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按分类查找All 电子书籍(209) 

[电子书籍] pm-insight

Internet product observation. In the past three years, I have read a lot of books and participated in internal training, often dominating the list on the intranet knowledge learning platform. I also wrote a lot of notes on the notebook, here I will digitize the paper notes. Although it is fragment knowledge, most of it is the most profound and touching at the moment of taking notes., (2022-05-01, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[电子书籍] 雷达数据处理及应用(何友主编)

雷达数据处理的研究目的、意义、应用领域、历史和珑状矗状态估计与线性滤波方法.非线性滤波方法,量测数据预处理技术, 多目标跟踪中的航迹起始,极大似然类多目标数据互联方法, 贝叶斯类多目标数据互联方法, 机动目标跟踪, 多目标跟踪终结理论与航迹质量管理, 无源雷达数据处理技术, 相控阵雷达和脉冲多普勒雷达数据处理技术,雷达组网数据处理技术等。 (2022-02-05, Others, 6779KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] 《计算机网络自顶向下方法(第7版)》

Top-down Approaches to Computer Networks is a 2009 book published by Machine Industry Press, by (USA) Kouros. This book is one of the most popular computer networking textbooks in the world. It explains how to use the Internet as an example. (2021-02-03, Others, 75227KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] 最完整的数据结构1800题包括完整答案(word版本)

在计算机科学中,数据结构(英语:data structure)是计算机中存储、组织数据的方式。 数据结构意味着介面或封装:一个数据结构可被视为两个函数之间的介面,或者是由数据类型联合组成的存储内容的访问方法封装。 大多数数据结构都由数列、记录、可辨识联合、引用等基本类型构成。
In computer science, data structures (English: data, structure) are the means of storing and organizing data in a computer. Data structures imply interfaces or packages: a data structure that can be considered as an interface between two functions, or an access method for storing content that is composed of data types. Most data structures consist of basic types of sequences, records, identifiable combinations, references, and so on. (2017-09-27, Visual C++, 1021KB, 下载16次)


[电子书籍] lshort-cn

很好的letex中文教程:L ATEX[1] 是一种排版系统,它非常适用于生成高印刷质量的科技和数学类文档。这个系统同样适用于生成从简单的信件到完整书籍的所有其他种 类的文档。L ATEX 使用TEX[2]作为它的格式化引擎。
Good Letex Chinese tutorial: L ATEX[1] is an typesetting system that is ideal for creating high quality print technology and math documents. The system also applies to all other kinds of documents from simple letters to complete books. L ATEX uses TEX[2] as its formatting engine. This short introduction describes the use of L ATEX2, which should be sufficient for most applications of L ATEX. (2017-07-22, PDF, 626KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] LINUX24leaning

Install linux from the most basic beginning, the Church in your linux system, how to carry out the common operation of the Internet, word processing, typesetting printing, the use of graphical tools, games and so on, to ensure you Fun linux (2009-12-02, Unix_Linux, 33048KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] Autoclick

如果文件扩展名是RAR,该文件为压缩格式!请您用WINRAR解压! ║  ║1.后缀名为*.chm、*.exe的电子书,不需安装任何软件即可直阅读。 ║ ║2.后缀名为*.pdf的电子书,需安装Arcobat Reader软件。 ║ ║3.后缀名为*.pdg和*.001,*.002......的电子书,需安装超星阅览器。║ ║4.后缀名为*.wdl的电子书,需安装DyanDoc Free Reader软件。 ║ ║5.后缀名为* .ceb、*.xeb的电子书,需安装方正的Apabi Reader软件 ║ ║6.后缀名为*.caj、*.nh、*,kdh的电子书,需安装中国期刊网CAJ、NH ║ ║文件浏览器CAJViewer软件。 ║ ║7.后缀名为*.nlc的电子书,需安装Book Reader For NLC Version软件
If the file extension is the RAR, the file is compressed format! Please unzip with WINRAR! ║ ║ 1. Suffix named*. chm,*. exe e-books, without having to install any software can be directly read. ║ (2009-11-22, Asm, 1380KB, 下载4次)


