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[WEB开发] 7

McBlog是魔方动力旗下的一款博客管理系统。系统采用.NET4.0+SQL SERVER 2008开发,适合个人博客建站,可用于科技、娱乐、资讯、产品等等类型的博客。McBlog采用伪静态技术,可以自定义为.html等等类型的网页后缀。本博客系统结合魔方采集器,可以实现自动采集文章,无需人工干预。
McBlog is a blog management system under the power of magic cube. The system is developed by.NET4.0+SQL SERVER 2008, which is suitable for personal blog establishment, and can be applied to science and technology, entertainment, information, products and other types of blogs. McBlog adopts pseudo static technology, and can be customized to.Html and so on. This blog system combined with magic cube collector can automatically collect articles without manual intervention. (2018-04-12, Visual Basic.NET, 14227KB, 下载1次)


[WEB开发] 5

The government website management system of the thousand Bo government can efficiently build a multi type government information platform, such as government portal, e-government external network, government internal knowledge website, municipal government website, and various government websites. (2018-04-12, Visual Basic.NET, 10224KB, 下载4次)


[Windows编程] 1213

iNethinkCMS基.NET C#2.0分层开发的网站内容管理系统,自主的模板引擎(类标签式)、独有的插件扩展技术,可以适应各类的网站开发需要,全面免费、开源(基于LGPL开源协议),您可根据实际项目需求,进行自主修改,而不用过份担心版权问题。
INethinkCMS based.NET C#2.0 layer development website content management system, independent template engine (class label type), unique plug-in extension technology, can adapt to various types of Web site development needs, comprehensive free, open source (based on the LGPL open source protocol), you can according to the actual item needs, independent modification, without excessive worry. Copyright issues. (2018-04-07, Visual Basic.NET, 2012KB, 下载2次)


[网络编程] Lanscanner

网络扫描. 使用Arp 解析局域网内所有设备, 即使开启防火墙,也可扫描出来. 局限性: 因工作在网络第二层, 无法跨网段扫描
Network scanning. The use of all equipment within the analytical ARP LAN, even open the firewall, scanning. Limitations: because of the work in the second layer of the network, can not cross segment scanning (2015-09-08, Visual Basic.NET, 3516KB, 下载6次)
