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按分类查找All CA认证(35) 

[CA认证] Jigsaw_Image-SSL-on-CIFAR10

Implementation of Image Jigsaw Puzzle SSL on CIFAR10 datset using ImageNet backbone (2024-01-05, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] -Resilience-Autoscaling-Load-Balancing-Strategies

This project showcases IaC using Terraform to deploy a 3-tier AWS architecture. It incorporates VPC, public/private subnets, autoscaling, launch configurations, Application Load Balancer, NAT Gateway, Internet Gateway, security groups, and AWS Certificate Manager for SSL/TLS, offering a comprehensive infrastructure solution. (2023-10-28, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] iSecSSL360-SetPass_POC

网神 SecGate 3600 防火墙 obj_app_upfile接口存在任意文件上传漏洞验证脚本,
Netgod SecGate 3600 firewall obj_ App_ The upfile interface has an arbitrary file upload vulnerability verification script, (2023-08-17, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] food-website

使用HTML、CSS、JS、Bootstrap的静态食品网站,部署在AWS S3 Bucket上,域名为(由Route5维护...
Static food website made using HTML, CSS, JS, Bootstrap deployed on AWS S3 Bucket with domain name (maintained by Route53), AWS ACM for a valid SSL/TLS certificate & Amazon CloudFront distribution to serve website globally & built a CI/CD pipeline using AWS CodePipeline with GitHub integration (2023-04-26, HTML, 2396KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] kontrola

A script that uses nmap to sweep a subnet looking for ports with SSL certs, then querying those certs to discover upcoming expiration dates. (2019-01-10, JavaScript, 1410KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] MQTTBestPractice

MQTT推送最佳实践 包含SSL连接 断网自动重连 优化MQTT使用库卡顿状况
MQTT push best practices include SSL connection, disconnection, automatic reconnection, optimization of MQTT usage, and Kukadun status (2018-05-23, Java, 496KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] EthernetWebServer_SSL_STM32

EthernetWebServer_STM32是一个用于运行WebServer的STM32F L H G WB MP1板的库,使用内置以太网LAN8742...
EthernetWebServer_STM32 is a library for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards running WebServer using built-in Ethernet LAN8742A, Ethernet LAN8720, W5x00 or ENC28J60 shields. It now supports Ethernet TLS/SSL Client. The library supports HTTP/HTTPS GET and POST requests, provides argument parsing, handles one client at a time. It supports Arduino STM32F/L/... (2022-12-05, C, 2041KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] certificate-inventory

Scanner which is capable of scanning multiple hosts or multiple subnets on an SSL port and output a CSV file with the certificate details. (2013-11-29, Shell, 21KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] i996

免费 免搭建 免安装 内网穿透 ssl证书签发 远程办公 居家办公工具 方便调试微信小程序(客户端无需安装任何程序拿来即用) 类似于natapp ngrok
Free, free of setup, free of installation, intranet penetration, ssl certificate issuance, remote office, home office tools, convenient for debugging WeChat applet (the client does not need to install any program to use), similar to natapp ngrok (2023-01-23, VBScript, 1383KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] ADF-DOT-Net

Create ADF using Dot net SKD (2022-01-19, C#, 12KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] amigadx

Total commander plugin for reading and writing Amiga disk dump files ADF (rw), ADZ (ro), DMS (ro), HDF (rw) (2014-07-18, C, 342KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] bar

CA认证,即电子认证服务 [1] ,是指为电子签名相关各方提供真实性、可靠性验证的活动。 证书颁发机构(CA, Certificate Authority)即颁发数字证书的机构。是负责发放和管理数字证书的权威机构,并作为电子商务交易中受信任的第三方,承担公钥体系中公钥的合法性检验的责任。
CA authentication, i.e. electronic authentication service [1], refers to the activity of providing authenticity and reliability verification for all parties related to electronic signature. Ca (certificate authority) is the authority that issues digital certificates. It is the authority responsible for issuing and managing digital certificates, and as a trusted third party in e-commerce transactions, it is responsible for the legality test of the public key in the public key system. (2020-06-02, JavaScript, 13KB, 下载0次)


[CA认证] portal

Broadband Internet web authentication system (2012-07-05, ASP, 480KB, 下载50次)


[CA认证] 1

英译汗 可翻译英语的源码? 把它加在自己的网业上,就可以随意的翻译了.
English Translation of Khan (2009-06-20, DOS, 1KB, 下载1次)


[CA认证] Afd

RAS is a high-level programming Advanced Development RAS dial-up procedures, through the program can be achieved without a telephone dial-up function, but also to achieve such as adsl, Netcom and other dial-up function, but also to monitor modem or network card network traffic, the reader is definitely a worthwhile learning procedures. (2008-06-25, Visual C++, 686KB, 下载17次)
