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[其他行业] fdc_58405

Suitable for real estate company, enterprise s self-build system best choice, USES asp program design, website management background powerful, management simple and understandable, front desk page design clear clear, beautiful and easy web design, actulaay real estate industry best website self-build system. Real estate company, to be introduced in a network of real estate project on display, release the real estate news, let the customer prompt understanding the company s latest dynamic, drive sales performance of a company website, nets soft real estate web site management management system (2011-04-13, ASP, 11384KB, 下载12次)


[其他行业] wqshop5.5_AC

网奇.NET网络商城ACCESS单店商业版特点: 1、可生成静态页面,对搜索引擎更友好,速度更快.而且更安全。 2、采用ASP.NET语言设计开发。 3、精确的流量统计功能,全面掌握各产品的浏览次数、时间、回头率、来源等数据。 4、可下载、安装网奇商城提供的新模板 5、提供专业的网站SEO搜索引擎优化部局,用户通过后台设置可轻松提升网站排名。 6、批量导入EXCEL的产品。 7、集成主流网银在线支付接口。
Network qi. NET network Mart stores ACCESS single commercial version features: 1, can generate static pages for search engine friendly and faster. But also more secure. 2, using ASP.NET design and development language. 3, accurate traffic statistics function, a comprehensive grasp of the products viewed, time and Repeated customers, sources of data. 4, can download, install, network qi Shangcheng 5 new templates to provide professional search engine optimization SEO website Department of the Board, the user can easily set up through the background to enhance your site' s ranking. 6, bulk import EXCEL products. 7, integrated online payment Bank of the main network interface. (2009-02-17, ASP, 2609KB, 下载3次)


[其他行业] Codejia.com_fd900333a743499519b6d3885cd421fa

某展览服务公司网站源码: 为达到最佳效果,推荐使用九网互联的ASP空间,支持绑定域名到目录。 后台功能: 简介管理,新闻管理,产品管理,客服中心 后台登录:admin/login.asp 登陆用户名:admin 登陆:admin888
Exhibition services companies have a web site source code: In order to achieve the best results, recommend the use of nine networks in the ASP space, to support the binding domain to the directory. Back-office functions: Profile management, information management, product management, call center background Login: admin/login.asp Login Username: admin login: admin888 (2008-12-04, ASP, 14591KB, 下载23次)


[其他行业] wqshop

网趣购物系统加强升级版 ○ 完美整合BBS论坛程序,用户只须注册一个帐号,即可全站通用! ○ 采用目前流行的Flash滚动切换广告 变换形式多样,受人喜爱! ○ 在原有提供的5种在线支付基础上增加北京云网支付! ○ 对留言本重新进行编排,加入留言验证码,后台有留言审核开关 ○ 对购物系统的前台进行了一处安全更新。 ○ 在原有文字友情链接基础上,增加LOGO友情链接功能 ○ 强大的6种在线支付方式可选,自由切换。 ○ 对新闻列表进行了调整,修正原来标题显示不全的问题
Fun shopping network upgrade system to strengthen integration perfect 2000 BBS forum, users only need to register an account, GM can stand! for the current popular Flash rolling switching advertising transform a variety of forms, by love! in 2000 the original five kinds of online payments based on net increase Beijing cloud cover! the right message for re- presentation by adding voice verification codes, background vetting messages on the shopping hours, switching systems of the future of a security update. The original 2000 text links on the basis of friendship, increased LOGO Links 2000 features six powerful online payment options, the free switch. List of 2000 to press for the adjustment that the original title of the show incomplete (2006-06-15, ASP, 2988KB, 下载5次)
