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[加密解密] -

川大网安《应用密码学》课程综合实践:简易安全数据传输系统 实践目的:通过本综合实践,学生将实际应用国密算法,以加深对课程中介绍的对称加密、非对称加密/公钥加密、哈希算法、数字签名等密码学概念的理解。通过构建一个简易的安全数据传输系统,更深刻地理解国密算法在实际数据安全通信中的应用,认识到这些技术在保护信息安全中的重要性,并培养合规的密码技术使用习惯。 (2024-06-11, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] v2rayclashfree

我们为大家分享了5个新订阅地址,搭载了10个极速且完全免费的节点,覆盖了美国、新加坡、加拿大、香港、欧洲、日本、韩国等地区,可满足您全面的网络访问需求。这些节点支持包括V2Ray、VPN在内的多种流行加密协议,确保您的上网体验既安全又高效。兼容众多流行工具,如v2ray、Clash、小火箭以及WinXray、2RayNG、BifrostV等,实现无限流量的畅快上网。简单复制节点信息到您喜爱的科学上网工具,即刻享受快速稳定的网络连接。无需担心费用问题,我们承诺节点永久免费,力求为您提供最优质的上网体验和便捷的翻墙解决方案。 (2024-06-07, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] RMS

CakeSystem-RMS本地隧道、数据压缩、加密、公网连接数压缩的强大本地客户端,极限降低延迟,防止中间人攻击, 最大限度提升安全性及矿场利润。 Powerful local client for local tunnel, data compression, encr...
The powerful local client of CakeSystem RMS local tunnel, data compression, encryption, and public network connection number compression can limit the delay, prevent man in the middle attacks, and maximize security and mine profits. Powerful local client for local tunnel, data compression, encr (2023-11-26, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] translation_demo

A unified translation API that can be added to the spring boot project (ordinary projects can also be used) unifies the translation interfaces of Tencent, Youdao, Baidu and iFLYTEK. You only need to fill in the configuration file with your ID and key registered on the official website. All are free, and interface switching is supported (2022-06-08, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] CCMS

CCMS system is an open data query system based on Golang+beego. The program imports data in Excel form, and can customize the login account verification column and the associated login password verification column. After uploading the program to Excel, the data source will be encrypted, and the access to the data source directory from the Internet will be blocked. (2023-02-14, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] RMS

本地隧道、数据压缩、加密、公网连接数压缩的强大本地客户端,极限降低延迟,防止中间人攻击, 最大限度提升安全性及矿场利润。 Powerful local client for local tunnel, data compression, encryption, and pu...,
Powerful local client for local tunnel, data compression, encryption, and public network connection number compression, which can limit delay, prevent man in the middle attacks, and maximize security and mine profits. Powerful local client for local tunnel, data compression, encryption, and pu, (2023-08-30, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] microcDB

microcDB is a light weight NoSQL database for mostly resource limited embedded/IoT systems. The database can be stored in local flash memory or the external SD card or external memory(EEPROM,FLASH,etc). It can also act as a server in which a dedicated MCU will handle requests from Clients on UART,MODBUS,Ethernet,SPI,I2C,CAN or any wireless (2020-12-07, C, 26KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] Happy2EncryptedChat

这是一款使用端到端加密的安全暗网消息应用程序。椭圆曲线SECP256k1,RSA 4096位,AES-...
This is a secure dark web messaging app that uses end-to-end encryption. Elliptic curve SECP256k1, RSA 4096 Bit, AES-256 Your messages are deleted from the server as soon as they are sent. (2023-06-04, Python, 980KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] fuso

一款体积小, 快速, 稳定, 高效, 轻量的内网穿透, 端口转发工具 支持多连接,级联代理,传输加密 (A small volume, fast, stable, efficient, and lightweight intranet...
A small volume, fast, stable, efficient, and lightweight intranet penetration, port forwarding tool that supports multiple connections, cascading proxies, transmission encryption (A small volume, fast, stable, effective, and lightweight intranet (2023-02-04, Rust, 5589KB, 下载0次)


[加密解密] 自己敲的混沌加密

Simple chaos encryption, in the netease cloud class, take notes, a few simple chaos encryption, digital watermark chaos encryption, chaos encryption generated binary image, gray image, RGB image (2019-11-09, matlab, 4KB, 下载18次)


