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[其他书籍] Tang-Chuan-Yin

The ancient people Chinese Tanbi meat, which is very harmonious, super high (2016-08-10, DOS, 661KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] qywzym_blue_v1.7

网新企业网站管理系统(蓝色)是专业为个人和企业网站建设而开发的一款智能化程序。该程序基于ASP+ACCESS环境开发,拥有完善的网站前台和后台全智能化管理功能,完全由后台操作(如添加、修改网站基本信息、产品、企业新闻动态等),是个人和企业智能化网站建设首选!      安全建议   为确保您的网站安全,请修改以下默认设置:   1、更改默认的后台用户名和密码admin123;   2、更改默认的后台管理文件夹名admin,直接修改根目录下的文件夹名称即可;   3、更改默认的数据库文件夹Databases及数据库名称,请确保inc文件夹下的数据库连接文件conn.asp内也作相应修改。
The new network enterprise website management system (blue) is specialized for personal and enterprise website construction and the development of a intelligent program. The program is based on ASP+ACCESS development environment, has a perfect site of foreground and background of the whole intelligent management function, completely by the background operation (such as add, modify the basic site information, product, enterprise news etc.), is a personal and enterprise website construction in an intelligent choice! Safety recommendations In order to ensure the safety of your website, please change the following default settings: 1, change the default user name and password for the admin123 background 2, change the default background management folder name admin, directly modify the folder under the root directory name 3, change the folder Databases and the name, please ensure that the Inc folder under the connection files within CONN.ASP is also to be amended accordingly. (2015-01-06, DOS, 1645KB, 下载1次)


[搜索引擎] Black-hat-seo-learning

Black hat black hat seo Learning Network www.heimaoxuexi.com technology from entry to combat tutorial, zero-based learning without the burden! The latest black hat SEO code, black hat seo techniques black hat seo training, zero-based learning black hat seo without the burden of solving the industry keywords rank no problem to meet the fast search engine ranking algorithms aim black hat seo techniques Pan resolution, pan-two station group, the Pan directories, news sources hijacking, parasites pan stations, bulk million generated directory, two directories hijacking, hostage snapshot weights hijacking hundreds of black hat seo techniques code video tutorials (2014-07-25, DOS, 39KB, 下载7次)



:车联网是物联网技术在智能交通系统中的应用,已经引起了国内外相关研究机构的高度重视。通过介绍车联网的基本 概念,结合车联网的具体应用场景和实际特点,对车联网的服务类型、结点以及网络体系结构进行了分析探讨。进而研究分 析了车联网发展过程中存在的一些技术难题,主要有RFID、中间件技术、新协议研发、智能技术以及安全可靠性,并对车联 网能够提供的应用服务进行了归纳总结。
Internet of vehicles is an application of Internet of things in Intelligent Transport System, and has attracted highly attention of many research institutions worldwide. Introducing the basic concept of Internet of vehicles, combined with Internet of vehicles concrete application scenarios and actual characteristics, the paper analyzed and discussed service types, nodes and network architecture of Internet of vehicles. Then, some technical problems in Internet of vehicles extension were studied and analyzed, including RFID, middleware, new protocols design, intelligent technology and safety and reliability. (2011-12-05, DOS, 1KB, 下载37次)


[其他小程序] application_of_undirected_network

内含源码,以及可执行的exe文件,系统使用说明(tc2.0下运行)。程序可以实现以下功能: 1. 创建无向网。可以输入最多30个城市的信息(输入的城市是连通的):城市的名字,两个城市之间的距离,两个城市之间的票价。 2. 以文件的形式保存输入的城市的信息。 3. 求连通所有城市的最短路径,并用图形界面显示最短路径。 4. 求任意两个城市之间的的最短路径,并用图形界面显示最短路径。 5. 用图形界面显示网络 程序在TC2.0下实现,dos界面,适合C语言初学者练习
Containing source code, and executable exe files, the system for use (tc2.0 run). Procedures can achieve the following functions: 1. Create undirected network. Can enter a maximum of 30 cities in the information (input of the city is connected): the name of the city, the distance between the two cities, the fare between two cities. 2. In order to document the preservation of the city' s information input. 3. For connectivity of the shortest path to all cities, and graphical interface shows that the shortest path. 4. Demand between any two cities in the shortest path, and graphical interface shows that the shortest path. 5. Use graphical interface shows that the network under TC2.0 procedures, dos interface, suitable for beginners to practice the language C (2009-06-08, DOS, 355KB, 下载7次)


[Windows编程] INI文件编程__框架基础__常州VC编程网

This is a photo of a general purpose timer/ 在我们写的程序当中,总有一些配置信息需要保存下来,以便完成程序的功能,最简单的办法就是将这些信息写入INI文件中,程序初始化时再读入.具体应用如下:counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC s ISA bus just like a sound or modem card. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful and flexible. You can even control DC or servo motors using pulse-width modulated (PWM), or stepper motors using its square wave capabilities. The figure below is the actual output (square wave) from the 8254 card captured by an oscilloscope:
This a photo of a general purpose timer. When we write program, There is always some configuration need to be saved, so that we can finish the function of the program.The most simple way is write these infomation to the INI file. It is read by the program during initialization,it is used as follows: counter card you can wirewrap in a weekend. It plugs into your PC s ISA bus just like a sound or modem card. It gives high-resolution timing (microseconds). Because of its programmablity, it is very powerful and flexible. You can even control DC or servo motors using pulse-width modulated (PWM), or stepper motors using its square wave capabilities. The figure below is the actual output (square wave) from the 8254 card captured by an oscilloscope: (2005-05-20, DOS, 6KB, 下载24次)
