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[控制台编程] B06040324_B2

模拟电信计费系统的设计与实现 要求:(1) 计费功能。根据存放在源数据文件中的通话记录和长途费率文件对每一条通话记录计算其通话费用,并将结果保存在费用文件中。其中: 通话费的计算方法如下: 通话费=长途电话费+本地电话费 长途电话费=费率(元/分钟)×通话时长(分钟) (通话时长不满1分钟的按1分钟计算) 本地电话费为:3分钟以内0.5元,以后每3分钟递增0.2元。 (2) 话费查询。输入一个电话号码,从费用文件中统计该电话号码的所有本地话费、长途话费,并从用户文件中查找其用户名,最后在屏幕上显示: 用户名 电话号码 本地话费 长途话费 话费总计 (3) 话单查询。输入一个电话号码,查询并在屏幕显示该用户的所有通话记录,格式为: 用户名 主叫电话号码 被叫电话号码 通话时长
Design and implementation of simulation of telecommunication billing system Requirements: (1) the charging function. According to the calculation of the call charges stored in the source data file in the call records and the long rate documents for each call record, and save the results in cost file. Among them: The following conversation method to calculate the fee: Long distance telephone calls =+ local telephone fee Long distance telephone fee = rate (yuan/minute)* call time (minutes) (call time less than 1 minutes to 1 minutes) Local call: 3 minutes 0.5 yuan, increasing 0.2 yuan every 3 minutes later. (2) calls inquiries. Enter a phone number, all local calls, long-distance calls statistics the phone number from the cost in the file, and find the user name from user file, and finally displayed on the screen: The user name phone number local calls long distance charges charges totaling (3) if a single query. Enter a phone number, query and display all the call records of th (2013-09-25, Visual C++, 277KB, 下载10次)


[控制台编程] shuizhunwang_pingcha

本款程序为Visual Studio2008下的C++编写,功能为实现水准网平差。通过已知高程点,各水准路线的观测高差、距离及已知点高程求9个待定高程点高程平差值;以及平差后精度最弱的点及其高程平差值中误差。
Procedures for Visual Studio2008 this subsection C++ under the written standards for the realization of network adjustment function. By a known elevation point, the standard line of observation height, distance and elevation requirements known points to be determined Elevation Elevation 9 level difference and precision of the weakest points, after adjustment of elevation difference in the error level. (2010-12-05, C++, 1082KB, 下载26次)


[控制台编程] C数据结构课程设计

数据结构C语言课程设计源代码 这是我花了一个星期独立编出来的课设,得了100分,整个专业就只 有三个满分!内含24点游戏,飞机订票系统和火车信息查询系统以及课 设论文,注释非常详细,相信对学习C语言和数据结构的同学大有帮助
data structure C language source code design courses that I spent a week down the independent class-based, had 100 points, on the whole, only three out! The game includes 24 points, aircraft and booking system for train information system and class-based papers, notes in great detail, I believe in learning C language and data structure of great help students (2005-06-24, C/C++, 312KB, 下载1097次)
