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按分类查找All 系统编程(185) 

[系统编程] electricity

With the rapid development of China's economy, the safe operation of power grid power plant equipment and other infrastructure is also put forward higher requirements, the major power companies in the inspection and maintenance of equipment line, put a lot of manpower and material resources. However, due to technical limitations, the link existing power patrol inspection efficiency is low, difficult to manage such problems, at the same time, the construction of the original manual record and report form also limits the power of modern operation management, information management management is the inevitable trend of a kind of management, to solve these problems, the electric power system equipment inspection has the inevitability and necessity of development. This product is a kind of equipment intelligent patrol system, which is mainly used for the inspection of the equipment and the management of the maintenance work in the electric power equipment management department. (2017-08-31, Java, 10979KB, 下载19次)


[系统编程] VBshangchangguanl_code

1、 系统功能的基本要求: 前台POS销售系统(基本功能): 1. 商品录入:根据商场业务特点制定相关功能,可以通过输入唯一编号、扫描条形码、商品名称等来实现精确或模糊的商品扫描录入。该扫描录入方法可以充分保证各种电脑操作水平层次的人员均能准确快速地进行商品扫描录入。 2. 收银业务:通过扫描条形码或者直接输入商品名称(对于同类多件商品采用一次录入加数量的方式)自动计算本次交易的总金额。在顾客付款后,自动计算找零,同时打印交易清单(包括交易的流水账号、每类商品的商品名、数量、该类商品的总金额、交易的时间、负责本次收银的员工号)。如果顾客是本店会员并持有本人会员卡,则在交易前先扫描会员卡,并对所购物品全部实行95折优惠,并将所购物品的总金额累计到该会员的总消费金额中。 会员卡的有效期限为一年,满一年未续卡者,该会员卡将被注销。 3. 安全性。POS登陆、退出、换班与操作锁定等权限验证保护;断电自动保护最大限度防止意外及恶意非法操作。 4. 独立作业。特有的断网收银即在网络服务器断开或网络不通的情况下,收银机仍能正常作业。
1, system function of basic requirements: Receptionist POS sales system (basic function) : 1. According to the mall input: commodity business characteristics to formulating relevant function, can pass import only Numbers, scanning bar code, the name of commodity, etc. To achieve precise or fuzzy commodity scanning typing. The scan input method can fully ensure various computer operation level of all levels of staff can accurately and rapidly merchandise scanning typing. 2. The cashier business: by scanning barcode or direct input commodity name (in similar more pieces of goods by a recorded plus the number of automatic calculation method) the total amount of this transaction. In the customer payment, automatic calculation of change, at the same time printing trade list (including trading account number, each type of flowing water of commodity commodity name, quantity, such ? (2010-11-18, Visual Basic, 628KB, 下载35次)


[系统编程] LOCK

hang up the vc++ lock-screen system, we do not believe that this stranger to you, you can lock your computer, others can not do so, need to know the password can only be, S not only functions of the software, and user-friendly, like QQ interface, operation will be a timely pop-up prompts, and more user-friendly, can be a dedicated office in the Internet or personal computers, began to hang up after the show time to hang up, but also can enter the password screen and hidden keyboard window (like QQ), this procedure also involved in the operation of a number of registry, when the closure of the program, the registry will be released. (2009-07-16, Visual C++, 1766KB, 下载171次)


[系统编程] The_explain_docment_of_uCOSII_related_funcations

Do not know procedures for the joint development of open network environment Why not fill it uC/OS this? Well, I started to introduce a document of this. This is introduced in the uC/OS-II of the two documents under the program, I had packed them. We write uC/OS-II related to the code when necessary to use a number of related functions, while the realization of the main code in a number of indicators but also the definition of variables, as well as what many other areas of the stack, and this document has two speakers to these, there is a need to down under friends can use, free of charge. (2009-06-13, WORD, 78KB, 下载2次)


[系统编程] getpubips

本程序可以自动获取公网IP然后上传到指定网络地址空间上,而且支持和本机IP变动同步更新IP数据上传到地址空间,开机自动运行,全局快捷键。 本程序是适应中国动态IP而制作,假如有人想在自己机器上架设服务器,但IP是动态的 也就是IP会经常变动,但本程序可以实现IP动态绑定,从而给用户感觉是静态IP的感觉。 本程序在运行中会自己生成一个网页(包含本机IP),上传到指定的网络地址空间,当用户在网络上浏览该网页 该网页会自动转向到本机IP,这一切的一切都是程序自动完成。用户只需要进行简单的网络地址空间设定。 还有一点就是 必须有自己的网络地址空间。:) 本程序运用到 SETTIMER HOOK REG 等相关知识。比如 SetWindowsHookEx RegOpenKey RegQueryValueEx Process32First SHGetFileInfo CreateProcess 等函数。 (2008-03-14, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载25次)
