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[其他游戏] Terraria1.1.1.cn

泰拉瑞亚汉化版自从1.1以后,就沉默了很久,现在,1.1.1汉化版终于可以玩了。为了让更多喜欢泰拉的玩家们能体验到有雪景的泰拉,特此分享。 泰拉瑞亚1.1.1是圣诞节特殊版。比1.1版内容新增了下雪和圣诞老人,下雪就意味着多了一种材料:雪块;还多了一个NPC:圣诞老人。 1.1.1可以读取以前版本的人物存档和世界存档,但是读过后,以前版本就不能打开被读过的存档,包括人物和世界,所以做好备份; 以前的存档读出来后进行游戏,以现在的时间(2012年1月25日)来看,是不可能有下雪和圣诞老人的,因为圣诞节已经过了。 要想有下雪和圣诞老人出现,要做下面3件事: 1、最重要的:把运行游戏的电脑系统时间,调到2011年12月25日,冒充今天就是圣诞节 2、创建一个新人物 3、创建一个新世界 这样进入游戏后,就有下雪和圣诞老人了。
Tara Rhea finished version since 1.1 later, it was silent for a long time now, 1.1.1 finished version can play. Order to allow more players like Tara can experience snow of Tara, is hereby share. Tara Rhea 1.1.1 is a Christmas special edition. Content than version 1.1 new snow and Santa Claus, snow means a material: Snow pack a more NPCs: Santa Claus. 1.1.1 can read previous versions of the character archive and the World archive, but after reading, the previous versions can not open the archive to be read, including the characters and the world, so do the backup a previous save game to read out to look at the present time (January 25, 2012), there can be snow and Santa Claus, Christmas has been. To snow and Santa Claus, do the following three things: 1, the most important: the computer system time of the running game, and transferred to December 25, 2011, posing as Christmas 2, create a new character 3, create a new world, into the game, there is snow and Santa.... (2012-02-29, Visual C++, 15245KB, 下载7次)


[其他游戏] wow-313-source

魔兽世界3.13源代码,仅仅客户端的。 客户端版本:3.1.3(10146) 只能校验zhCN登录文件,不可选其它语种 由于战网对reamlist服务程序作了专门改动,所以连不上官网,只能连私服。 服务器ip设置方法1: 下载登录器运行一次。 服务器ip设置方法2: 打开wow根目录\data\zhCN\realmlist.wtf set realmlist xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx(或域名):端口号 (如果没端口号则默认3724) 或者打开:wow根目录\realmlist.wtf修改 (优先级高于前者) 由于代码不完整, 有很多功能看不到, 还有些按键和按钮会触发错误对话框,请注意规避。 exe文件需在wow根目录下运行
World of Warcraft 3.13 source code, only the client. Client Version: 3.1.3 (10146) can only verify zhCN log file, not an optional other languages due to fighting nets reamlist service program made a special change, so Rom' s official website, only with Sifu. Server ip is set Method 1: Download the log runs once. Server ip is set Method 2: Open the wow root directory \ data \ zhCN \ realmlist.wtf set realmlist xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (or domain name): port number (if not the default port number 3724) or open: wow root directory \ realmlist.wtf modified (priority than the former) as the code is not complete, there are many features can not see, and some keys and buttons will trigger an error dialog box, please note that to avoid. exe files need to run under the root directory of wow (2010-03-15, Visual C++, 39506KB, 下载1042次)


[其他游戏] SimpleGame

This is my " network-based game design" course on the use of a simple code for a complete gaming, the game is relatively simple, in addition to not consider synchronization problems, the network basically all other aspects of the game included, suitable for students and beginners to learn (2009-10-16, Visual C++, 285KB, 下载17次)


[其他游戏] tank_yu

经典的坦克大战游戏,单人或双人同机操作,游戏画面精致,并提供地图编辑器,可以自定义地图替换map文件夹中的过关地图,是不可多得的娱乐和学习材料。开发工具:VC++6.0 和 Directx ,地图编辑器是VB6。
classic casual games, single- or two-person operation with the machine, games exquisite picture, and provides a map editor, can customize maps replacement map folder clearance maps, is a rare entertainment and learning materials. Development tools : VC 6.0 and DirectX Map Editor is VB6. (2005-07-18, Visual C++, 402KB, 下载277次)
