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[IP电话/视频会议] 中国移动CM-IMS(SIP)技术规范

The cm-ims (SIP) technical specification of China Mobile describes the interface and technical requirements for IMS network construction of China Mobile (2021-04-20, Java, 1710KB, 下载0次)


[IP电话/视频会议] HiPhones

PJSIP 由英国Teluu团队主导开发,由Benny Prijono 创建,他的名字缩写pj,所以命名PJSIP 优点: 可移植性强:可运行在windows、windowsmobile、linux、unix、MacOS、RTEMS、Symbian 内存需求小:编译后只需要150k内存空间 支持多种SIP功能以及扩展功能:支持多人会话、事件驱动框架、会话控制(presence)、即时信息、电话传输 文档介绍:官网有教程可以学习 缺点: Demo代码之间关联比较紧密,在编译的时候,需要花费时间寻找依赖关系 文档特别多,也容易理不清
PJSIP is a free and open source multimedia communication library written in C language implementing standard based protocols such as SIP, SDP, RTP, STUN, TURN, and ICE. It combines signaling protocol (SIP) with rich multimedia framework and NAT traversal functionality into high level API that is portable and suitable for almost any type of systems ranging from desktops, embedded systems, to mobile handsets. (2019-01-04, C/C++, 5631KB, 下载6次)


[IP电话/视频会议] pjproject-2.8

PJSIP 由英国Teluu团队主导开发,由Benny Prijono 创建,他的名字缩写pj,所以命名PJSIP 优点: 可移植性强:可运行在windows、windowsmobile、linux、unix、MacOS、RTEMS、Symbian 内存需求小:编译后只需要150k内存空间 支持多种SIP功能以及扩展功能:支持多人会话、事件驱动框架、会话控制(presence)、即时信息、电话传输 文档介绍:官网有教程可以学习 缺点: Demo代码之间关联比较紧密,在编译的时候,需要花费时间寻找依赖关系 文档特别多,也容易理不清
PJSIP is a free and open source multimedia communication library written in C language implementing standard based protocols such as SIP, SDP, RTP, STUN, TURN, and ICE. It combines signaling protocol (SIP) with rich multimedia framework and NAT traversal functionality into high level API that is portable and suitable for almost any type of systems ranging from desktops, embedded systems, to mobile handsets. (2019-01-04, C/C++, 7873KB, 下载4次)


[IP电话/视频会议] cn-reference

SIPP使用手册。SIPp是一个测试 SIP 协议性能的工具软件,它包含了一些基本协议性能的工具软件,SipStone 用户代理工作,并可使用 INVITEINVITE INVITE和 BYEBYEBYE建立和释放多个呼叫。
SIPP manual. SIPp is a software tool to test the performance of the SIP protocol, which contains some of the basic tools of software protocol performance, SipStone user agent to work and use INVITEINVITE INVITE and BYEBYEBYE establish and release multiple calls. (2016-02-26, PDF, 1297KB, 下载2次)


[IP电话/视频会议] asterisk-1.8-current.tar

asterisk1.8 version of the source code, more mature code, after extensive testing on ubuntu13.10, including registration, media and signaling sip client to be forwarded by the asterisk, sip interconnect multiple asterisk, the different networks client communication, private network and the external network interconnection sip client. (2014-01-22, Unix_Linux, 28774KB, 下载3次)


[IP电话/视频会议] dianxin_msgpapi

基于固定电话网的信息终端及综合信息系统技术规范 附册:与SP 相关的规范——代码方式分册 V3.0 (发布稿)
Based on the fixed telephone network information terminals and integrated information system technical specifications attached volumes: the SP-related specifications- Code Mode Volume V3.0 (release) (2013-08-12, Java, 7150KB, 下载1次)


[IP电话/视频会议] sip-4.14-snapshot-5d3c5164342a.tar

The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) is an IETF-defined signaling protocol widely used for controlling communication sessions such as voice and video calls over (2012-09-27, Unix_Linux, 703KB, 下载2次)


[IP电话/视频会议] yyate2tara

yate是一个软交换的sip电话。也是一个voip服务器或客户端。主要支持功能:VoIP 服务器 VoIP 客户端 VoIP too PSTN 网关 PC2Phone and Phone2PC 网关 H.323 网守 H.323 多端点服务器 H.323<
yate is a softswitch sip phone. Is a voip server or client. Support functions: VoIP server, VoIP client VoIP too the PSTN gateway, PC2Phone and Phone2PC gateway H.323 network to keep the H.323 multi-endpoint server H.323 < (2012-07-29, Visual C++, 2297KB, 下载14次)


[IP电话/视频会议] E04-NetMeetingExample

Web conferencing is based on the LAN or INTERNRT real-time interactive computer network applications, the use of multicast technology, anyone can be discussed. Communication with each other! (2010-12-04, C#, 76KB, 下载25次)


