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[手机短信编程] 555sp

555sp短信联盟程序, 此程序决对没有限制,免费提供.
555sp SMS Alliance procedures, this procedure is absolutely no restrictions, free of charge. (2017-01-09, HTML, 1850KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] duanxinjiekou

56 net SMS message interface for the customer provides rich interface, called SMS interface, can easily achieve the users to send SMS, user login and the user can change the password, balance inquiries, the user replies support agent call SMS interface online account recharge and other functions, 56 net SMS message interface can applied to all walks of life, such as buy orders verification, phone verification code verification, message ordering and membership notification and client communication, in all walks of life has a very wide range of applications. (2016-04-12, PHP, 5KB, 下载2次)


[手机短信编程] SSM-1

This program is built by using the Chinese network to provide SMS messaging platform (the platform currently registered users five free SMS, MMS 3 free, which is enough for us to test use (2016-04-07, Java, 34KB, 下载4次)


[手机短信编程] java-sms-api

接口采用的是上海满友科技的,公司在用的一套1069短信接口,主要是发送速度快,所以推荐给各位。 需要其他开发语言版本的API,可以去他们官网上问 www.best106.com
Interface uses the Friends of Science and Technology in Shanghai, the company in a 1069 message interfaces used primarily to send fast, so recommend to you. (2016-03-15, Java, 455KB, 下载1次)


[手机短信编程] Usseend_130n

SP platform Unicom SMS sending program source code, and dream the Monternet the main source supporting (2012-08-05, Visual C++, 412KB, 下载4次)


[手机短信编程] CMPP2.0-



[手机短信编程] DLL

Applicable to multiple language SMS to send and receive SMS cat DLL there are multiple language examples themselves have a look (2012-05-04, Visual C++, 20690KB, 下载10次)


[手机短信编程] simulat

比较了短信息在无标度网络、小世界网络和实际的短信息网络三种网络中的传播过程, 寻找影响短信息传播 的因素. 研究发现, 网络拓扑结构和手机用户的转发短信行为均会影响短信息传播过程. 在无标度网络中短信息传 播速率快于小世界网络和实际的短信息网络, 而无标度网络的短信息寿命较小世界网络和实际的短信息网络短 网络中手机用户的转发短信息行为明显影响短信息的传播过程. 同时还发现短信息寿命与网络直径有关.
Compared the short message in the scale-free networks, small-world networks and the actual text messages in the network three network propagation, dissemination of information to find the factors that affect the short study found that the network topology and behavior of mobile phone users are forwarding messages affect the short information dissemination process in scale-free network in the short message transmission rate is faster than the actual small-world networks and short information network, without the short-scale information network lifetime small world network and the actual network of short text messages network mobile phone users in the short message forwarding behavior significantly affect the propagation of short messages, while also found that short-life information about the network diameter. (2011-11-28, PDF, 242KB, 下载12次)


[手机短信编程] SGIP

中国联通SGIP1.2模拟网关 可以模拟短消息网的的收发短消息
China Unicom SGIP1.2 simulation can simulate the short message gateway net income Send PM (2011-04-11, C/C++, 288KB, 下载53次)


[手机短信编程] SIM300_AT_CN

SIMCOM公司的SIM300的AT指令中文版根据V.25TER的AT指令概要(Overview of AT Commands According to V.25TER) A/ 重新发送最后给的AT指令(Reissues the last command given)
SIMCOM the company' s SIM300 Chinese version of the AT command of AT commands according to V.25TER Summary (Overview of AT Commands According to V.25TER) A/re-send the final to the AT command (Reissues the last command given) (2010-03-29, C/C++, 14KB, 下载36次)


[手机短信编程] sms

手机短信息传情(直接发送到手机) 内含5000条各类短信息 演示:http://www.96966.net.cn 下载:http://www.96966.net.cn/sms.rar 前几年的赚钱利器,程序是2005年问世的。简单易用。 当时还没有什么彩信,硬是靠着短信息发送量赚的网站费用。 对于大流量的网站这个小程序可以起到很大的网站作用。 后台admin/admin.asp 用名admin 密码admin 当年彩秀流行用了彩秀的发送接口。 zyzstxt.asp是发送端口。如果继续使用彩秀端口加他们技术421397025告之发送新地址 当然还可以使用其它的彩信短信联盟接口。方法更为简单。你只需调取数据库(title) 值就行了。
Regards phone text messages (sent directly to mobile phones) contain various kinds of SMS 5000 Demo: http://www.96966.net.cn Download: http://www.96966.net.cn/sms.rar previous In the money-making tool, the program is to come in 2005. Easy to use. At that time, there is no MMS, simply send a text message through the website of the cost of the amount earned. For large traffic sites, this small program can play a significant role in site. Background admin/admin.asp with name admin password admin then show popular color with the color show of sending interface. zyzstxt.asp is sending port. If we continue to increase the use of color show port 421,397,025 to announce their technology to send the new address of course, can also use other MMS messaging interface Union. Methods easier. You just need to access the database (title) values on the list. (2008-11-09, C#, 412KB, 下载29次)


[手机短信编程] SMS

Microsoft sms system installation and configuration, software distribution, to reduce the workload of network management to safeguard (2008-10-13, Windows_Unix, 3684KB, 下载69次)


[手机短信编程] MobilePhone

手机短信程序源代码,C++编写(转载自爱就下载(教育网)( www.i9xz.com))
SMS source code, C++ Preparation (reproduced self-love on the download (Education Network) (www.i9xz.com)) (2007-11-28, Visual C++, 23KB, 下载21次)


[手机短信编程] allsms

using Java development, completely mobile, Netcom access agreement, while achieving internal agreements, achieve operational 1:00 access, the use of the entire network (2006-04-01, Java, 11327KB, 下载80次)


[手机短信编程] ShortMessageGateway

按照中国电信SMGP(短信网关协议)编写的.短信网管通信程序. 提供,连接,登录,发送短信,接受短信等功能.
searched with China Telecom (SMS Gateway Protocol) prepared. SMS Management Communication Program. Provided, connectivity, log, send messages, receive messages and other functions. (2006-03-17, Java, 17KB, 下载183次)


[手机短信编程] vismgsrc

SMS Management of the original code. With sp for communications, and communications Gns. Unicom-and to achieve agreement between the internal conversion (2006-03-14, Visual C++, 88KB, 下载19次)


[手机短信编程] 短信发送

这是一个发送SMS短信的程序,是天极网出的.好,同志们下载后一定要多多的学习啊 还有一些关于串口编程的方法
send SMS procedures, Inc. is the network. Well, comrades must download a lot of learning ah some of the serial programming method (2005-12-06, C#, 73KB, 下载107次)


[手机短信编程] 小灵通api

api code. In 2004 to the value of this company to do business, can head like Friends inadequate, give more advice (2005-12-03, Java, 53KB, 下载28次)


[手机短信编程] CMPP短信网关范例

Short Message Gateway is a source code written by VC++.This can help enterprice to develop private short message manager server. (2005-07-30, Visual C++, 164KB, 下载234次)


[手机短信编程] xltsm

PHS (CNC) messaging interface, based on WWW agreement achieved, can easily send and receive text messages, and the admission into the database were released. (2005-01-15, WINDOWS, 158KB, 下载65次)