[电子书籍] aspbook

ASP技术手册,微软Visual InterDev 是用于创建和管理万维网站点的集成工具软件.它是Microsoft Visual Studio集成工具的组件之一,通过Visual Studio的单一图形界面工作区你能很容易地使用Visual InterDev和其他组件.
ASP technical manuals, Microsoft Visual InterDev is used to create and manage World Wide Web site of integration tools. It is an integrated tool for Microsoft Visual Studio is one of the components through a single graphical interface for Visual Studio workspace that you can easily use the Visual InterDev and other components. (2009-11-07, ASP, 2026KB, 下载3次)


[电子书籍] cpp_primer4_cn

本书全面介绍了 C++ 语言。作为一本入门书(Primer),它以教程的形式对 C++ 语言进行清晰的讲解,并辅以丰富的示例和各种学习辅助手段。与大多数入门教程不同,本书对 C++ 语言本身进行了详尽的描述,并特别着重介绍了目前通行的、行之有效的程序设计技巧。
This book a comprehensive introduction to C++ language. As a primer (Primer), its course in the form of C++ language for a clear explanation, supported by a wealth of examples and a variety of learning aids. Getting Started Guide and the most different from the book on C++ language itself to carry out a detailed description, with particular focus on the present passage and effective programming skills. (2009-08-03, Visual C++, 1727KB, 下载2次)


[电子书籍] MST

基于MST的模拟卡技术交流目前MST的接口类型有FXO接口、FXS接口、EM2/4线接口、热线电话接口、磁石电话接口 可广泛应用于电信数据业务、电力、银行、公安、部队等部门公用电话网接入或专线信息传输 等
MST-based simulation technique to exchange the current MST interface FXO interface type, FXS interface, EM2/4 line interface, a hotline interface, telephone interface magnets can be widely used in the telecommunications data services, electricity, banking, public security, public sector units telephone network access or transmission of information, such as green (2009-06-11, Unix_Linux, 348KB, 下载5次)


[电子书籍] Java.2renzheng

本书是Java 2认证考试的最新学习指南,内容包括:类层次的设计和实现,类、方法和Java applet的使用及创建,因特网客户/服务器程序的编写,使用Java访问数据库等等。本书深入浅出、内容全面,书中提供了Java 2的新考试模拟试题及答案,并详细讲解了Java 2考试的新增内容。
This book is Java 2 certification exam study guide up-to-date, including: class hierarchy of the design and implementation of, classes, methods and the use of Java applet and create, Internet client/server program of the preparation, use Java to access the database and so on. This book in layman s language, the content of comprehensive, the book provides a Java 2 new test simulation questions and answers, and detailed account of the new Java 2 exam content. (2008-12-09, Java, 21136KB, 下载2次)


[电子书籍] AddisonWesley-C++Gotchas

《C++ 陷阱》内容简介 转自:http://infopower.com.cn/showdetail.php?isbn=7-5083-1494-8 C++ 是一门高效率但是复杂的编程语言,因为它的复杂性,使得程序员有机会去面对形形色色的各种设计和编程错误。如何去规避这些陷井,编写出更具重用性和易维护的C++代码,正是本书的目标所在。作者Stephen C. Dewhurst结合了将近二十年的C++开发经验,罗列了最常见的99个小问题,并详细阐述这些问题的解决之道,让读者在不知觉之间掌握C++的高级编程技巧,充分领悟C++的细微之处。阅读本书,必会对实际工作带来巨大的帮助。
C++ Trap carried Description: http://infopower.com.cn/showdetail.php?isbn=7-5083-1494-8 C++ Are an efficient but complex programming language because of its complexity, programmers have the opportunity to make the face of all sorts of various design and programming errors. How to circumvent these pitfalls, the preparation of a more reusability and easy maintenance of the C++ Code, it is the objective of this book. Author Stephen C. Dewhurst combines nearly two decades of C++ Development experience, listed the 99 most common minor problems, and elaborate on these issues a solution so that the reader can not grasp consciousness between C++ high-level programming skills, to fully comprehend C++ s subtle. Read this book, this will surely bring great practical help. (2008-08-27, C/C++, 703KB, 下载18次)


