. CubeMX 5.0. Makefile. OpenOCD. (2020-03-08, C, 1669KB, 下载0次)


[] trivechain-core

This is the core of Trivechain, available in MacOS, Windows and Linux. Trivechain (TRVC) is a games and entertainment public blockchain protocol managed by Decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) which focuses on games and entertainment to enter the new era digital age with the implementation of blockchain-based technology and DApps (2021-06-01, C, 36091KB, 下载0次)


[模式识别(视觉/语音等)] diff

This tool is used to examine speech recognition output and find words/characters that are different in 2 output transcripts. Supports utf-8 string inputs (it s been tested on American English (en-US) and Traditional Chinese (zh-CN)) (2019-03-20, C, 9KB, 下载0次)
