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[虚拟化] Terraform-infrastructure-ITI

This repository automates AWS infrastructure setup using Terraform. It configures a VPC with public and private subnets, deploys EC2 instances, RDS, and ElastiCache. Variable files for different environments like "prod" and "dev" are included. (2024-05-19, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[代理服务器] Terraform_project

This Terraform script can build a bastion host, public and private subnets in a VPC, set up an Internet Gateway and a NAT Gateway, and allow internet connectivity with EC2 instances in the private subnet. (2024-04-22, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] AWSCoreInfrastructureSetup

Using IaC tool Terraform for setting up AWS Cloud infrastructure. Setting VPC, public subnet, EC2 instance inside it, security group. Configuring internet gateway and route table. (2024-04-15, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] TerraformGcp

Working with Terraform to create different types of resources (VPC, custom subnet, temporary instance with startup script, load balancer, images, instance groups...) (2024-04-10, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Infrastructure-as-Code-Using-Terraform

欢迎使用AWS Infrastructure Terraform Repository!构建您的梦想设置:VPC、子网、网关、EC2、RDS等!在这里开始您的可扩展、安全的AWS应用程序旅程!
Welcome to the AWS Infrastructure Terraform Repository! Build your dream setup: VPC, subnets, gateways, EC2, RDS & more! Start your scalable, secure AWS app journey here! (2024-03-03, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[MySQL数据库] php_fpm_nginx_mysql_aws_infra

使用AWS(VPS EC2 RDS S3)的网站基础设施的地形构建器。通过2个子网(公私)和2 EC2,NGINX作为代理,PHP FPM作为网站引擎(支持Laravel)。
A terraform builder of the website infrastructure using AWS (VPS EC2 RDS S3). By 2 subnets(public private) and 2 EC2 with NGINX as a proxy and PHP FPM as website engine(Laravel supported). (2024-02-27, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] terraform-azurerm-bastion

Azure堡垒模块,您可以调用它来快速将堡垒主机+堡垒子网部署到您的vnet。然后,您可以使用堡垒功能连接到Azure VM(ssh,rdp)。
An Azure bastion module you can call to quickly deploy a bastion host + bastion subnet to your vnet. You then can use bastion features to connect to your Azure VM (ssh, rdp). (2024-02-06, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] vpc-private-ec2-app

This repo. consists of vpc having 2 private and public subnets, instance deployed in private and internet-facing LB is attached to backen… (2024-01-13, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] Ec2_webSever_with_terraform

为Vpc提供与路由表相关联的四个子网、弹性IP地址和AWS云中具有地形的Ec2 Web服务器。
Provisioning a Vpc with four subnets associated to a route table, an Elastic IP address and an Ec2 Web server with terraform in AWS cloud. (2023-12-23, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] terraform-webserver-cluster-cloudfront-aws-waf

This Terraform config sets up a VPC, public subnets, Application Load Balancer (ALB), Auto Scaling Group (ASG), and other networking components along with AWS WAF rules to deploy and securely host a web application. (2023-11-28, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[其他] aws-terraform-vpc-webapp

This Terraform project creates a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with public and private subnets across two availability zones, sets up an Internet Gateway, configures route tables, launches web servers (EC2 instances) with a simple HTML page using user data, and creates an Application Load Balancer (ALB) to distribute traffic across these instances. (2023-10-18, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[系统/网络安全] terraform-azurerm-alz-subnet

This module is used to deploy subnet with network security group and route table associated as workaround to the azurerm_subnet resource so it doesn t conflict with the Azure Landing Zone policies Subnets should have a Network Security Group and Subnets should have a User Defined Route which are commonly used in Azure Landing Zone Ref. Architecture (2023-10-05, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[虚拟化] terraform-p1-aws

我的第一个Terraform项目通过设置一个基本的AWS web服务器来探索IaC。使用资源;VPC,互联网网关,路由表,子网...,
My first Terraform project exploring IaC by setting up a basic AWS web server. Using resources; VPC, Internet Gateway, Route Table, Subnet, Route Table Association, Security Groups, Network Interface, Elastic IP, EC2. (2023-09-19, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] terraform-google-network-vpc

用于在Google Cloud中创建和管理虚拟专用网络(VPC)的地形模块,
A Terraform module to create and manage a Virtual Private Network (VPC) in Google Cloud , (2022-11-05, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] aws-hub-and-transitgateway

Terraform Components: AWS Hub and Transit Gateway. You may find this module useful if you re building a "Hub and Spoke" layout network, as advocated by various security firms, including Check Point and FortiNet. (2020-10-12, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库系统] terraform_AWS_vpc_redshift_cluster_project

Creating a complete VPC, with three public subnets and route table in three AZ s for HA with an AWS redshift cluster all in terraform. Tested with SQL Workbench (2021-09-29, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[云原生工具] terraform-ibm-landing-zone-vpc

Creates virtual servers across subnets in a single VPC connected by a single security group. Supports floating IP addresses and multiple load balancers. (2023-06-17, HCL, 145KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] AWS-WordPress

在AWS Cloud上实现自己的安全架构。创建自己的公共和私有子网并启动前端en...
Implementation of own secure architecture on AWS Cloud. Creating own Public and Private Subnet and launching front-end application on Public and backend database on private subnet. (2020-11-02, HCL, 3KB, 下载0次)


[建站系统] Wordpress_with_RDS-Database

Terraform code to create your own vpc along with private and public subnet to host a Wordpress site with RDS database on AWS. (2020-07-20, HCL, 3KB, 下载0次)


[聚类算法] dr-playbook-cn

本专题是模拟一个典型的 Web Hosting 场景,即 WordPress Cluster 在不同场景下进行不同类型的备份。通过此模拟场景,提供不同场景下,不同类型的灾备 解决方案、架构图、成本估算、 执行步骤 和 自动化脚本 。
This topic simulates a typical Web Hosting scenario, where WordPress Cluster performs different types of backups in different scenarios. Through this simulation scenario, provide different types of disaster recovery solutions, architecture diagrams, cost estimates, execution steps, and automation scripts for different scenarios. (2019-10-11, HCL, 3280KB, 下载0次)
