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[通讯编程] Desktop

simple wireless network,three nodes (2020-10-08, tcl/tk, 1KB, 下载0次)


[网络] wired-wireless

NS2 simulation code wireless sensor networks, wireless networks and wired networks hybrid simulation code, pro-test runs (2016-12-03, tcl/tk, 1KB, 下载4次)


[网络] ns2--output-wireless

NS2仿真 无线传感网 中节点的吞吐量,可直接使用。
This is NS2 simulation of wireless sensor network node ,it is about throughput, the code can be used directly。 (2013-11-05, tcl/tk, 1KB, 下载17次)


[网络] 22415

NS network simulation and protocol emulation, " a book which supporting wireless Mesh network protocol development and simulation of a complete instance as well as the book' s example source code. (2013-02-28, tcl/tk, 67KB, 下载13次)


[网络] 17

Ke Zhiheng version of NS2 simulation- multimedia and wireless network communication book experiment 17 (diff networks) all procedures, all procedures are adjusted over, you can run (2012-07-08, tcl/tk, 130KB, 下载10次)


[单片机开发] ns2

Many interesting route planning problems can be solved by computing shortest paths in a suitably modeled, weighted graph representing a transportation network. Such networks are naturally road networks or timetable networks of public transportation. For large networks, the classical Dijkstra algorithm to compute shortest paths is too slow. And therefore have faster algorithms been developed in recent years. These new algorithms have in common that they use precomputation and store auxiliary data to speedup subsequent shortest-path queries.
Many interesting route planning problems can be solved by computing shortest paths in a suitably modeled, weighted graph representing a transportation network. Such networks are naturally road networks or timetable networks of public transportation. For large networks, the classical Dijkstra algorithm to compute shortest paths is too slow. And therefore have faster algorithms been developed in recent years. These new algorithms have in common that they use precomputation and store auxiliary data to speedup subsequent shortest-path queries. (2012-05-27, tcl/tk, 28KB, 下载20次)


[Ftp服务器] h3c_ftp_tftp_ctrl

reboot Eth Port and FTP server and so on (2012-04-16, tcl/tk, 1KB, 下载7次)


[Linux/Unix编程] gnumake-v3.80_cn.pdf.tar

(中 文版)详细讲述了基于 GNU MAKEFILE的 规则 以及使用 是 UNIX环境下 编程人 员 的 必备工 具
matirial of introduce using gnu make under unix os,which a really useful way to code with (2011-07-25, tcl/tk, 904KB, 下载8次)



以延迟容忍网络的路由算法为主要研究对象。叙述了延迟容忍网 络的技术背景和协议框架。比较了已有的路由算法,并在此基础之上,结 合延迟容忍网络的体系结构特点,提出了信息库的概念和几种延迟容忍网 络体系下的路由算法。
To delay tolerant network routing algorithm as the main object of study. Describes the technical background of delay tolerant networking and protocol framework. Comparison of the existing routing algorithms, and on this basis, combined with delay tolerant network architecture, we proposed the concept of repository and several delay tolerant network system under the routing algorithm. (2011-04-26, tcl/tk, 622KB, 下载31次)


[网络] w1

In this experiment, divided into "mobile node wireless area networks"and the "fixed node in the wireless area network " to discuss the two environments. I adjusted the MAC protocol (a total of (2 species), routing protocols (2 species), the network topology (5 species), the number of nodes (3 species), the node density (total 1 species), distance (total 1 species) Therefore, the experimental results of fixed nodes, 2* 2* 5* (3) = 60. Since the node density, transmission range of the two parameters change in the maintenance of the network topology caused great conflict, so the impact of node density , the time just in time for the linear topology of the node density analysis, neither the density of other types of topology change. and all of the transmission distance of 250m using only the setting, the setting distance below 聆聽以拼音方式閱讀 (2011-04-06, tcl/tk, 2KB, 下载14次)


[Linux/Unix编程] aodv

基于NS2仿真的AODV协议脚本文件. NS2(Network Simulation Version 2)是一种功能强大的网络模拟仿真器,它是用C++和OTCL两种语言完成的。C++语言编写协议执行模块,OTCL语言编写模拟任务。NS2主要针对有线局域网、无线局域网、Ad Hoc网络、卫星通信网、路由选择协议、组播路由协议等进行网络模拟仿真。
NS2-based simulation of AODV protocol script file. NS2 (Network Simulation Version 2) is a powerful network simulation device, which is the C++, and OTCL done in both languages. C++ language agreed to implement the module, OTCL language simulation tasks. NS2 targeted at wired LAN, wireless LAN, Ad Hoc networks, satellite communications network, routing protocol, multicast routing protocols such as the network simulation. (2010-03-18, tcl/tk, 1KB, 下载295次)


[邮电通讯系统] vlantest27.01

vlan setting example of Ixia automation test (2009-11-18, tcl/tk, 11KB, 下载11次)


[邮电通讯系统] Part3_Vlan_Up_QinQ_Down_Strip.ixa

double vlan setting on ixia automation test (2009-11-18, tcl/tk, 8KB, 下载5次)


[其他] tcl_cn

tcl/tk to get started quickly, on a number of tcl/tk entry knowledge, ease of tcl/tk preliminary study (2009-06-01, tcl/tk, 353KB, 下载39次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] WSN

随着现代微机电系统(MEMS, Micro-Electro-Mechanism System)、微电子、片上系统SOC (System-On-Chip)、纳米材料、传感器、无线通讯、计算机网络、分布式信息处理等技术发展,无线传 感器网络(Wireless Sensor Networks, WSN)和射频标签(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)在近 几年获得了飞速发展。这两项技术相互独立,却又存在着千丝万缕的联系,它们相互交叉和相互整合,具 有十分广阔的应用前景,在军事国防、工农业控制、城市管理、生物医疗、环境监测、抢险救灾、防恐反 恐、危险区域远程控制,物流管理,人员识别,汽车工业等许多领域都有重要的科研价值和实用价值,已 经引起了国内外研究及工业界广泛的重视。
WEB:http://www.wsn.org.cn/contact.htm EMAIL:wsnbooks@nbicc.com 电话:0574-87910141/0574-87910139 (2009-05-02, tcl/tk, 32303KB, 下载23次)
