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[STL] Thinking-in-CPP--CN

图书简介   本书《C++编程思想》介绍C++实用的编程技术和最佳的实践方法,深入探究了异常处理方法和异常安全设计;介绍C++的字符串、输入输出流、STL算法、容器和模板的现代用法,包括模板元编程;解释多重继承问题的难点,展示RTTI的实际使用,描述了典型的设计模式及其实现,特别介绍被认为是标准C++下一版特征之一的多线程处理编程技术,并提供了最新的研究成果。本书适合作为高等院校计算机及相关专业的本科生、研究生的教材,也可供从事软件开发的研究人员和科技工作者参考
Book Description The book 《Thinking in C++》introduces C++ practical programming techniques and best practice methods, delve into the exception handling and exception safety design introduce the C++ string, input and output streams, STL algorithms, containers and templates of modern usage, including template metaprogramming explain the difficulty of the multiple inheritance problem, showing the actual use of RTTI, describes the typical design patterns, special presentation is considered the standard C++ for the next version of one of the characteristics of multi-threaded programming techniques, and provide the latest research results. Book for institutions of higher learning computers and related professional undergraduate and postgraduate teaching materials are also available for researchers engaged in software development and scientific and technological workers Reference (2012-02-18, C/C++, 10224KB, 下载6次)



effective STL Chinese version, Daniel s book, C++ will learn, this not have introduced it! ! (2011-10-20, C++, 587KB, 下载1次)


[STL] Effective.STL_cn

我第一次写关于Standard Template Library的东西是在1995年,那时,我决定把More Effective C++的最后一个条款写成一个STL的简要概览。我早该更好地了解STL。不久以后,我开始收到一些mail,问我什么时候写Effective STL。
It came without ribbons! It came without tags! It came without packages, boxes or bags! ——Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!, Random House, 1957 (2010-04-19, Visual C++, 304KB, 下载3次)


[STL] Howtostudy_STL_CN

STL 是Standard Template Library的缩写,中文名是标准模板库。STL以其独特的魅力得到越来越多的程序员钟爱,STL彻底封装复杂的数据结构,提供丰富灵活的程序接口,同时还能保证程序的运行效率。
STL is an acronym for Standard Template Library, Chinese name is a standard template library. STL for its unique charm to be loved more and more programmers, STL complete package complex data structure, and provide a rich and flexible programming interface, while the operating efficiency assurance procedures. (2009-07-22, Visual C++, 587KB, 下载6次)



本书里的信息将使你成为一个更好的STL程序员,它将让你成为一个更高产的程序员。而且它将让你成为一个更愉快的 程序员,使用STL很有趣,但是有效地使用它更为有趣,这种有趣是它们必须把你拽离键盘,因为你不能相信你争拥有 的好时光。即使对STL的匆匆一瞥也能发现它是一个非常酷的库,但这份酷比你可能想象的更宽更深。我在本书的一个 主要目标是传达给你这个库有多神奇,因为在我编程的差不多30年里,我从未见过任何像STL的东西。你或许也没有。
The information in this book will enable you to become a better programmer STL, which will let you become a more productive programmers. And it will let you become a more enjoyable, programmers, use STL very interesting, but the effective use of it more interesting, the interesting is that they need to pull you away from the keyboard, because you can not believe you have a good time for. Even if the glance of the STL can be found that it is a very cool library, but the cool than you might imagine a wider deeper. In my book, a major goal is to convey to you how fantastic this library, because in my programming almost 30 years, I have never seen any thing like the STL. Maybe you did not. (2009-01-09, Others, 604KB, 下载9次)


[STL] Eff_STL_CN[1]

This book is C++ Language reference manual, in alphabetical order, introduced the C++ Language core and most commonly used class library and the library, which covers the C++ Keyword, function, operator, type concepts and technical details. The book detailed and understandable explanation, an example of a brief and clear procedures. beginners and experienced C++ programmers are able to book quickly find the answers to these questions. (2008-12-24, Visual C++, 588KB, 下载2次)
