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按平台查找All GO(589) 

[加密解密] CCMS

CCMS system is an open data query system based on Golang+beego. The program imports data in Excel form, and can customize the login account verification column and the associated login password verification column. After uploading the program to Excel, the data source will be encrypted, and the access to the data source directory from the Internet will be blocked. (2023-02-14, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] go-musicfox

go- musicfox是用Go写的又一款网易云音乐命令行客户端,支持UnblockNeteaseMusic、各种音质级别、lastfm、MPRIS、MacOS交互响应(睡眠暂停、蓝牙耳机连接断开响应、菜单栏控制等)...,
Go musicfox is another Netease Cloud music command line client written in Go, which supports UnblockNeteaseMusic, various sound quality levels, lastfm, MPRIS, MacOS interactive response (sleep pause, Bluetooth headset disconnection response, menu bar control, etc.), (2023-07-16, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[collect] nemo_go

Nemo是用来进行自动化信息 收 集 的一个简单平台,通过 集 成常用的信息 收 集 工具和技术,实现对内网及互联网资产信息的自动 收 集 ,提高隐患排查和渗透测试的工作效率。,
Nemo is a simple platform for automated information collection. By integrating common information collection tools and technologies, it can automatically collect intranet and Internet asset information, and improve the efficiency of troubleshooting and penetration testing., (2023-06-21, GO, 0KB, 下载0次)


[搜索引擎] hahajing

web化的eMule ed2k下载链接搜索引擎(电影 电视剧), 用Go开发。从eMule KAD网络搜索下载链接。 用户的搜索输入首先会经过豆瓣或者时光网的验证, 然后才发给eMule KAD网络查找。
Web based eMule ed2k download link search engine (movie and TV series), developed with Go. Download link from eMule KAD web search. The user s search input will first be verified by Douban or Time.com, and then sent to eMule KAD for searching. (2018-03-25, GO, 3231KB, 下载0次)


[Telnet客户端/Shell] WatchDoger

使用 Golang 实现的 可交互命令行 本机传递工具。全程使用本机127.0.0.1网络,无需外网与web,更不需要导出端口。当你在 Docker 容器中运行了一个需要输入输出的可交互命令,只需要在原本的启动命令行前加上 serve...
Use the interactive command line native transmission tool implemented by Golang. The local network is used throughout the whole process, and no external network and web are required, let alone the export port. When you run an interactive command that requires input and output in the Docker container, you only need to add serve (2022-03-14, GO, 87KB, 下载0次)


[远程控制/远程桌面] p2p_rdp

golang编写的 点对点 的rdp远控转发方案。利用udp的p2p打洞,再用udp的kcp来转发tcp的数据。两侧客户端都不需要公网和设置防火墙,不过一些复杂网络无法p2p打洞成功。
The point-to-point RDP remote control forwarding scheme written by Golang. Use udp p2p to make holes, and then use udp kcp to forward tcp data. Clients on both sides do not need public networks and firewalls, but some complex networks cannot be successfully pierced by p2p. (2021-12-27, GO, 29KB, 下载0次)


[Redis] Yasso

Yasso,强大的内网渗透辅助工具集-让Yasso像风一样 支持rdp,ssh,redis,postgres,mongodb,mssql,mysql,winrm等服务爆破,快速的端口扫描,强大的web指纹识别,各种内置服务的一键利用(包括ssh完...
Yasso, a powerful set of intranet penetration assistance tools - allows Yasso to support services such as RDP, SSH, Redis, Postgres, Mongodb, MSSQL, MySQL, WinRM, etc. like the wind, with fast port scanning, powerful web fingerprint recognition, and one click utilization of various built-in services (including SSH completion (2022-07-27, GO, 374KB, 下载0次)


[其他] go

三天学会,五天精通,Go的语法接近C语言,但对于变量的声明有所不同。Go支持垃圾回收功能。Go的并行模型是以东尼·霍尔的通信顺序进程(CSP)为基础,采取类似模型的其他语言包括Occam和Limbo,但它也具有Pi运算的特征,比如通道传输。在1.8版本中开放插件(Plugin)的支持,这意味着现在能从Go中动态加载部分函数。 与C++相比,Go并不包括如枚举、异常处理、继承、泛型、断言、虚函数等功能,但增加了 切片(Slice) 型、并发、管道、垃圾回收、接口(Interface)等特性的语言级支持。Go 2.0版本将支持泛型,对于断言的存在,则持负面态度,同时也为自己不提供类型继承来辩护。 不同于Java,Go内嵌了关联数组(也称为哈希表(Hashes)或字典(Dictionaries)),就像字符串类型一样。
The syntax of go is close to C language, but the declaration of variables is different. Go supports garbage collection. Go's parallel model is based on Tony Hall's communication sequential process (CSP), which adopts other languages similar to the model, including Occam and limbo, but it also has the characteristics of PI operation, such as channel transmission. In version 1.8, plug-in support was opened, which means that some functions can now be loaded dynamically from go. Compared with C + +, go does not include functions such as enumeration, exception handling, inheritance, generics, assertion and virtual functions, but adds language level support for slice, concurrency, pipeline, garbage collection, interface and other features. Go 2.0 will support generics, take a negative attitude towards the existence of assertions, and defend itself against providing type inheritance. Unlike Java, go embeds associative arrays (also known as hashes or dictionaries), just like string types. (2020-11-25, GO, 20021KB, 下载0次)


[网络编程] cngrok-master

It is a domestic high-speed internal network penetration professional service provider based on ngrok, which can completely solve the memory leakage problem of ngrok 1.7. It is stable and refuses to drop the line. It is suitable for wechat development and debugging, local installation and demonstration service (2020-04-30, GO, 4065KB, 下载2次)
