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按平台查找All Visual Basic(23) 

[企业管理] lsqywzym_v3.8

Net new enterprise website management system (green) is a professional for the individual and enterprise website construction and development of an intelligent program. The program is based on the ASP+ACCESS environment development, with perfect website front desk and background full intelligent management functions, completely by the background operation, is the first choice for personal and enterprise intelligent website construction! (2016-05-06, Visual Basic, 2542KB, 下载1次)


[企业管理] soure

The system uses the system VB6.0+ SQL2000, a key element of the tourism closely into how to travel to these resources management, has a strong practical, either as a stand-alone systems can also be integrated as a business tourism enterprises management system an important component of the system including user management system, geographic management, attractions resource management, resource management hotels, restaurants, resource management, recreation resource management, transport resource management, tourist routes and offer management, editing functions. (2009-05-07, Visual Basic, 704KB, 下载35次)


[企业管理] 20040509211142

[smith.rar] - smith原图,希望能给学射频的一些帮助 [CommandPattern.rar] - ,Head First 设计模式原书用的是JAVA写的代码,网络上也有C#的,但没有见到用C++实现的。这是我用C++实现的命令模式的代码 [网吧管理系统客户端源程序.zip] - 这里是源码。 宛枫书社图书管理系统 V1.0 Beta 测试版 面向中小型书店、个体书店进行全面的人员、物流管理,旨在实现书店管理信息化。本系统采用会员制管理,将人员分为经理、仓库管理员、售书员、会员、游客等,分别拥有不同的权限,各司其职,以便提高工作效率。系统功能包括:供应商管理、进书管理、图书资
err (2008-12-28, Visual Basic, 97KB, 下载40次)
