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[网络编程] rfc4984

rfc4984 是RFC针对现有IP网存在问题作出的总结和对下一代互联网提出的设想,对下一代互联网建设有指导意义
rfc4984 is a summary of RFC for an existing IP network problems and ideas to make the next generation of Internet proposed construction of the next generation Internet instructive (2014-03-20, PDF, 82KB, 下载3次)


[网络编程] adhoc-security

This paper proposes a trust model based routing protocols, effectively guarantee the safety of AD hoc network normal communication.To make up for the safety problems in routing protocol opportunity (2014-03-05, PDF, 897KB, 下载5次)


[网络编程] jisuanjiwangluo5_daan

《计算机网络第五版》是由谢希仁编写的国内外使用最广泛、最权威的计算机网络经典教材。全书分为10章,比较全面系统地介绍了计算机网络的发展和原理体系结构、物理层、数据链路层、网络层、运输层、应用层、网络安全、因特网上的音频/视频服务、无线网络和下一代因特网等内容。 此文件包内已经包含了《计算机网络第五版》课后答案
Computer networks fifth edition of " at home and abroad prepared by Xie Renchu, the most widely used and most authoritative classic textbook on computer networks. The book is divided into 10 chapters, more comprehensive and systematic introduction to the development of the computer network and the principles of system structure, physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, application layer, network security, Internet audio/video services, wireless network and the next (2013-02-11, PDF, 18440KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] Computer-Network-(fifth-edition)

书名:计算机网络(第五版) 作者: 谢希仁 出版社: 电子工业   《计算机网络(第5版)》自1989年首次出版以来,于1994年、1999年和2003年分别出了修订版。2006年8月本教材通过了教育部的评审,被纳入普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材。《计算机网络》的第5版,在内容和结构方面都有了很大的修改。   全书分为10章,比较全面系统地介绍了计算机网络的发展和原理体系结构、物理层、数据链路层、网络层、运输层、应用层、网络安全、因特网上的音频/视频服务、无线网络和下一代因特网等内容。各章均附有练习题。此外,附录A给出了部分习题的答案和提示。随书配套的光盘中,有全书课件和作者教学中经常遇到的150多个问题及解答,计算机网络最基本概念的演示(PowerPoint文件),以及《计算机网络(第5版)》引用的全部RFC文档等,供读者参阅。
Title: Computer Network (fifth edition) Author: Xie Xiren Publisher: Electronics Industry Computer network (5th edition) since it is first published in 1989, in 1994, 1999 and 2003, respectively, it is corrected and republished. In August 2006, the textbooks is incorporated into the regular higher education "Eleventh Five-Year" national planning materials. In the 5th edition of the "computer network", there had been substantial changes in content and structure. The book is divided into 10 chapters, more comprehensive and systematic introduction to the development of computer networks and principles of architecture, physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, application layer, network security, audio/video services on the Internet, wireless networks and next-generation Internet content. The various chapters are accompanied by exercises. In addition, Appendix A gives some answer to the exercises and tips. (2012-07-08, PDF, 17693KB, 下载17次)


[网络编程] 8255

关于复杂网络中基于科研作者合作网络的分析与研究, 同时对作者合作网模型做了实证分析,这个PDF文档对于学者有重要的参考价值
Based on the research of complex network analysis and research cooperation network, while cooperation network model of an empirical analysis, this PDF document for important reference value to scholars (2011-05-07, PDF, 254KB, 下载8次)


[网络编程] Troubleshooting-LAN-Switch

换机是IP 城域网中不可缺少的一部分,大量的二层和三层LAN 交换机通过GE 或FE 相互之间进行连接,构成了IP 城域网的平面网络。在城域网日常维护工作中,经常 会遇到一些交换机故障,但事实上,LAN 交换机是比较稳定的设备,许多故障的产生的原 因都是由于交换机与交换机,交换机与光纤收发器之间的网线引起的,网线制作不标准,网 线皮破损,RJ45 头没压好,都会产生一系列的问题,而这些问题在初期并不会很明显的体 现,往往在设备运行的过程中才会慢慢显现出来,下面就我们日常工作中遇到的一些问题和 处理过程和大家探讨一下。
IP MAN LAN switches are an integral part of the large number of second and three LAN switch through the GE Or FE are connected with each other to form a flat IP network MAN. Routine maintenance work in the metropolitan area, often Encounter some switch failure, but in fact, LAN switches, the device is relatively stable, the production of many of the original fault Are due to the switch and the switch because the switch and fiber optic cable between the transceiver caused production of non-standard network cable, network Line of skin damage, RJ45 head did not press well, will have a series of problems, and these problems will not be obvious in the initial body Now, often in the course of operation of equipment will slowly emerge, following on our daily work and some of the problems encountered And to discuss our process. (2011-01-17, PDF, 103KB, 下载1次)


