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按分类查找All Linux/Unix编程(576) 

[Linux/Unix编程] ipModify

能够修改Linux系统(Centos、Ubuntu、 Deepin )的ip地址,有两个选择: 1.随机生成一个当前网段的ip 2.你自己写一个当前网段的ip 下载该脚本执行后,若ip没变化,请自行根据系统执行相应的重启网卡命令,或者统一...
You can modify the IP address of the Linux system (Centos, Ubuntu, Deepin). There are two options: 1. Randomly generate an IP address of the current network segment. 2. Write an IP address of the current network segment yourself. Download the script and execute it. If the IP address does not change, please execute the corresponding command to restart the network card according to the system, or unify (2023-04-12, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] reading-code-of-nginx-1.9

Nginx 1.9.2 Source code read through analysis comments, with detailed function Chinese analysis comments and related function process call comments, the most comprehensive nginx source code read through analysis Chinese comments, updated (2021-07-26, C, 59930KB, 下载0次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Linux设备驱动开发详解_宋宝华

Linux device driver of Linux device model manual is an abstract data structure architecture of system equipment organization, aiming at the device driver layer, classification, organization. Reduce the diversity of Linux equipment driver development complexity, and equipment of hot plug processing, power management etc.. (2017-11-14, C/C++, 8525KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] lte-sim-r5

a c++ based LTE link level simulater ,cancarry out simulation in single-down link,single-cell,multi-user and multi-cell scenarios. (2017-07-19, C/C++, 16042KB, 下载15次)


[Linux/Unix编程] MasterManagementWifi

The code demonstrates how to encapsulate the Ethernet message to link layer communication and how to filter the received message by using socket (2017-07-07, C/C++, 29KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] little-nfr

nfr as part of linux system firewall, this project complete migration out of the module for the development of network content monitoring , network security program (2015-01-08, Unix_Linux, 5755KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] 85375531ABS_Guide_cn

Bash编程参考手册,使用bash shell的教程,毫无疑问,UNIX/Linux 最重要的软件之一就是shell,目前最流行的shell 被称为Bash(Bourne AgainShell),几乎所有的Linux 和绝大部分的UNIX 都可以使用
Bash Programming Reference Manual, using the bash shell tutorial, no doubt, UNIX/Linux, one of the most important software shell, is currently the most popular shell is called Bash (Bourne AgainShell), almost all Linux and the vast majority ofUNIX can use (2012-11-16, Unix_Linux, 1335KB, 下载4次)


[Linux/Unix编程] VMware-configuration-of-dou-card

This article describes the configuration of ubuntu under dual-card method, that is, a network card on the external network and another connected with the development board (2011-10-19, Unix_Linux, 987KB, 下载20次)


[Linux/Unix编程] iptables-testing

iptables 是与最新的 2.4.x 版本 Linux 内核集成的 IP 信息包过滤系统。如果 Linux 系统连接到因特网或 LAN、服务器或连接 LAN 和因特网的代理服务器, 则该系统有利于在 Linux 系统上更好地控制 IP 信息包过滤和防火墙配置。
iptables is the latest Linux kernel 2.4.x versions of the integrated IP packet filtering system. If the Linux system is connected to the Internet or LAN, servers or networks connected LAN and the Internet proxy server, the system helps the Linux system to better control the IP packet filtering and firewall configuration. (2011-04-22, Unix_Linux, 232KB, 下载2次)


[Linux/Unix编程] peaSniffer

Linux, Pocket prepared using lipcap network sniffer with the Ethernet packet capture, reconstruction http and dns painting functions. Development environment for the QT-creator (2010-07-08, QT, 1080KB, 下载64次)


[Linux/Unix编程] Supplicant

Ruijie under Linux, the next can be applied in Ubuntu, can be a good solution to the problem of Campus Network (2010-05-05, Unix_Linux, 163KB, 下载15次)


[Linux/Unix编程] ethtool-3.tar

This is a network access to the mouth of the open source code information ethtool, was a good tool (2009-08-21, Unix_Linux, 111KB, 下载84次)


[Linux/Unix编程] drv.tar

Rtl8187 driver under Linux. Wireless network card is a powerful usb wireless card. Outdoor transmission distance up to 1km. (2009-06-29, C/C++, 100KB, 下载41次)


[Linux/Unix编程] qt-3.0.5-doc-zh_CN-20040303.tar

Qt is a multi-platform C++ graphical user interface application framework. It provides application developers to establish the-art graphical user interface functionality required by. Qt is fully object-oriented extension of the very easy, and allows true component programming. (2009-06-11, PDF, 650KB, 下载14次)


[Linux/Unix编程] linux_source_reading_requirement

Linux 源代码阅读知识点及要求 说明:1、本次源代码阅读,以Linux 最新的稳定版本(2.6)为主; 2、源代码下载地址: 在官方站点 www.kernel.org 上最新稳定版本是; 在清华的 ftp 上随时都可以下载到: ftp.tsinghua.edu.cn/mirror/kernel.org/linux/kernel/v2.6/ 3、源代码阅读辅助工具: 在Windows 环境下推荐SourceInsight3.5 在Linux 环境下推荐SourceNavigator 5 这两个软件都已经上传课程论坛
Linux source code to read the knowledge points and requirements: 1, read the source code to the latest stable version of Linux (2.6) mainly 2, the source code to download Address: www.kernel.org on the official site is the latest stable version in Tsinghua University on the ftp can be downloaded at any time to: ftp.tsinghua.edu.cn/mirror/kernel.org/linux/kernel/v2.6/3, the source code of reading aids: In the Windows environment recommended SourceInsight3.5 recommended in the Linux environment SourceNavigator 5 of these two software programs have been Forum Upload (2009-06-02, Windows_Unix, 121KB, 下载5次)


[Linux/Unix编程] ipset

The realization of this program in Linux on ARM board for IP settings. Can call this procedure to change the IP address, gateway, and subnet mask (2009-05-26, Unix_Linux, 2KB, 下载84次)


[Linux/Unix编程] vivi

Supervivi the source, in great detail, including many features, usb download, Ethernet, direct running (2008-10-21, Visual C++, 507KB, 下载495次)


[Linux/Unix编程] drcom-1.4.4.tar

This is a study on under linux on the outside network drcom1.4.4, is the latest hope of U.S. useful Oh! (2008-05-07, C/C++, 42KB, 下载11次)


[Linux/Unix编程] dhcp_autoip_client

Program under the Linux client and the dhcp client autoip function, that is, when the networks have dhcp server dhcp server access from the IP, there is no strategy by autoip network segment automatically generate IP, to achieve ad hoc network function. (2008-03-29, Unix_Linux, 23KB, 下载133次)


[Linux/Unix编程] gui44

Unique net-enabled GUI system based state of the art coding solutions with strong XML support.
Unique net-enabled GUI system based state of the art coding solutions with strong XML support. (2004-10-04, LINUX, 1004KB, 下载16次)
