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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(42) 
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[JavaScript/JQuery] project-travel

Recently, I have been working on a small project, a tourism website. The previous page is provided with materials, mainly dealing with logical business, including registration, login, verification code verification, sending emails to users, and activating an account by logging in to the email. In addition, the navigation bar combines Redis database and relational database to store category information and query travel related routes. Below (2019-03-30, HTML, 72214KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jq

本人亲自翻译的最新版的jQuery API中文手册(v3.2.1)。现在网上还没有其它人发布出jQuery 3.2.1的中文手册。 请解压后在文件夹里直接打开,首页是index.html。 jQuery是一个快速、小巧、功能丰富的JavaScript库。利用一些容易上手的API,它使一些任务,譬如HTML文档遍历和操纵、事件处理、动画,以及Ajax更简单,并能跨浏览器起作用。如果你是jQuery新手,我们建议你学习一下jQuery学习中心。 如果你已经更新到新的jQuery版本,请确保已经读取了在我们的博客上发布的新公告。如果你是从jQuery 1.9以前的版本升级过来的,你还应该检查1.9更新指南。
jQuery v3.2.1 API Reference(zh-cn). It was translated by me. Query is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers. If you're new to jQuery, we recommend that you check out the jQuery Learning Center. (2017-12-26, HTML, 1498KB, 下载1次)
