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按分类查找All 单片机开发(35) 
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[单片机开发] VK1024B_V1.2-CN

内存映象和多功能的 LCD 驱动, VK1024B 的软件配置特性使它适用于多种 LCD 应用场合,包括 LCD 模块和显示系统,用于连接主控制器和 VK1024B 的管脚只有 4 条, VK1024B 还有一个节电命令用于降低系统功耗
Memory Mapping and versatile LCD driver, VK1024B's software configuration features make it suitable for a variety of LCD applications, including LCD modules and display systems, only 4 pins are used to connect the main controller to the VK1024B, vK1024B also has a power-saving command to reduce system power consumption (2021-04-27, Java, 4833KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] nfcduxie

This project is said to be the National Application of Google contest two award works source, demo is divided into four parts, respectively, the two-dimensional code scanning and identification, NFC read and write, WIFI link and remote control car. The use of two-dimensional code scanning is a conventional Zxing. Other parts because of the small series Technology Co., also do not comment, the reader can download study. Source code has more detailed notes (2016-07-27, Java, 1421KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] AiNiPlayer_a5

Ann Zhuo wonderful music player source code is a wonderful actually a bit not wronged the project, the player only a looping animation picture, open the software will automatically scan the SD card music and take less than a minute audio filtering out and random play a music. When the project is in the entertainment, the animation can be changed into a picture of their own to play a designated song to make a private player. In addition to the player to achieve the screen character scrolling, but because of the resolution of the reason I show here is relatively small, you can try on a low resolution. (2016-07-17, Java, 2348KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] Weather_a5

High imitation source code provided by the use of http://www.weather.com.cn ink weather weather data, PM2.5 data using the pm25.in interface. Project UI beautiful interface layout is modeled on the development of the ink weather can slide bar to view the weather a week weather. Project after loading will call the baidu locSDK automatic positioning, also more praise is the full realization of the ink weather weather query list interface using the pinyin4j support will be simplified and traditional Chinese conversion into Pinyin (and support polyphone). (2016-07-16, Java, 7935KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] ffwym

Meal no net two Android client source is a very good source code, there is a very complete function. You can send a message like micro-blog with photos, location, and @ multiplayer functions, click on the menu to view my space. Can be set up in the background of the message notification and frequency. (2016-06-03, Java, 10697KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] ewmsmnfc

This project is said to be the National Application of Google contest two award works source, demo is divided into four parts, respectively, the two-dimensional code scanning and identification, NFC read and write, WIFI link and remote control car. The use of two-dimensional code scanning is a conventional Zxing. Other parts because of the small series Technology Co., also do not comment, the reader can download study. (2016-05-24, Java, 1376KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] HC-06

hc-06 Bluetooth module schematic description Bluetooth module, an Ethernet transmission module hardware circuit design (2016-05-20, Java, 1886KB, 下载15次)


[单片机开发] File_R_W

创建生成100个互不相等的随机三位整数,并将它们存入一个数据文件mydt.dat中 从数据文件中读取所有数据,将这些数据按第二位构成数字的升序排列,如果第二位构成数字相等,则按第三位构成数字的降序排列 将排序结果输出到: 一个数据文件mysd.dat文件中 一个文本文件mysd.txt文件中
Create generate 100 random digit integer equal to each other, and stores them in a data file mydt.dat reads all data the data file, the data bits in ascending order by the second number, if the second bits digital equal numbers in descending constitute the third arrangement will sort the output to: a data file in a text file mysd.dat file mysd.txt file (2015-04-28, Java, 1KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] webserviceTest

Use wsdl4j general service wsdl parsing method to obtain a list of services, access to the method parameters according to the method. (2015-03-23, Java, 8325KB, 下载9次)


[单片机开发] google_daohang

Google Home Zcool net imitation dynamic navigation menus and mouse onto the bottom of a small point, the corresponding description will pop up, click on the enter-related Web site, many of my friends are more like a similar effect, dedicated to all research. (2014-12-01, Java, 88KB, 下载0次)


[单片机开发] AndRob-controller

基于嵌入式系统的蓝牙模块设计 蓝牙作为一种新兴的短程无线数据与语音通信技术,具有使用方便、可靠性高、低成本、低功耗的特性,非常适合连接计算机与外设,组建个人区域网。蓝牙技术一经提出,立即受到业界广泛关注,蓝牙特别兴趣小组(sIG)成员几乎覆盖了全球通信、电子、软件行业所有人们熟知的大企业。蓝牙技术必将在未来获得广泛应用。
Bluetooth Bluetooth module based on embedded system design as a new short-range wireless data and voice communications technology, easy to use, high reliability, low cost, low power consumption, ideal for connecting computers and peripherals, set up a personal area net. Bluetooth technology was put forth, immediately subject to industry-wide concern, the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (sIG) members covering almost the global communications, electronics, software industry, all well-known large companies. Bluetooth technology will get a wide range of applications in the future. (2014-09-04, Java, 1188KB, 下载3次)


[单片机开发] GIT_CN_FIRST

GIT 中文教程之首选 ,从版本库的创建到分支管理,项目发展变化,合并及逆转恢复,到最后的版本打包,版本库的管理 一一详细介绍讲解 并附有示例
Preferred GIT Chinese tutorial, created from the repository to the branch management, project development and changes, mergers and reversed restored to the final packaged version management repository detailed explanation along with one sample (2014-05-05, Java, 39KB, 下载4次)


[单片机开发] dushigongqiuxinxiwang

都市供求信息网分为前后台的设计,前台主要实现信息的显示、搜索与发布功能。其中信息的显示包括列表显示与详细内容显示,而列表显示,又分为首页面的信息列表显示、查看某类别下所有信息的列表显示和搜索结果列表显示;搜索功能主要包括定位搜索和模糊搜索;后台主要实现的功能为信息显示、信息审核、信息删除、付费设置与退出登录,其中的信息显示功能也分为列表显示与详细内容显示。操作注意事项 (1)本系统管理员用户名为:admin,密码为:222。
Urban supply and demand information network is divided into front and back design, front main achievement of the displayed information, search and publishing. Which displays information including a list of displays and display details, but the list is displayed, the information is divided into the home side s display list, a list of all the categories of information under the display and view a list of search results display Search functions include positioning search and fuzzy search the main function of the background information display, information auditing, information deleted, pay setting and exit the registry, which is also divided into the information display function displays detailed contents list display. Handling Precautions (1) The system administrator user name: admin, password: 222. (2013-11-29, Java, 5411KB, 下载2次)


[单片机开发] IC

驱动IC、回收MP3/MP4 MP5内存、FLASH、5回收內存条、內存芯片K9F、K9K 回收场效应管图像芯片、回收光耦桥堆逻辑电路 本文来自中华液晶网 www.FPDisplay.com 地址:http://www.fpdisplay.com/search/buy-offer-227148.aspx
Driver IC, recycling MP3/MP4 MP5 memory, FLASH, 5 recovered memory, memory chips K9F, K9K graphics chip FET recovery, recycling heap logic optocoupler bridge from China LCD net www.FPDisplay.com this address: http :// www.fpdisplay.com/search/buy-offer-227148.aspx (2011-11-13, Java, 17875KB, 下载8次)


[单片机开发] pentaho-code-analysis-report-zh-cn

Pentaho BI项目提供了企业级的报表、多维分析、仪表盘、数据挖掘和工作流功能,帮助组织更加有效率的运营。Pentaho产品提供了方便的发布选项,使得它可以作为嵌入式的组件、自定义的BI应用方案以及一个完整的开箱即用的集成BI平台
pentaho (2010-06-13, Java, 315KB, 下载19次)
