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按分类查找All JavaScript/JQuery(134) 
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[JavaScript/JQuery] Joke-Generator

该存储库包含一个Random Joke Generator,这是一个有趣的web应用程序,它可以生成随机笑话,为用户带来笑声和娱乐。该生成器使用JavaScript、HTML和CSS开发,从预定义的集合或外部API中获取笑话,并在网页上动态显示它们。
This repository houses a Random Joke Generator, a fun and entertaining web application that generates random jokes to bring laughter and amusement to users. Developed using JavaScript, HTML, and CSS, this generator fetches jokes from a predefined collection or an external API and displays them dynamically on the webpage. (2024-04-29, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Fun2shot

Welcome to my collection of small games built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! This repository showcases a variety of simple yet engaging games that I ve developed as part of my learning journey in web development. From classic favorites to innovative twists, these games offer entertainment for players of all ages. (2024-04-21, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] MINI-ARCADE

Mini Arcade project – your one-stop destination for a nostalgic gaming experience right in your browser! Say goodbye to installations and hello to hours of entertainment with our collection of classic games that evoke the golden age of arcades. (2024-03-28, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Web-AnimePalooza

Welcome to AnimePalooza, your ultimate destination for streaming the latest and greatest anime, movies, TV shows, dramas, manga, and more. Dive into a world of endless entertainment with our vast collection of anime content. (2024-02-24, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] theTriviaGame

欢迎来到我的第一个(也许不是最后一个)琐事游戏!这个交互式测验是使用HTML、CSS、JavaScript和jQuery创建的,遵循MVC架构。从Open Trivia Database API提供的大量类别中随机选择10个问题,体验富有挑战性和娱乐性的体验。
Welcome to my first (maybe not the last) Trivia Game! This interactive quiz was created using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery, following the MVC architecture. Dive into a challenging and entertaining experience with 10 randomly selected questions from a vast array of categories provided by the Open Trivia Database API. (2023-12-30, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] SimpleICVEMOOCHelper

一个低风险的职教云网课兼考试助手 - 油猴子脚本( 支持MOOC学院, 职教云,智慧职教资源库平台 )
A low-risk vocational education cloud course and exam assistant - Oil Monkey Script (supporting MOOC Academy, vocational education cloud, and smart vocational education resource library platform) (2022-06-25, JavaScript, 40KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 好父母教育视频网自适应响应式教育网站双模板下载

Responsive Education Website (2019-04-15, JavaScript, 868KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Openlayers2开发指南

针对内网、局域网环境开放离线地图说明文档 方式采用openlayer2 ;即ol2
Openlayer2 is adopted to open offline map description document for Intranet and LAN environment; Namely ol2 (2019-03-13, JavaScript, 1073KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 2

JQuery Picture Overlay Click Rotation Switching Code is based on jquery-1.11.0.min.js. It imitates Yinyang Teacher's game official website click image rotation effect, picture overlay rotation effect, picture overlay rotation switch code. (2019-01-16, JavaScript, 418KB, 下载0次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] 好例子网_FormDesign

This is a dynamic creation of forms, custom forms, users can drag and pull to generate the form elements they want. (2018-05-14, JavaScript, 6910KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] comment

Under appcan platform, with javascript and html achieve forum comment, view etc. (2014-07-24, JavaScript, 21569KB, 下载6次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JsDemo

页面前端面试题源码 js实现动态加载颜色 js用户体验 UCD编程设计 星网锐捷UCD面试题
The page front face questions Source js to achieve dynamic load color the js the user experience design of the UCD programming the satellite network ruijie UCD face questions (2013-04-08, JavaScript, 2KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] javascriptTest

This is a javascript written using a text input prompt to verify your registration page of the U.S. code (2013-01-02, JavaScript, 515KB, 下载6次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] scroll

Large promotional banner will appear when the page finishes loading about 3 seconds only reduced height becomes low similar QQ news site (2012-09-21, JavaScript, 198KB, 下载3次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] Learning_jQuery_1.3

《jQuery基础教程》升级版,涵盖jQuery1.3 Amazon全五星盛誉 jQuery官方网站网帖推荐
Betterinteraction Design and Web Development with Simple Javascript Techniques (2012-08-24, JavaScript, 45605KB, 下载5次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] shishangweiyu

A bath appliances on health online shopping network, using javascript to write, is still very functional compared to the complete (2011-10-27, JavaScript, 4975KB, 下载2次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jingdong

Jingdong jquery multi-product page showing the code map, mouse over the picture with zoom effect easy to view product details, the code for shop products (2011-09-04, JavaScript, 361KB, 下载13次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] JavaScriptshouce

JavaScript 是网景(Netscape)公司开发的一种基于客户端浏览器、面向(基于)对象、事件驱动式的网页脚本语言。
JavaScript is Netscape (Netscape) has developed a browser-based client-oriented (based) object, event-driven web scripting language. (2011-07-22, JavaScript, 108KB, 下载5次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] jquery-easyui-Tutorial

chm 格式 的 jquery easyui 指南
jquery-easyui-Tutorial (2010-07-10, JavaScript, 361KB, 下载90次)


[JavaScript/JQuery] IxEdit_pack_cn

IxEdit中文版 所见即所得的jQuery设计工具
IxEdit is a JavaScript-based interaction design tool for the web. With IxEdit, designers can practice DOM-scripting without coding to change, add, move, or transform elements dynamically on your web pages. Especially, IxEdit must be useful to try various interactions rapidly in the prototyping phase of your web application. (2009-12-28, JavaScript, 245KB, 下载3次)
