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[Pascal/Delphi编程] 3

This Delphi communication gateway platform has realized multi-threading, and now some communicators are still using it, and a simple modification can be applied to mobile, Netcom and other communication systems. (2018-11-12, Delphi, 845KB, 下载1次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] DELPH_DBGRIDEH_101

DBGRIDEH 是Enlib 3.0组件包中的组件之一。Enlib 3.0组件包是一位俄国人为增强 Borland 系列开发工具功能而开发的第三方组件,它具有界面友好、功能强大、开发效率高、、 快速制作预览/打印简单中国式报表等特点。因此,一推出即受到广大Borland 程序员的青 睐。目前这个版本支持Borland Delphi versions 4,5,6&7 和Borland C++ Builder versions 4 & 5 ,可极大地提高数据库应用系统客户端的性能
DBGRIDEH is one of the components Enlib 3.0 Components package. Enlib 3.0 component package is a series of Russian human Borland development tools to enhance the development of third-party components and features, it has a friendly interface, powerful features, the development of high efficiency, rapid production preview/print features simple Chinese-style reports. Therefore, a launch that is favored by the majority of Borland programmers. This version currently supports Borland Delphi versions 4,5,6 & 7 and Borland C++ Builder versions 4 & 5, can greatly improve the performance of the client database application system (2014-03-09, Delphi, 634KB, 下载6次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] touch

Windows XP平台下的一个触摸屏程序,功能简单,只是用WebBrowser控件来显示网页而己。
a touch-screen application based on the Windows XP platform. Its features are very simple, just to display web pages with the WebBrowser control. (2013-07-22, Delphi, 273KB, 下载12次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] VPNbhq

Can fill in the VPN server IP/domain name, account number password automatically establish VPN connection, realize dialing! (2013-01-30, Delphi, 25KB, 下载68次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] weather

Weather forecast, the code is very simple, in fact, is to get the information and the address information in the external network IP www.ip138.com. Then get the weather forecast. (2012-09-29, Delphi, 132KB, 下载14次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] NetTV

A small program to watch network TV, you can watch some of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, some of the film. Some connections may fail, but can refer to their works. (2011-11-15, Delphi, 272KB, 下载18次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] guaji

Continuing education of primary and secondary site automatically hang up, cheating software, eliminating the majority of teachers trouble (2011-10-13, Delphi, 616KB, 下载36次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] paipaicode

A pat on their own network candid writing process. To time may be automatically prompted to write very well. I used it successfully grabbed several pieces of one dollar things (2011-09-10, Delphi, 271KB, 下载31次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] Float

Oh, bleeding, a contribution from the hexadecimal floating-point convert the dll source code, programmers who told me to open distribution networks from so many things to download it (2011-08-17, Delphi, 57KB, 下载16次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] TestInternet

Testing Web links, database links are normal, real-time to determine the current state of network links, and can determine in what way is through the network. (2010-12-18, Delphi, 884KB, 下载90次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] xjjvoutbar

资源名称:XJJvOutBar 资源描述: 美化版的JVouLookBar控件 使用前先使用我修改过的jvoutlookbar.pas覆盖原版的文件, 然后重新编译JvCustomDXD.dpk和JvCustomDXR.dpk包 注:这里的“X”根据你使用的delphi版本而定 如果没有安装过我的basedpk包,则要安装。 属性简介: BackPage:设置页背景画面 BackPageButton:设置页按钮背景画面 BackDownButton:设置按下按钮背景画面 BackHotButton:设置鼠标划过按钮画面 作者:徐进 www.xjmaxsoft.com wadhy@people.com.cn
outbar (2010-07-28, Delphi, 574KB, 下载2次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] 200621110151714

这是一个从指定网页格式分离单词的小程序,自动从http://www.fane.cn/article_list.asp?c_id=1&s_id=1链接抓取分析其它可用链接,然后对所有链接进行分析找到可用页面然后分离中英文单词,并进行分类。 使用了多线程处理,遇到了很有趣的多个不同功能的许多线程相互协调工作的问题,由于采用主线程进行消息处理安排线和工作流程所以会产生主程序窗口被堵死情况,特别是在开的线程很多的时候。
This is a separate word from the specified Web page format, a small program to automatically grab the link from http://www.fane.cn/article_list.asp?c_id=1& s_id=1 analysis of other available link, and then analyzed to find all the links available page and then the separation of English words, and classify. Shi Yong Le multi-threaded processing encountered a very interesting Di several different Gongneng of many Xianchengxianghu the issue of coordination, 由于 using principal Xianchengjinhang messaging and work arrangements Xian Hui Chan Sheng Liu Cheng is why the main program window is blocked 情况, especially in Open thread many times. (2010-07-26, Delphi, 699KB, 下载7次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] 2007251319352

A few days ago saw in the station ' Campanula night Siyu' do ' QQ crazy robot automatically dig up treasure, the answer' to download using a bit. Some of the library found the answer the answer is wrong. And the new title came out to hand to join. So far as wind chimes with night Siyu their procedures done on the basis of a little. Now essentially completed automatically, and do not simulate the mouse to click on flash, and automatically add a new question. Tips based on answers to judge correctly. If not it will choose another answer, until the correct date. Basically, the automatic can be achieved. Do not start digging up treasure after the tube, and its something else to do. (2010-07-17, Delphi, 950KB, 下载4次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] IPchange

分别设置在办公室和家里使用时需要使用的IP地址、子网掩码、默认网关以及DNS服务器地址。 上网时根据情况选择ip。
Were set in the office and home use need to use the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway, and DNS server address. Surfing the web to choose according to ip. (2010-03-03, Delphi, 332KB, 下载38次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] CmccTypeWriteUpLoad

Is at work to do before移动营业厅one of several programs. In order to meet the qualifying examination typing this off. At that time, casually to colleagues to carry out this type of procedure for the exercise. To this end also got two days for vacation. Now left. Also publish them for all to entertainment. (2009-11-29, Delphi, 122KB, 下载6次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] DevExpress

DevExpress For Delphi2009
DevExpress For Delphi2009 (2009-06-13, Delphi, 10475KB, 下载220次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] GameTest

delphi write network capture tools, you can view the network adapter to receive data in support of the two modes asii and hex (2008-10-08, Delphi, 261KB, 下载208次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] ocr

识别动网asp论坛的验证码 程序语言:delphi 7.0 作者:netdust 2007-12-4
Identification of actin forum asp net programming language code: delphi 7.0 Author: netdust 2007-12-4 (2008-06-15, Delphi, 823KB, 下载234次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] Sample_Delphi

西门子Prodave6.0 的Delphi 版本, 需要安装 Prodave60软件,支持以太网通讯
Siemens Prodave6.0 the Delphi version Prodave60 need to install software, support for Ethernet communication (2008-06-08, Delphi, 903KB, 下载476次)


[Pascal/Delphi编程] modifyComputer

read and set up to provide computer-related information systems. If ID card. modification of computer IP \ Subnet Mask \ Gateway \ DNS, and other system information. (2007-04-11, Delphi, 191KB, 下载147次)