[IP电话/视频会议] NetPhone

This is a communication network telephone company Web site' s source code can view the code, you can also study how to implement VoIP broadcast play. (2010-05-02, ASP, 4063KB, 下载16次)


[IP电话/视频会议] vediosystem

RTC strategy used to achieve dynamic loading of video conferencing or distance-learning function of the system source code, using IP multicast technology, has actually applied to the campus network. (2010-01-01, Visual C++, 40184KB, 下载71次)


[IP电话/视频会议] iNetTalkNew

NetTalk amended the original author pointed out that the issue of additional communications with the remote server and can connect to P2P users within the network function. And simplify the communication model and direct the use of " phone number" to the remote user to dial. (2009-04-27, Visual C++, 9380KB, 下载61次)


[IP电话/视频会议] SIP-softswitch-vedio-session

SIP实现软交换、视频会议和流媒体系统的统一 随着下一代网络技术的不断发展,软交换并不仅仅将PSTN网络移植到IP网,实现VoIP,它向电信运营商提供一个优秀的体系架构,将话音业务、视频业务、新兴的互联网业务整合到一个统一的框架中。SIP协议就是其中的关键纽带。
err (2008-04-22, PDF, 6KB, 下载47次)


[IP电话/视频会议] IP-TEL

An IP video and telephone conference on the realization of the source code, apply to the LAN and the Internet video phone software (2007-11-21, Visual C++, 3078KB, 下载32次)


[IP电话/视频会议] gnugk-2.2.6

This is what I found from abroad gatekeeper voiph323 the source code. Version is 2.2.6, and 2.2.5 above passages on me. Can (2007-09-26, Visual C++, 1209KB, 下载161次)


[IP电话/视频会议] 可视电话软件

NetTalk是一个适用于局域网和因特网的可视电话软件 一. 开发环境 Windows2000 Server & Visual C++6.0 & SDK +自开发的CWndX类库(相当于简化的MFC涉及窗口的部分) 二. 支持环境 Windows98/ME/2000/XP 三. 所涉及协议和标准 网络传输采用UDP协议,音频压缩采用G.729标准,视频压缩采用H.263标准 四. 性能参数 以音频帧为基准,每帧音频数据有240个采样点,时间为240*1000/8000=30ms,8000为音频的采样率。 数据接收端队列缓冲延迟:30*3=90ms 数据发送端录音延迟:30ms 数据压缩解压耗时:<40ms 网络延迟:<100ms(我想校网情况应该不错J) 总延迟:<260ms 根据VOIP标准,总延迟<300ms是人可以接受的,以上计算是保守的,实际情况可能会好得多。
NetTalk is applied to a LAN and the Internet a video phone software. Windows 2000 Server Development Environment (2006-01-26, Visual C++, 4816KB, 下载705次)


[IP电话/视频会议] jrtplib-3.3.0

Jrtplib library annex version 3.3.0. Achieving RTP/RTCP for audio, video frequency transmission network. Development of VoIP friends reference. (2005-12-10, Windows_Unix, 546KB, 下载134次)


[IP电话/视频会议] gnugk-2.0.7-win32-x861

based on the Gatekeeper management procedures, and based on the now popular H323 VOIP systems combine good applications, (2005-07-01, Visual C++, 1253KB, 下载54次)


[IP电话/视频会议] openh323proxy-0[1].9.13.tar

Opengatekeeper project is the expansion. Through its support for RTP (audio and video) Gatekeeper routing and T.120 communications, there is no direct communication between the endpoints. (2005-04-28, C++ Builder, 460KB, 下载48次)


[IP电话/视频会议] Openh323-RTH323

如何成功的运用OPENH323 来开发商业的H.323 协议栈 Openh323 有以下的特征: 1>动态的静音检测算法, 以减小语音包的传输量。 2>支持Windows,Linux 和FreeBSD 的多种客户端命令。 3>包含有MCU,PSTN 网关,和自动语音应答机等多种应用平台。 4>软件支持GSM,LPC-10,G.711 uLaw/Alaw 软件编解码方式。 5>特定硬件(Quicknet/LineXJ)支持G.723.1, G.728 和 G.729 。 6>采用Jitter Buffer 技术对语音信号做接受的缓冲处理。 7>软件产生舒适噪音。 8>采用H.261 视频压缩协议。 9>支持广播的方式查找网守(GateKeeper)。 10>支持H.235 附件D 中和网守的身份认证。(部分地支持H.235) 11>支持部分H.450 补充协议。
How successful the use of OpenH323 to develop commercial H.323 (2004-07-03, PDF, 385KB, 下载363次)
