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[数据结构] Delanuay2

Delaunay triangulation is the most widely used triangulation in practice, and it is a special triangulation. The algorithm of Delaunay triangulation generated by point by point insertion is mainly based on Bowyer-Watson algorithm. The main steps of Bowyer-Watson algorithm are as follows: 1, construct a super triangle, including all scatter points, and put them into triangular lists. 2. Insert the scattered point of the point set in turn. In the triangle chain, find out the triangle which contains the insertion point (called the influence triangle of the point), deletes the common edge that affects the triangle, connects the insertion point to all the vertices of the triangle, and completes the insertion of a point in the Delaunay triangle chain table. Enter. 3, according to the optimization criterion, the newly formed triangle is optimized. The triangle formed is placed in the Delaunay triangular list. 4, loop the above second steps until all the scatter points are inserted. (2018-05-17, C#, 81KB, 下载6次)


[数据结构] File-Transfer

网易云课堂-陈越、何钦铭-数据结构-2016春 PTA-05-树8 File Transfer 编译器:python2
We have a network of computers and a list of bi-directional connections. Each of these connections allows a file transfer one computer to another. Is it possible to send a file any computer on the network to any other? (2016-04-12, Python, 1KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] Delaunay-triangulation-algorithm

Delaunay三角网算法的设计与研究对 DTM 的建立有着重要的作用, 本文在分析已有三角网算法的基础上, 根据逐点插入算法的思想与凸包算法相结合, 提出了自己的算法: 先绘制凸包, 然后构建初始三角网, 最后用 LOP方法整体优化。该算法尽可能的减少了对一条边的优化次数, 从而提高了算法的运行效率
The interference of the cloud no ise affects seriously the interpretation and information extraction of remote sensing miages Based on the miaging mechanism, according to hom om orphic filtering a lgorithm, by using IDL redeve loped language and integ ra ting it to the ENVIplatform, this paper miplemented automatic detection and removal of haze in remote sensing mi ages Experimental results show ed that th is process could effective ly rem ove the haze and efficiently miprove the trad itional methods o f miages (pre processing In addition, it is im proved the qua lity and precision o f the im ages greatly (2012-04-13, Visual C++, 230KB, 下载23次)


[数据结构] linjiejuzhen

For any given figure (vertices not less than 20, the side for not less than 30, graph the type can be directed graph, no to figure, was the nets, no to the nets), can input figure of vertex and edge (or arc) information, and storage to the corresponding storage structure (the adjacency matrix, contiguous table, ten medium watch, watch, choose which adjacency multiple two types) (2011-12-08, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载4次)


[数据结构] shujujiegou

For any given map (not less than 20 vertices, edges not less than 30, the type of map can be a directed graph, undirected graph, directed network, undirected network), can enter the vertex and edge (or arc) of the information, and stored in the corresponding storage structure (adjacency matrix, adjacency table, cross-linked, adjacent multi-table, choose one of two types), created their own plans to do the following: (2011-07-03, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] shortest-distance

The classical algorithm data structure. Dijkstra algorithm is used to find a source network to the rest of the vertices of the shortest distance. (2011-03-15, C/C++, 1KB, 下载3次)


[数据结构] GIStransportation

利用公 交线路路 口作 为顶 点,简化 了传统算 法对复 杂 网络拓扑 图的计 算;同时,利 用乘客 出行 偏好 .引入 线 网密度来评 价乘客的 出行 方便程度 ,并提 出了一种最短路 径快速搜 索算法.实验证明 ,与传 统算法相比 ,该算法明显提 高了路径搜 索效率.
Intersection as the peak use of bus lines, simplified the traditional algorithm is the calculation of complex network topology same time, the use of passenger travel preferences. The introduction of line density to evaluate the convenience of passengers, travel, and proposed a shortest path fast search algorithm. Experimental results show that compared with traditional algorithm, the algorithm is efficient for path search efficiency. (2010-06-24, Visual C++, 156KB, 下载19次)


[数据结构] zhonghuan

课程设计题目∶ 设计程序完成如下功能: 对给定的网和起点,实现求解最小生成树的PRIM算法,并给出求解过程的动态演示。
Curriculum topics: design process is complete the following functions: For a given network and the starting point to achieve the PRIM algorithm for solving minimum spanning tree, and gives a dynamic presentation solving process. (2010-01-14, Visual C++, 4279KB, 下载96次)


[数据结构] tudexg

1.邻接表创建图 2.打印图的信息 3.深度优先遍历图 4.最小生成树 5.邻接矩阵创建无向网
1. Adjacency table to create Figure 2. Print map information 3. Depth-first traversal Figure 4. Minimum Spanning Tree 5. Adjacency matrix to create a non-network (2009-06-30, C/C++, 5KB, 下载10次)


[数据结构] 071806210

(1)、了解无向图和有向图的概念 (2)、掌握无向连通图或有向连通图的最小生成树的构造算法既Prim算法 (3)、了解有向图跟无向图的最短路径的解法 (4)、掌握图与网的基本概念和基本存储方法
make your 111111111111 (2009-06-17, Visual C++, 17KB, 下载1次)


