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[网络编程] ketease

Use the free space of netease do u disk, network is not perfect but has a reference value (2017-04-15, Windows_Unix, 24KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] introduction-of-MII-and-so-on

MII是英文Medium Independent Interface的缩写,翻译成中文是“介质独立接口”,该接口一般应用于以太网硬件平台的MAC层和PHY层之间,MII接口的类型有很多,常用的有MII、RMII、SMII、SSMII、SSSMII、GMII、RGMII、SGMII、TBI、RTBI、XGMII、XAUI、XLAUI等。下面对它们进行一一介绍。
the introduction of MII、RMII、SMII、SSMII、SSSMII、GMII、RGMII、SGMII、TBI、RTBI、XGMII、XAUI、XLAUI (2016-03-16, Windows_Unix, 97KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] bus-interface-Basic-Introduction

This article describes the Ethernet interface MII, RMII, SMII, GMII bus interface Basic Introduction (2014-06-11, Windows_Unix, 174KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] LC.DEMO.SDK_CN_V06.27.01.03

Dahua SDK to develop DVR friend to have the help very much, wish to learn DVR friend downloaded from the study (2012-12-27, Windows_Unix, 8742KB, 下载6次)


[网络编程] set_IP

Modify local connection IP get way, you can choose to automatically obtain can also manually specify manually specify replace script inside the IP address, gateway, subnet mask, DNS can (2012-12-14, Windows_Unix, 1KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] pt

The archive consists of three parts, [tutorial] uTorrent advanced parameters explained, IPv4 network IPv6 network access under way to set the education network and broadband co-exist, for the people that were helpful to learn Oh pt (2011-11-17, Windows_Unix, 59KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] ciso

Computer Network Engineering tutorial! ! This book mainly covers the basics of computer network engineering, Ethernet and wireless LAN technologies, WAN and access network technology, Internet and network interconnection technologies, the establishment and management of network servers, network security, network requirements and planning, network design, network management and maintenance (2011-11-05, Windows_Unix, 4150KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] Sharing-Internet-in-Windows-XP

在Windows XP环境下,在子网中在建立一个子网,实现局域网中一个有线和无线的Internet共享。手机和计算机通过WIFI实现Internet和文件共享。
In Windows XP, in the subnet in a subnet, in a wired LAN and wireless Internet sharing. Phone and computer via WIFI Internet and file sharing to achieve. (2011-10-17, Windows_Unix, 228KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] networkArcheture

描述基本的以及混合的局域网拓扑结构 • 描述多种企业范围以及广域网的拓扑结构 • 解释不同拓扑结构的优点和用处 • 讨论以太网传输系统的几个版本 • 解释令牌环网传输系统的结构和功能
Describe the basic and hybrid LAN topology • describe a variety of enterprise and wide area network topology • explain the advantages of different topologies and discuss the usefulness • Several versions of Ethernet transmission systems • explain the token ring network transmission system structure and functional (2010-04-02, Windows_Unix, 1740KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] xunzai_MentoSupplicant

Can completely replace the " Ruijie certification" of the campus network dial-up software. Contains the source and installation files. Highly recommended (2009-11-28, Windows_Unix, 33KB, 下载12次)


[网络编程] redbook_L2-3_mandarin

IBM刀片中心L2-3以太网交换机 􀁺 IBM权威的技术文档 􀁺 不是简单的产品手册,而是一本关于网络基础知识的教材 􀁺 不仅仅介绍了交换机,而且详细解释了IBM 刀片中心的网络架构
IBM Blade Center L2-3 Ethernet switch 􀁺 IBM 􀁺 authoritative technical documentation is not a simple product manuals, but a basic knowledge about the network not only introduce the teaching 􀁺 switches, and a detailed explanation of the IBM Blade Center Network Architecture (2009-03-07, Windows_Unix, 2942KB, 下载11次)


[网络编程] wangguanjiyantan

网管经验谈 多种软方法解决共享访问故障在局域网环境中,与同事或朋友之间通过共享方式相互交流信息是常有的事情 可是在共享访问对方文件夹的过程中,我们常常会遇到一些莫名其妙的访问故障
experience a variety of network management software solutions sharing visit fault in LAN environment, with colleagues or friends by sharing mutual exchange of information form is often a matter However visit each other in the shared folder of cross process, we often encounter some baffling visit Fault (2006-12-31, Windows_Unix, 125KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] 20056575480457

经过近一年的策划与筹备,“开源盛世-源代码下载网”终于面向用户正式开放。本站定位于“Visual Studio”系列源代码的下载及其技术文章的发布。本站所有源代码及文章均出自网络或由站长原创,所有提供下载的源代码及供浏览的技术文章均为软件或程序作者提供、站长原创和网友推荐收集整理而来,仅供学习和研究使用。如有侵犯你的版权,请指出,本站将立即改正,同时要求用户在23小时内删除从本站下载的文件。
After nearly a year of planning and preparation, "open source Spirit-source code downloaded Network" user-oriented finally open. Site location in the "Visual Studio" series download the source code and technical articles published. Retrieved source code and articles are from the network or from the original station, all download the source code and available at the technical articles are software or procedures writers, head of originality and netizens recommend collected from, only to learn and study. If your copyright violations, that site will be immediately corrected. at the same time, requiring users to delete within 23 hours from the site to download documents. (2006-05-09, Windows_Unix, 128KB, 下载4次)


[网络编程] LScanPort-src

高级扫描(SYN刺探)的扫描器+源代码这是图形介面下一款基于高级扫描技术(SYN刺探)的扫描器。应广大编程爱好者的要求,现在公布它的源代码。它的扫描速度在同类安全软件中是比较快的。最快可以 1s 刺探接近500个IP(远程刺探),当然那和您的网速(N重要的一点)和机器的性能有关系,在测试版中没有本地扫描的功能,在1.0中加上了。它的优势最要在于大规模的扫描,经测试它的速度比SuperScan还要快,因为SuperScan并不是基于嗅探技术的。在扫描的同时还会留下日志。SYN刺探就不会。
High scan (SYN spying) of the source code scanner is graphics-based interface under the High scanning technology (SYN spying) scanners. Should the majority of programming enthusiasts, now published its source code. Its scanning speed in a similar security software is quite fast. The fastest 1s can gather nearly 500 IP (remote spying), and then of course, your speed (N important point) and machinery related to the performance of the beta no local scanning feature, coupled with a 1.0.SuperScanSuperScan The scan also will stay log. SYN spying would not. (2005-05-13, Windows_Unix, 108KB, 下载78次)


[网络编程] tftp

一个网络传输程序, 使用于句几峪网是几与tcp协议的
a network transmission, the use of several sentences in several valley networks and tcp agreement (2005-04-14, Windows_Unix, 72KB, 下载25次)
