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[Redis] online_store

Проект интернет-магазина (в разработке) Online store project (under development) (2024-01-13, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] opslinux

opslinux,Linux运维手册(基础+frp内网穿透+分布式锁+Redis+Kafka+安全+漏洞扫描+Docker+ELFK+LVM+监控+CI CD+数据库+翻墙+LDAP+MQ+minio对象存储+命令录制审计+IP出口+gmail邮件安全...
Opslinux, Linux Operation and Maintenance Manual (Basic+FRP Internal Network Penetration+Distributed Lock+Redis+Kafka+Security+Vulnerability Scan+Docker+ELFK+LVM+Monitoring+CI CD+Database+Wall Crossing+LDAP+MQ+Mini Object Storage+Command Recording Audit+IP Export+gmail Email Security...) (2023-05-14, Shell, 26639KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] DBScanner

DBScanner,自动扫描内网常见sql、no- sql数据库脚本(mysql、mssql、oracle、postgresql、redis、mongodb、memcached、elasticsearch),包含未授权访问及常规弱口令检测
DBScanner, automatically scans common SQL and no SQL database scripts (MySQL, MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, Redis, Mongodb, Memcached, Elasticsearch) on the internal network, including unauthorized access and regular weak password detection (2023-05-14, Python, 37KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] projectoa

projectoa,华理网院本科毕业设计 - 企业OA后台管理系统 基于springboot amazeui等 开发于2018年,仅为学习使用。
Projectoa, a bachelor s degree project of Huali University of Internet Technology - The enterprise OA backend management system was developed in 2018 based on spring boot amazeui and others, and is only for learning purposes. (2023-05-14, JavaScript, 1378KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] mmall

Mmall, "Muke.net" Java from scratch to enterprise level e-commerce project practice - server side (2023-05-14, Java, 6547KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] hanzo-cloud

hanzo-cloud,SpringCloud(Hoxton.SR5) + SpringBoot(2.3.0.RELEASE)的 SaaS型微服务后端脚手架。授权中心开发完毕。文档地址:<https: www.kancloud.cn hanzo hanzo>
hanzo-cloud,SpringCloud(Hoxton.SR5) + SpringBoot(2.3.0.RELEASE)的 SaaS型微服务后端脚手架。授权中心开发完毕。文档地址:<https: www.kancloud.cn hanzo hanzo> (2023-05-14, Java, 346KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] sms-backend

sms-backend,集信达是一个提供发送短信服务的短信聚合平台, 它聚合了包括阿里, 华为, 梦网, 飞鸽等各大短信服务商于一体, 减少重复对接成本的同时, 保证短信触达率.
SMS backend is a SMS aggregation platform that provides SMS sending services. It integrates various SMS service providers, including Alibaba, Huawei, Mengwang, Feige, etc., to reduce duplicate docking costs while ensuring SMS reach rate (2023-05-14, Java, 9133KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] community

community, 仿牛客网的问答社区。该项目为练手项目,基于 SpringBoot + Mybatis + Redis 实现了基本的登录注册、发帖、评论、点赞、回复等功能。
Community, a Q&A community modeled after Niuke Network. This project is a hand training project that implements basic login registration, posting, commenting, liking, replying, and other functions based on SpringBoot+Mybatis+Redis. (2023-05-14, Java, 281KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Mall

Mall, a distributed mall project with spring boot and dubbo, implements basic functions of the mall such as product browsing, ordering, payment, shopping cart, etc. Seata is used to implement Distributed transaction, Zookeeper is used as the registry, and Redis is used as the homepage cache to introduce Alipay sandbox payment. The project is still being optimized, welcome (2023-05-14, Java, 694KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] wooshopxingyun-shop-java

wooshopxingyun-shop-java,星云商城 电商 java商城系统 Uniapp ios+安卓+H5+微信小程序+微信公众号+QQ小程序+抖音小程序+支付宝小程序+百度小程序+快手小程序+飞书小程序 星云基于当前流行技术组合的前后端分离商城系统: SpringBoo...
Wooshopxingyun shop java, the e-commerce java mall system Uniapp ios+Android+H5+WeChat applet+WeChat official account+QQ applet+Tiktok applet+Alipay applet+Baidu applet+Kwai applet+Flybook applet, the front and rear end separation mall system based on the current popular technology combination: SpringBoo (2023-05-14, Java, 9977KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] community

Community, a discussion area modeled after the implementation of Niuke Network. (2023-05-14, Java, 332KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] wego

Wego, 2021 Campus Community Forum Completion Project, implementing functions similar to Niuke Network Discussion Area, using the following technology stack: SpringBoot+SpringMVC+Mybatis+Redis+ELK+Quartz+Websocket+vue.js (2023-05-14, Java, 1021KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] seckill

Seckill, a flash killing system implemented based on SpringMVC, Spring, and MyBatis (see Muke.com for some changes) (2023-05-14, Java, 64KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] SNS-Forum-Website

SNS Forum Website, Advanced Project of Niuke Network (SNS+Community Q&A Website) (2023-05-14, Java, 2234KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] netease-cloud-music-community

Netease cloud music community refers to a small program community created by NetEase Cloud Music Cloud Village. The backend technology stack is Java, SpringBoot, MySQL, Redis, and the front-end technology stack is uni app. Welcome to roast. (2023-05-14, Java, 620KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] camellia

山茶花,网易im的山茶花框架。提供者:1)redis代理,2)延迟队列,3)id gen,4)增强型redis客户端,5)enhanc...
camellia framework by netease-im. provider: 1)redis-proxy, 2)delay-queue, 3)id-gen, 4)hot-key, 5)enhanced-redis-client, 6)enhanced-hbase-client, 7)enhanced-feign-client, 8)enhanced-spring-cache (2023-05-14, Java, 5450KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] hahu

Hahu, a simplified version of the Q&A website created by Zhihu. The backend uses Java language and frameworks such as Spring, SpringMVC, MyBatis, and the template engine uses FreeMarker. The database uses MySQL and Redis. (2023-05-14, Java, 652KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Python-Spider

Python Spider, Douban Movie Top 250, Douyu Crawling JSON Data and Crawling Beauty Images, Taobao, Youyuan, CrawlSpider Crawling Some Basic Information about Relatives on Hongniang, as well as Hongniang Distributed Crawling and Storage Redis, Crawling Mini Demo, Selenium, Crawling Multipoint, django Development Interface, Crawling (2023-05-14, Python, 1755KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] LadonGo

LadonGo,LadonGO 4.2 Pentest Scanner framework 全平台Go开源内网渗透扫描器框架,Windows Linux Mac内网渗透,使用它可轻松一键批量探测C段、B段、A段存活主机、高危漏洞检测MS17010、S...
LadonGo, LadonGO 4.2 Pentest Scanner framework full platform Go open source intranet penetration scanner framework, Windows Linux Mac intranet penetration, it can easily batch detect surviving hosts in C, B, A segments, high-risk vulnerability detection MS17010, S (2023-03-25, GO, 3635KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] redisson

redisson,redisson-具有内存数据网格功能的简易Redis Java客户端。超过50个基于Redis的Java对象和服务...
Redisson - Easy Redis Java client with features of In-Memory Data Grid. Over 50 Redis based Java objects and services: Set, Multimap, SortedSet, Map, List, Queue, Deque, Semaphore, Lock, AtomicLong, Map Reduce, Publish / Subscribe, Bloom filter, Spring Cache, Tomcat, Scheduler, JCache API, Hibernate, MyBatis, RPC, local cache ... (2023-05-11, Java, 4057KB, 下载0次)