[网络编程] Slow-speed-of-IP-MAN

IP 城域网网速变慢分析及参考解决方法 ―― By Heaven于杭州 IP 城域网建成运行后,网络发生故障是不可避免的。一般当网络发生无法连 通、不能浏览Web 等故障时,现象比较明确,容易观察和定位故障点,此类故 障解决起来相对容易。还有一类故障就是网络是通的,但网速变慢。在面对这类 障时,往往会感觉到无从下手。本文为大家介绍引起此类故障常见的原因及排除 方法,和大家共同提高。
Slow speed of IP MAN and reference solutions - By Heaven in Hangzhou IP MAN up and running, the network failure is inevitable. Even when the network is not generally Pass, can not browse the Web and other failure, are quite clear, easy to observe and locate the fault point, so such Barrier is relatively easy to solve. Another type of failure is the network that pass, but the speed slower. In the face of such Barrier, they often feel unable to start. This article is to introduce a common cause of such failure causes and ruled out Methods, and all together. (2011-01-17, PDF, 102KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] DefiningTomorrowInternet

互联网的架构是基于对数原则,包括自我描述报包,终端到终端的论点,在技术和全球多样性寻址。随着互联网已经从一个研究好奇心一个主流社会的认可组成部分,新的要求,出现了新的设计建议原则,或许表明,我们重温一些旧的。本文探讨的一个重要现实,围绕今天的因特网:是不同利益相关者 互联网环境的一部分利益,有可能是不利的 彼此,这些每一方争夺偏向特殊利益。我们称这个过程“的争斗”。我们的的立场是包容这种争斗是非常重要的演化网络的技术架构。我们讨论一些争斗的例子,并提供一些技术设计原则,考虑到这一点。
The architecture of the Internet is based on a number of principles, including the self-describing datagram packet, the end to end arguments, diversity in technology and global addressing. As the Internet has moved from a research curiosity to a recognized component of mainstream society, new requirements have emerged that suggest new design principles, and perhaps suggest that we revisit some old ones. This paper explores one important reality that surrounds the Internet today: different stakeholders that are part of the Internet milieu have interests that may be adverse to each other, and these parties each vie to favor their particular interests. We call this process “the tussle”. Our position is that accommodating this tussle is crucial to the evolution of the network’s technical architecture. We discuss some examples of tussle, and offer some technical design principles that take it into account. (2010-03-12, PDF, 179KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] IEEE_802.3-2008

IEEE 802.3规范规定了以太网相关协议的具体内容,这是2008年最新版本
IEEE 802.3 Ethernet specification related to the specific content of the agreement, which is the latest version of the 2008 (2009-09-14, PDF, 24473KB, 下载333次)


[网络编程] 5

一种改进的无线传感器网络MAC协议 本文在S-MAC协议的基础上,提出了一种适用于大型监测网络的能量有效的MAC协议。经过分析表明,改进的协议 在满足延迟的条件下,能够有效的降低能量消耗。
An Improved MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network (2009-05-14, PDF, 569KB, 下载60次)


[网络编程] 000

IPv4/IPv6过渡策略及IPv6试验网络的构建 :本文介绍了IPv4向IPv6网络过渡的策略及一个基于Windows系统的简易IPv6试验网的构建。并以此为例,介绍了IPv6地址和路由自动配置、DNS的配置,从而使用户能尽快掌握IPv6的基本概念和使用特点。
The paper introduced the Transition Mechanisms for IPv4/IPv6 and design of a Network test bed. Then take it as an example, recommend how dispose IPv6 address,dispose route of IPv6,dispose DNS of IPv6 etc.thus enable user to grasp the basic conception of IPv6 and use characteristic as soon as possible. (2009-04-26, PDF, 144KB, 下载7次)


[网络编程] NonRBFModel

提出了一种RBF网非线性动态系统在线建模的资源优化网络(RON)方法.RON 在资源分配网络的学习过程中引入了滑动窗口和网络结构在线优化的思想,使网络能根据最 近一段时间内的误差信息自动实现网络结构优化,从而使RBF网既能在线适应对象的变化, 又能使网络规模维持在较小水平,并保证了网络的泛化能力.使用滑动窗口技术使RON对学 习参数变化具有较好的鲁棒性,并更易收敛.三个标准例子演示了算法的有效性.
presents a RBF network nonlinear dynamic system modeling online resource optimization network (RON) method. RON resources distribution network in the learning process of introducing a sliding window and on-line optimization of the network structure of thinking, so that the network can According to the most recent information within the error automatically optimizing the network structure, so that the RBF network can meet the targets of the online changes also enable the network to maintain the small-scale level, and to ensure that the network generalization ability. Use sliding window technology allows RON learning parameters is robust, and easier to convergence. 3 standard examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm. (2006-12-13, PDF, 178KB, 下载56次)