[加密解密] unity3D破解工具5.0

Win版破解方法: 1.安装Unity后(联网破解不成功就断网试试),运行破解补丁。 2.点击Browse选择Unity所在路径 例如我的Unity安装路径 F:\Soft\unity5.0\Unity\Editor 3.点击Edit,选择Unity Pro,然后点ok 4.选择Unity版本 (注:Unity5.0以下版本全部选择4.0~4.5.3,Unity5.0以上版本选择Unity5.0.0f1(beta)),然后点Patch,破解完成。
0) Install Unity (DO NOT RUN IT). 1) Run patch as Administrator. 2) Select "Unity folder" by pressing "Browse" button. OR Copy the "Patch file" in "Unity folder". (default : "C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor") 3) Select Unity version by pressing "drop-down menu" (if needed). 4) Click the "Patch" button to start the patching process. Done. (2017-11-13, U3D/Unity3D, 144KB, 下载4次)


[加密解密] md5

hmac-md5改进版(支持中文) 易宝采用hmac-md5加密,目前纯ASP版的都不支持中文,为此专门做了改进。代码大为简化,从17K精简到9K。 调用方法:HmacMd5(text,key)-加密内容支持中文,但key最好用非中文的。 md5(text)-简版,ASP_MD5(text)-标准版
improved version hmac-md5 (support Chinese) Epro hmac-md5 encrypted using the current version do not support ASP pure Chinese, has been improved for this purpose. Code is greatly simplified, streamlined from 17K to 9K. Call the method: HmacMd5 (text, key)- encrypted content to support Chinese, but the key is best to use non-Chinese. md5 (text)- simple version, ASP_MD5 (text)- Standard Edition (2011-11-11, ASP, 4KB, 下载58次)


[加密解密] weixing

为了保证数字信号与所传信息的安全,防止无权用户干扰和窃密,一般应采取加密措施。数字信号比起模拟信号来易于加密,且效果也好,这是数字通信突’ 出的优点之一。国内的网间隔离安全设备(如防火墙等)产品较多,但服务器的安全和与之通信的客户的安全更为重要,服务器和客户端的软件应具有信息加解密、身份认证、访问控制、信息完整性和抗否认性验证等内容
To ensure the digital signal and the transmission of information security, right to the user interference and theft prevention, general measures should be taken to encryption. Than analog signals to digital signals easy encryption, and the results Ye Hao, digital communication is suddenly ' out of one of the advantages. A gateway to isolate the domestic security devices (firewalls, etc.) more products, but the server communicate with the security and safety is more important to customers, the server and client software should have the information encryption and decryption, authentication, access control, information Anti-denial of the integrity and authentication, etc. (2011-05-06, ASP, 121KB, 下载3次)


[加密解密] RC6

RC6 encryption and decryption algorithms to achieve C# source code! The algorithm improved, " Zhu Minghai- VIP News- symmetric encryption algorithm RC6 of the C# to achieve" the source code is not perfect, for them to learn! Detailed explanation, please see: http://blog.csdn.net/ExcelWord/archive/2010/11/29/6041864.aspx (2011-04-06, C#, 44KB, 下载50次)


[加密解密] AES

AES加密以及解密实现,这是一个AES文件加密软件,用VC++ MFC编写,里面有详细的源代码以及加密和解密的具体实现方法。
AES encryption and decryption to achieve, this is a AES file encryption software, written using VC++ MFC, which has detailed source code and encryption and decryption of the specific implementation method. (2010-09-18, Visual C++, 15926KB, 下载1256次)


[加密解密] CryptoAPI1.0_cn_ix

本中文文档详细说明CryptoAPI(一个应用程序编程接口)(带目录方便查询),目的就是提供开发者在Windows 下使用PKI 的编 程接口。CryptoAPI 提供了很多函数,包括编码、解码、加密、解密、哈希、数字证书、 证书管理和证书存储等功能。对于加密和解密,CryptoAPI 同时提供基于会话密钥和公 钥/私钥对的方法。
The Chinese document details CryptoAPI (an application programming interface) (with a convenient directory inquiries), the purpose is to provide developers use PKI in Windows programming interface. CryptoAPI provides many functions, including encoding, decoding, encryption, decryption, hashing, digital certificates, certificate management and certificate storage and other functions. For encryption and decryption, CryptoAPI also provides session-based key and public/private key pair method. (2010-07-21, Visual C++, 306KB, 下载36次)


