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按分类查找All 数据库管理工具(31) 

[数据库管理工具] alatka-messages

固定格式/8583报文解析工具; 1.支持各卡组织(visa/万事达/美运/jcb/银联/连通/网联)报文规范; 2.支持8583子域及其嵌套子域解析; 3.支持报文域值类型映射java类型; 4.支持YAML、XML、注解、数据库表四种配置形式; 5.YAML、XML、数据库表支持动态配置,可做热更新。 (2024-06-03, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] 2697

基于SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js的手机销售系统(附论文),用户,管理员角色等(具体看下演示视频提供)。现代经济快节奏发展以及不断完善升级的信息化技术,让传统数据信息的管理升级为软件存储,归纳,集中处理数据信息的管理方式。本网上手机销售系统就是在这样的大环境下诞生,其可以帮助管理者在短时间内处理完毕庞大的数据信息,使用这种软件工具可以帮助管理人员提高事务处理效率,达到事半功倍的效果。此网上手机销售系统利用当下成熟完善的SSM框架,使用跨平台的可开发大型商业网站的Java语言,以及最受欢迎的RDBMS应用软件之一的Mysql数据库进行程序开发。 (2024-05-26, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] 1480

Campus second-hand trading platform system based on SpringBoot+MySQL+SSM+Vue.js (attached paper), users, administrator roles, etc. (see the demo video for details). The rapid development of modern economy and the constantly improved and upgraded information technology have upgraded the management of traditional data information to a management mode of software storage, induction and centralized processing of data information. This campus second-hand goods trading platform was born in such a big environment. It can help managers to process huge data information in a short time. Using this software tool can help managers improve the efficiency of transaction processing and achieve twice the result with half the effort. This campus second-hand goods trading platform uses the current mature and perfect SSM framework, the cross platform Java language that can develop large-scale commercial websites, and the MySQL database, one of the most popular RDBMS applications, for program development (2024-05-14, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Music-website

Synk is music website build using PHP and Mysql. This a basic level project contains an admin dashboard, user management system, authentication system. (2024-04-01, PHP, 0KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] newms

本项设计是一个基于JSP的校园资讯网站,主要是推广、宣传各种校园新闻、活动等,采用基础的MVC设计模式{‘M’:‘JavaBean’,‘V’:‘JSP’,‘C’:‘Servlet’} 和MySQL数据库进行数据存储完成。后台登录地址:...
This design is a JSP based campus information website, mainly aimed at promoting and promoting various campus news, activities, etc. It adopts the basic MVC design mode { M : JavaBean , V : JSP , C : Servlet } and MySQL database for data storage completion. Background login address: (2019-03-12, JavaScript, 11708KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] Online-learning-platform

基于springboot,springcloud,nacos,minio,xxl-job- admin,kibana,elasticsearch,rabbitmq,redis,mysql等多个技术栈搭建的在线学习以及网课交易.机构入驻微...
Based on multiple technology stacks such as springboot, springcloud, nacos, mini, xxl job admin, kibana, elasticsearch, rabbitmq, redis, MySQL, etc., online learning and online course transactions are built. Institutions are stationed in micro (2023-02-07, Vue, 2753KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] cool

以服务为跳板,提供API访问数据库 Redis。API自动化测试时,部分测试工具(如postman)或者数据库 Redis内网无法直连。
Using services as a springboard to provide API access to the database Redis. During API automation testing, some testing tools (such as Postman) or the Redis database cannot be directly connected to the intranet. (2023-01-31, GO, 18KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] flyTicket-parent

The system uses Eclipse development tools, Redis, MySQL databases, MVC three-tier architecture, and the most popular SSM framework and Alipay sandbox payment environment to achieve various functions. The system is divided into user side and administrator side. The user end has achieved user registration and login, user comments, flight ticket query, and (2022-10-29, Others, 12KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] mmall

mmall learning 跟随慕课网老师学习慕商城的项目 目前只有后端,使用maven构建,基于SSM框架,开发工具为idea,jdk版本1.8,数据库采用MySQL
Mmall learning follows MOOC.com teacher to learn about MOOC.com s project. Currently, there is only a backend, built using Maven and based on the SSM framework. The development tool is Idea, JDK version 1.8, and the database is MySQL (2020-10-14, Java, 6560KB, 下载0次)


[数据库管理工具] QT-based-Online-chatroom

A chat room software written using Qt5, which involves TCP communication, multithreading, and MySQL database operations of Qt. The penetration tool is used to penetrate the server into the public network, achieving basic functions such as prohibition, blacklist, and connection management (2022-08-21, C++, 125KB, 下载0次)