[数据结构] daolujiaotongchaxun

Road Traffic Inquiry: Maryland road transport network using adjacency matrix (or adjacency list) that the road transport network including the adjacency matrix (or adjacency list) the establishment of the path (or time) of the query, the shortest path (or shortest time) to find, display features such as Maryland road transport network, said vertex names, maps of the arc that the path between the two exists, the right value on the arc that the distance between the two (or time) (2009-06-10, Visual C++, 64KB, 下载7次)


[数据结构] zuixiaoshengchengshu

1. 利用克鲁斯卡尔算法求网的最小生成树 2.以存储边(带权)的数组表示图
1. Kruskal algorithm using minimum spanning tree for network 2. To store edge (with the right of) the array that map (2009-05-24, Visual C++, 258KB, 下载8次)


[数据结构] guanjianlujin

解决工程项目aoe-网的关键路径的问题,用到了拓扑排列 求最早发生时间 活动的最迟完成时间
Solution aoe-Net project critical path of the problem, use a topological order for the first time the activities took place at the latest completion time (2009-03-01, Visual C++, 7KB, 下载43次)


[数据结构] GZ

Given a region n the distance between cities network, using Prim algorithm or Kruskal minimum spanning tree algorithm, and calculate the cost of the minimum spanning tree. (2009-01-04, Visual C++, 949KB, 下载24次)


[数据结构] jisuanqi

一元稀疏多项式计算器的基本功能是: (1)输入并建立多项式; (2)输出多项式,输出形式为整数序列:n,c1,e1,c2,e2,….,cn,en, 其中n是多项式的项数,ci和ei分别是第I项的系数和指数,序列按照指数降序排列; (3)多项式a和b相加,建立多项式a+b (4)多项式a和b相减,建立多项式a-b.
Sparse Polynomial calculator a dollar a basic function is to: (1) input and the establishment of polynomials (2) the output polynomial, the output sequence of the form of an integer: n, c1, e1, c2, e2, ...., Cn , en, in which n is the number of polynomial, ci and ei, respectively, is the first I of the coefficient and index, sequence in accordance with the index in descending order (3) polynomials a and b are added together to establish polynomial A2B ! b (4) polynomials a and b-phase reduction, the establishment of polynomial ab. (2008-09-19, C/C++, 11KB, 下载14次)


[数据结构] graph1

1、 图的存储结构的定义和图的创建 图的种类有:有向图、无向图、有向网、无向网。 图的存储结构可采用:邻接矩阵、邻接表。 要求:分别给出邻接矩阵和邻接表在某一种图上的创建算法 2、 图的遍历:非递归的深度优先搜索算法、广度优先搜索算法。 3、 图的深度遍历的应用:求无向连通图中的关节点(教材P177-178,算法7.10和7.11) 4、 图的广度遍历的应用:给定图G,输出从顶点v0到其余每个顶点的最短路径,要求输出各路径中的顶点信息。
1, map storage structure definition and graph types to create graph: directed graph, undirected graph, to the network without the network. Map storage structure can be: adjacency matrix, adjacency table. Requirements: adjacency matrix is given, respectively, and adjacent table in a certain kind of map creation algorithm 2, Graph Traversal: Non-recursive depth-first search algorithms, breadth-first search algorithm. 3, graph traversal depth of applications: for undirected connected graph of the joint points (textbooks P177-178, Algorithm 7.10 and 7.11) 4, Fig traverse the breadth of applications: a given graph G, the output from vertex v0 to The rest of each vertex of the shortest path requires the output of the vertex of the path information. (2007-11-22, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载68次)


[数据结构] diliuci

1)掌握普里姆构造最小生成树算法的数据结构和算法实现; 2)掌握图或网的邻接矩阵表示及其上基本算法的实现;
1) grasp the prim construct minimum spanning tree algorithm for data structure and algorithm 2) master plan or a network and its adjacency matrix express the realization of the basic algorithm (2007-09-08, Visual C++, 15KB, 下载6次)


[数据结构] zuixiaoshengchengshu

最小生成树问题 若要在n个城市之间建设通信网络,只需要架设n-1条线路即可。如何以最低的经济代价建设这个通信网,是一个网的最小生成树问题。 (1)利用克鲁斯卡尔算法求网的最小生成树。 (2)实现教科书6.5节中定义的抽象树类型 MFSet。以此表示构造生成树过程中的连通分量。 (3)以文本形式输出生成树中各条边以及他们的权值。
minimum spanning tree problem to the n-city building communications networks needed to put up only n-1 lines can be. How the lowest economic cost of building the communications network, the network is a minimum spanning tree problem. (1) using Kelushikaer network algorithm for the minimum spanning tree. (2) to achieve 6.5 textbook definition of the abstract tree types MFSet. Spanning Tree Construction said this process of connectivity components. (3) the form of text output spanning trees and the edge of their weights. (2007-06-28, Visual C++, 1KB, 下载120次)


[数据结构] Fast_Dijkstra

Time complexity is O (ElogV) of Dijkrastra algorithm to address the urban road network, shortest path problem, can calculate the 1000 × 1000 nodes. (2007-04-11, Visual C++, 2395KB, 下载93次)


[数据结构] AOE-net

the program can achieve the functional, if a circuit map activities can not be calculated critical path, that is a judgment to resolve the feasibility of the project. Right through the importation of construction activities, we can establish arbitrary judgment AOE network. The network for the importation can be calculated for each of the earliest start time, the latest starting time and the entire project will be completed in the first time, and identify key and critical path activities. (2005-04-24, C++, 1KB, 下载39次)