[电子书籍] Mobile_Wireless_and_Sensor_Networks

本书系统地介绍了数据通信和计算机网络领域的基本内容。在第1版的基础上,修改和增加了新的内容,包括无线和卫星通信、有线电视电缆调制解调器、压缩技术、密码技术、防病毒、100 Mbps以太网、NetWare 4.0、边界网关协议、域名系统、IPv6、异步传送模式 、使用客户/服务器模式来实现文件传送协议及开发Web网页等。在内容和结构安排上,注意理论与实际应用的结合,每章后面既有复习题,又有练习题。本书适合作为计算机科学专业本科生的教材,也可供教师和从事该领域设计或应用的研究人员用做参考书。 (2008-05-30, Others, 3050KB, 下载22次)



本章主要讨论用于观测大气水凝物的气象微波雷达——天气雷达,特别着重于为支持气象和水文 的服务,在规划、开发和操作雷达和雷达网时必须考虑的技术和业务性能
This chapter focused on hydrogel material for the observation of atmospheric meteorological microwave radar- weather radar, with special emphasis on support of meteorological and hydrological services in planning, development and operation of radar and radar network must take into account the technical and operational performance (2008-05-25, Others, 149KB, 下载11次)


[电子书籍] TTBiz

一个电子商务网源码,在线注册、购物车及产品发布等功能,适合做毕业设计的朋友研究 新闻管理 ·添加头条 ·添加其他 商品管理 ·添加商品 订单管理 ·未处理订单 ·已处理订单 ·今日销售 ·本月销售
A source e-commerce network, online registration, shopping cart and product release functions, suitable for friends to do graduate study designed to add news headlines to add the management of the management of other commodities to add merchandise order management of orders pending orders have been processed Today, sales this month, sales (2008-04-17, Visual C++, 2468KB, 下载126次)


[电子书籍] chengxuyuanxiulianzhidao

"programmers meditation technique" of a series of independent parts, covering topics from personal responsibility, career development, make straight for the code to remain flexible, and easy to adapt and reuse the structure, using many of the rich entertainment anecdotal, thoughtful and interesting example of the analogy, a comprehensive explanation of the software development of many different aspects of best practice and a major trap. Whether you are a beginner, is an experienced programmer, software project managers, the book are suitable for your reading. (2006-05-22, Others, 1355KB, 下载81次)


[电子书籍] CC2420_Data_Sheet_1_3

CC2420是Chipcon公司推出的首款符合2.4GHz IEEE 802.15.4标准的射频收发器(RF transiver)。它只需要极少外部元件,其选择性和敏感性指标超过了IEEE 802.15.4的要求,可确保短距离通信的有效性和可靠性。并且支持最高达250kpps的数据传输速率,可实现多点对多点的快速组网。
Chipcon CC2420 is the company's first with 2.4GHz IEEE 802 .15.4 standard RF transceiver (RF transiver). It requires very few external components, selectivity and sensitivity of the indicators over IEEE 802.15.4, to ensure that short-range communications effectiveness and reliability. Support 250kpps maximum data transmission speed can achieve more rapid point-to-multipoint network. (2006-05-01, MultiPlatform, 866KB, 下载73次)


[电子书籍] 世界五百强面试题

本书中的问题,是软件业人士在面试时常问的,其中大多数出自微软公司,也有一些来自世界500强公司中的其 他公司。其实道理是相通的,认真领会,加以变通,当你读完全书时,你会发现你已经找到了一块进入外企的 敲门砖。作者布莱尔·沃森25年来一直做为世界500强公司的面试官,首次揭秘对答的所有问题和成功应试的秘诀。
the book issue is the software industry often asked in interviews, most of which come from Microsoft, there are also some from the world's top 500 companies in the other companies. Actually, the reason is the same, to comprehend, to be flexible, when you finished reading the whole book, you may find that you have found a passport to enter the 23,000. Author Bulaierwosen 25 as has been the world's top 500 companies, either. first displayed the enthusiasm of revealing all the problems and taking the secret of success. (2006-01-02, Windows_Unix, 350KB, 下载306次)


[电子书籍] windows 2003下实现无盘工作站

Maybe somebody will say, "Who now using diskless diskless, then slowly", "management nor convenient, too cumbersome," and "too difficult to install, most people do not." In fact, diskless is not slow, but use some special software, the installation of diskless workstation is also very easy. (2005-09-19, DOS, 116KB, 下载29次)


[电子书籍] 华为内部资料

Huawei internal information, hardware engineers required reading, especially right after graduation without any experience in the development, it can take you tap, you develop a good habit. (2005-03-22, PDF, 767KB, 下载4229次)
