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[快速开发平台] frontend-download-sample

自己整理的一些项目中遇到过的关于上传和下载的一些Demo,仅供给位看官参考,避免踩坑,即插即用,欢迎fork和star ,为这个仓库添砖加瓦~(P.S. 个人认为如果没写过上传下载其实还是挺麻烦的~),
Some Demos about uploading and downloading encountered in some projects sorted out by myself are only for the reference of the onlookers to avoid stepping into the hole, plug and play, welcome fork and star, and contribute to the warehouse~(P.S. personally thinks it is troublesome if he has not written about uploading and downloading~), (2022-12-08, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] developer-roadmap-zh-CN

Roadmap to becoming a Internet software developer,校招技术岗学习路线图与资源推荐,成为一名研发工程师求职所需要的最少技能中文版,包括Java、C++、Golang、前端、Python等学习大纲、路线以及资源推荐。,
Roadmap to become an Internet software developer, a learning roadmap and resource recommendation for school recruited technical posts. The Chinese version of the minimum skills required for a research and development engineer to apply for a job, including learning outlines, routes and resource recommendations for Java, C++, Golang, front-end, Python, etc., (2023-04-18, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] SimpleSqlSugar

For the secondary encapsulation of the singleton mode of sqlsugar based on fructose web, it is not necessary to create a new dbcontext class for each project. All the functions of sqlsugar can be used by simply injecting SimpleSqlSugar., (2023-03-15, C#, 0KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] dsshop

Vue2.0+Laravel7 lightweight, multi language, easy to open and cross terminal shopping mall system, low code, no code, complete front and rear end separation, free and open source for commercial use, H5 shopping mall e-commerce platform, WeChat small program shopping mall e-commerce platform; Support website, PWA, H5, WeChat applet, Alipay applet, Baidu applet, byte beating applet, and security (2023-06-06, Others, 377279KB, 下载0次)


[快速开发平台] drop-in

Commerce Layer drop-in.js lets you transform any plain HTML page into an enterprise-grade static commerce website, with almost no coding required, thanks to a set of micro frontends that handle the main ecommerce functionalities. (2023-05-24, TypeScript, 387KB, 下载0次)
