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[Email客户端] Port-Watcher

This script is a wrapper for NMAP, that manages a schedule and list of subnets to scan. Once a scan is complete an email (2016-07-12, Python, 47KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] jat2167_mds_final

Final Project for QMSS - Modern Data Structures, an API client which receives information from a popular music website and sends the user email updates. (2020-12-19, Python, 41KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] backbone-react-mail-demo

NOT MAINTAINED演示应用程序,用于使用主干网、react和webpack的非常基本的电子邮件客户端
NOT MAINTAINED demo applicatoin of a very basic email client using backbone, react, and webpack (2016-03-05, JavaScript, 13KB, 下载0次)


[Email客户端] Mail

It is a project that use smtp interface to send E-mail to dedicated account. And it is easy to use and read. (2016-07-12, Java, 468KB, 下载1次)


[Email客户端] webmail

Mail system, mailbox internal mail, NetEase mailbox interface. (2012-08-21, Java, 2669KB, 下载23次)


[Email客户端] NETPOP3MIMEClient_src_cn

The .NET Framework does not offer POP3 or MIME support. For those of you who need it, this article provides support for both POP3 and MIME. This article s intent is not to get into the details of POP3 or MIME. Instead the article focuses on how to use the classes I ve provided and finally the internals of the classes in case you d like to do some tweaking. I ve successfully tested the classes on both Yahoo and Gmail throughout development.
The .NET Framework does not offer POP3 or MIME support. For those of you who need it, this article provides support for both POP3 and MIME. This article s intent is not to get into the details of POP3 or MIME. Instead the article focuses on how to use the classes I ve provided and finally the internals of the classes in case you d like to do some tweaking. I ve successfully tested the classes on both Yahoo and Gmail throughout development. (2011-01-17, Others, 335KB, 下载3次)


[Email客户端] pop3

收邮件的协议有两种,一种是POP3,另外一种较为高级的协议是IMAP4,有的邮箱使用的是POP3协议,比如网易163免费邮箱、新浪免费邮箱、搜狐免费邮箱,有的邮箱使用的是IMAP4协议,比如Gmail免费邮箱,有的两种都可以,比如QQ邮箱。这些免费邮箱都需要做一些设置(例如选择开启 POP3)才能开启从客户端(比如自己做的接收邮件的程序)接收邮件的功能
private Pop3ConnectionState Connect(string host, int port, SslHandShake sslHandShake, bool ssl) { OnConnecting() this._host = host this._port = port this._ssl = ssl this._tcpClient = this.GetTcpClient(host, port) if (this._tcpClient == null) { return Pop3ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED } this._stream = _tcpClient.GetStream() if (ssl) { //do ssl handshake if (sslHandShake == null) sslHandShake = new SslHandShake(host) DoSslHandShake(sslHandShake) if (_sslStream == null || _sslStream.IsAuthenticated == false) { this._connectionState = Pop3ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED this._tcpClient = null return this._connectionState } this._st (2010-06-25, Others, 532KB, 下载9次)


[Email客户端] Post-Office-Protocol

3 (2010-04-11, Windows_Unix, 110KB, 下载8次)


[Email客户端] qsf-1.2.7

为于网关的一个MUD,具有反垃圾功能 ,反病毒功能,可极大限度保护内网安全
As a gateway to the MUD, with the anti-function, anti-virus function, can greatly limit the protection of network security (2008-05-07, C/C++, 239KB, 下载3次)


[Email客户端] Job-DaXue

大学生就业求职网: 学生和企业能够随时注册帐号 对查询比较满意的信息,可以随时给对方发送EMAIL,同时可发支持邮件的群发,方便用户大批量操作
Graduate Employment Qiuzhiwang : students and enterprises to register at any time on account inquiries quite satisfied with the information, ready to send each other e-mail, which can also be made to support the mass mail, user-friendly high-volume operation (2006-06-11, Java, 1764KB, 下载152次)
