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[压缩解压] ctf-tools

网鼎杯培训用到的一些ctf工具(javafx),编解码,键盘和鼠标抓包解密,维吉尼亚暴力破解,zip crc暴力破解,曼彻斯特解码等。,
Some ctf tools (javafx) used in Netding Cup training, encoding and decoding, keyboard and mouse packet capture and decryption, Virginia brute force cracking, zip crc brute force cracking, Manchester decoding, etc., (2022-05-22, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[压缩解压] aspwinrar

You still unstable FTP space and trouble? Now you only upload your RAR archive, you can! ASP online decompression/compression tools as long as a few seconds to solve the Suman, a FTP data loss big problem! (2016-05-14, SQL, 4KB, 下载1次)


[压缩解压] cmake-2.8.0

cmake-2.8.0 very good, it can be Quguan under the net, but very slow, I took the down the. (2010-03-16, Video, 4684KB, 下载101次)


[压缩解压] chan

Uploaded three kinds of classical cellular wireless location algorithm, that is, fang algorithm, chan algorithm, taylor algorithm, we share their knowledge with each other. (2010-01-28, matlab, 2KB, 下载267次)


[压缩解压] jiajiao

免费家教网整站程序1.5。适合中小家教网使用。界面美观,适用;网站相关信息在后台均能操作,稍加设置就可投入使用。ASP+access格式。 后台地址: admin/login.asp 用户名:admin 密码:admin 特别说明: 1、当数据库中没有数据时,版面可能错位,只要加入相关的教员,学员用户后(作认证或VIP处理),自然就好。 2、在本地测试时,如果使用WINXP或以上,请注册访问权限的设置。如果你不会设置,请直接上传到你的网站空间就可直接运行。
Free tutor the entire network at stations 1.5. Tutor network suitable for small and medium used. Beautiful interface, apply site-related information in the background are able to operate a little set can be put into use. ASP+ access format. Background address: admin/login.asp user name: admin Password: admin in particular: one, when there is no data in the database, the layout may be misplaced, as long as accession to the relevant faculty, students, after the user (for authentication or VIP treatment), naturally,好. 2, in the local test, if you are using WINXP or more, please register access settings. If you do not set, please upload it to your web space can be run directly. (2009-10-28, ASP, 1900KB, 下载27次)


[压缩解压] xnzyw_600it

虚拟专用网( Virtual Private Networking, V P N )是将I n t e r n e t作为计算机网络主干的一种网络模式。 面上它似乎不那么令人喜欢,但深入研究就会发现,它提供了巨大的潜力。利用V P N,很多企 能够省下一大笔为已有网络租用线路的费用。使用V P N不需要到处布置站点,只需将它们放置 你所在的城镇即可。事实上,构造V P N的技术也可用于你所在大楼中的局域网( L A N )上。
虚拟专用网( Virtual Private Networking, V P N )是将I n t e r n e t作为计算机网络主干的一种网络模式。 面上它似乎不那么令人喜欢,但深入研究就会发现,它提供了巨大的潜力。利用V P N,很多企 能够省下一大笔为已有网络租用线路的费用。使用V P N不需要到处布置站点,只需将它们放置 你所在的城镇即可。事实上,构造V P N的技术也可用于你所在大楼中的局域网( L A N )上。 (2009-06-03, C/C++, 18266KB, 下载4次)


[压缩解压] Zlib

文件夹压缩和解压代码.从 codeproject网下的代码在处理文件夹有问题, 改后上传以便大家查查学习一下的
Folder compression and decompression code. From codeproject network code under the folder in the deal with the problem has changed after the upload so that we look up to learn about the (2008-03-14, Visual C++, 102KB, 下载696次)
