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[图片显示] modelxng__aqd

On film formation and growth of analysis and modeling, physical process and phenomena related to good (2017-05-14, matlab, 3KB, 下载1次)


[图片显示] ImageUpon-zh_cn

一个免费的图片上传程序,放置在你的空间中,你的用户即可免注册上传图片。支持PNG/GIF/JPG格式。 Tags: ImageUpon
A free picture upload program, placed in your space, your users can register upload pictures. Support PNG/GIF/JPG format. Tags:ImageUpon (2016-04-25, PHP, 61KB, 下载1次)


[图片显示] tuchong

Climb to the top of used to figure the picture of the net, input the number of pages required (1-100), modify the speed should be faster again (2014-09-04, Python, 1KB, 下载8次)


[图片显示] PictureDisplayActivxControl

用VC开发的图片显示Activex控件.PictureDisplay支持图片格式: jpg,tiff,png,bmp,jpeg,gif. 和传统的Picture控件相比,PictureDisplay支持的格式更多,使用更加灵活方便。主要有四个函数: 1.获得文件路径 CString GetFilePathName() 2.设置文件路径void SetFilePathName(LPCTSTR) 3.获得是否缩放显示BOOL GetShowMode() 4.设置显示模式 true为缩放,false为原始大小 void SetShowMode(BOOL) SimpleSan s work! just enjoy!-_-! visualsan@yahoo.cn 2010.6.22 NUAA
Development of image display with VC Activex control. PictureDisplay supported image formats: jpg, tiff, png, bmp, jpeg, gif. Picture control compared to traditional, PictureDisplay supported formats more convenient to use more flexible. There are four main functions: 1. Get the file path CString GetFilePathName () 2. Set the file path void SetFilePathName (LPCTSTR) 3. Was whether the zoom BOOL GetShowMode () 4. To set the display mode true to scale, false to the original size of the void SetShowMode (BOOL) SimpleSan' s work! just enjoy !-_-! visualsan@yahoo.cn 2010.6.22 NUAA (2010-06-22, Visual C++, 631KB, 下载33次)


[图片显示] mapview

qt 地图浏览器 闪烁的圆点代表自组网中节点所在位置 gps功能尚未添加
qt Map Viewer blinking dot represents a network node from the location of gps function has not yet added (2010-03-25, Unix_Linux, 267KB, 下载180次)


[图片显示] 20100308104135093687[@]@page

The amount of image stitching technology, the English papers, to help users outside the campus network (2010-03-08, Video, 1074KB, 下载5次)


[图片显示] www.cnzz.cn

Image overlay, the prospect of pictures into a transparent background color in order to meet would not block the background image. (2009-08-18, Visual C++, 4445KB, 下载83次)


[图片显示] 3DGraph

XYZ graph is a program to visualize 3D - data. Three cross sections along the XY- , XZ- , and the YZ-plane are shown. By moving the hairlines the user can scan through the the various voxel planes. Input files can be either binary or ascii. To visualize dicom files a parser utility is incorporated so that the dicom files can be separated in a binary data file and an ascii header file.
XYZ graph is a program to visualize 3D- data. Three cross sections along the XY- , XZ- , and the YZ-plane are shown. By moving the hairlines the user can scan through the the various voxel planes. Input files can be either binary or ascii. To visualize dicom files a parser utility is incorporated so that the dicom files can be separated in a binary data file and an ascii header file. (2009-07-28, Delphi, 344KB, 下载29次)


[图片显示] project1

令人着迷的电影特效,到医学成像、电子游戏和更多的领域,3D图形所带来的冲击不亚于一场革命。这项从五年前(1996年)开始,带来了个人电脑消费风暴的技术,根源于学术界和军事。其实从某种程度上来说,我们今天在个人电脑上所享受的3D图形算是一种“和平红利”,许多最初设计军事模拟器的专家如今在从事3D图形芯片,电影和游戏开发产业的工作。 除娱乐之外,3D图形技术在计算机辅助设计(CAD)上为工业设计带
Fascinating film special effects, to medical imaging, electronic gaming and more areas, 3D graphics the impact of no less than a revolution. This from five years ago (1996), the consumption of personal computers has brought turmoil technology, rooted in academia and the military. In fact, to some extent, we are today in a personal computer enjoy 3D graphics is a (2008-10-19, Visual C++, 282KB, 下载63次)