[加密解密] VMProtect

VMProtect 简介 VMProtect 是新一代的软件保护系统,不像其它常见的保护系统,VMProtect 可以修改应用程序的源代码。VMProtect 将原文件的部分代码转换为在虚拟机中运行的字节码。您可以将虚拟机想像成带有不同于 Intel 8086 处理器指令系统的虚拟处理器;例如,虚拟机没有比较两个操作数的指令,也没有条件跳转和无条件跳转等。 支持的编译器: Delphi Borland C Builder Visual C/C++ Visual Basic (native) Virtual Pascal 支持的文件类型(32 位和 64 位): EXE DLL BPL OCX SYS 支持的操作系统: Windows 95/98 Windows ME Windows NT Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows 2003 Windows Vista
标准类 TObject = class constructor Create procedure Free end TPersistent = class(TObject) procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent) end TStrings = class(TPersistent) function Add(S: String): Integer procedure Append(S: String) procedure AddStrings(Strings: TStrings) procedure Clear procedure Delete(Index: Integer) function IndexOf(const S: String): Integer procedure Insert(Index: Integer S: String) procedure LoadFromFile(FileName: String) procedure SaveToFile(FileName: String) property Count: Integer read property Text: String read write property CommaText: String read write property Strings[Index: Integer]: String read write property Objects[Index: Integer]: TObject read write end TDuplicates = (dupIgnore, dupAccept, dupError) TNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) TStringList = class(TStrings) function Find(S: String var Index: Integer): Boolean procedure Sort property Duplicates: (2009-06-09, Visual C++, 16KB, 下载93次)


[加密解密] DES(c++)

communications networks in the two ends, the two sides agreed unanimously the Key, In communications with the source Key to the core DES data encryption, Then a password in the form of public communication networks (such as the telephone network) transmission of the communication network in the end, data arrived at their destination, Key used the same password for data decryption, it depicts the code forms the core data. This will ensure that the core data in the public telecommunication network transmission security and reliability. (2007-06-23, C/C++, 4KB, 下载84次)


[加密解密] flqp

网通加入了防止乱输入。电话号码验证不能为空。第一个字符不能小于3。等等。 电信加入了,身份证和电话不能乱输入,身份证为43开头 电话为7位,等等 湖南和北京的标准, 所以冲QB时请用湖南和北京的肉机进行冲
Netcom joined prevent indiscriminate importation. The telephone number verification can not be empty. The first one should not be smaller than 3 characters. And so on. Telecom joined the identity card and telephone not to collect input, ID 43 at the beginning of seven, etc. Hunan and Beijing standards, Chong QB please use Hunan and Beijing for the meat-chong (2006-07-29, Others, 58KB, 下载4次)


[加密解密] kenel_crypto

内核加解密算法 加解密函数库及其使用说明,详见附件。 find_cipher_by_name中参数ciphername可取的值为下面的组合,对应不同的模式: (des,des_ede3,aes,blowfish,cast5,dfc,idea,mars,rc5,rc6,serpent,twofish)-ecb (des,des_ede3,aes,blowfish,cast5,dfc,idea,mars,rc5,rc6,serpent,twofish)-cbc (des,des_ede3,aes,blowfish,cast5,dfc,idea,mars,rc6,serpent,twofish)-cfb struct cipher_implementation* ci中对应的可调用的method:encrypt_iv decrypt_iv encrypt decrypt 比如以des-cbc为find_cipher_by_name的参数得到的ci调用encrypt_iv,decrypt_iv. find_digest_by_name中参数digestname可取的值: sha1 md5 struct digest_implementation* di中对应的可调用的method:open update digest close hmac 计算digest时调用di->digest,计算hmac时调用di->hmac. 注意:加载我们需要的cipher-*.o和digest-*.o之前需先加载cryptoapi.o。
core encryption and decryption algorithm encryption and decryption functions and their use, as detailed in the annex. Find_cipher_by_name cipher desirable parameter values to the following portfolio, dealing with different modes : (des, des_ede3, Aes, blowfish, cast5, DFC, the idea, mars, RC5, production, serpent, twofish)- ecb ( des, des_ede3, Aes, blowfish, cast5, DFC, the idea, mars, RC5, production, serpent, twofish)- cbc (des, des_ede3, Aes, blowfish, cast5, DFC, the idea, mars, production, the serpent , twofish)- Sample struct cipher_implementation ci* corresponding the available method : encrypt_iv decrypt_iv encrypt decrypt such as a des-cbc find_cipher_by_name parameters for the ci call encrypt_iv, decrypt_iv. find_digest_by_name digestname desirable parameter values : sha1 md (2005-07-13, C/C++, 136KB, 下载289次)
