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An overview of 3D and free viewpoint video is given in this paper with special focus on related standardization activities in MPEG. Free viewpoint video allows the user to freely navigate within real world visual scenes, as known from virtual worlds in computer graphics. Examples are shown, highlighting standards conform realization using MPEG-4. Then the principles of 3D video are introduced providing the user with a 3D depth impression of the observed scene. Example systems are described again focusing on their realization based on MPEG-4. Finally multi-view video coding is described as a key component for 3D and free viewpoint video
An overview of 3D and free viewpoint video is given in this paper with special focus on related standardization activities in MPEG. Free viewpoint video allows the user to freely navigate within real world visual scenes, as known from virtual worlds in computer graphics. Examples are shown, highlighting standards conform realization using MPEG-4. Then the principles of 3D video are introduced providing the user with a 3D depth impression of the observed scene. Example systems are described again focusing on their realization based on MPEG-4. Finally multi-view video coding is described as a key component for 3D and free viewpoint video (2011-01-31, Video, 325KB, 下载9次)


[压缩解压] cmake-2.8.0

cmake-2.8.0 very good, it can be Quguan under the net, but very slow, I took the down the. (2010-03-16, Video, 4684KB, 下载101次)


[电子书籍] deinterlacing

本人收集的去隔行资料。包含目前最新的技术一共6篇,篇篇经典。 基于形态学滤波和小角度边缘搜索的运动自适应去隔行.pdf 基于FPGA优化运动检测去隔行算法的设计.pdf 基于运动补偿的视频自适应去隔行算法.pdf 时空权重和边缘自适应去隔行.pdf 自适应加权滤波的去隔行算法及其FPGA实现.pdf wp-01117-hd-video-deinterlacing_CN.pdf
some good reference ablout deinterlacing (2010-01-23, Video, 3754KB, 下载168次)


[其他书籍] CIP

Controllogix 集中了Logix 通用平台的多种优点---通用的编程环境、通用的通讯网络、通用 的控制引擎---提供了一个既能满足您高性能应用需求又易于使用的环境。
Controllogix brings together a variety of benefits of common platform Logix--- a common programming environment, common communications network, a common control engine--- providing a high-performance application that meets your needs and easy to use environment. (2009-11-02, Video, 5849KB, 下载66次)
