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[网络] ppp-2.4.5

Linux 3G 拨号程序源代码,版本是2.4.5,网上有不少关于该程序的编译、使用方法,这里不再赘余。
Linux 3G dial-up program source code, version 2.4.5, a lot about the program compile, use online, this is no longer redundancy. (2013-02-25, Unix_Linux, 771KB, 下载21次)


[网络] panduan_IP

判断一个IP是否在指定的网络中. 要做一个统计子网中各个IP的流量,设计的到如何判断这个IP属于我们的子网,所以写了这个程序,如果大家有什么好的想法,欢迎留言,谢谢大家了,互相学习
Judge whether an IP in the specified network. Need to do a statistical subnet IP traffic, the design of this IP belongs to the subnet, so we wrote this program, how to determine if you have any good ideas, welcome message, thank you, and learn from each other (2012-10-29, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载5次)


[网络] tcpcopy0.6

tcpcopy是一种应用请求复制(基于tcp的packets)工具,其应用领域较广,我们曾经应用于网易的广告投放系统,urs系统,nginx hmux协议开发等系统,避免了上线带来的很多问题。 总体说来,tcpcopy主要有如下功能: 1)分布式压力测试工具,利用在线数据,可以测试系统能够承受的压力大小(远比ab压力测试工具真实地多),也可以提前发现一些bug 2)对于后端的短连接,请求丢失率非常低(1/10万),可以应用于热备份 3)普通上线测试,可以发现新系统是否稳定,提前发现上线过程中会出现的诸多问题,让开发者有信心上线 4)对比试验,同样请求,针对不同或不同版本程序,可以做性能对比等试验 5)利用多种手段,构造无限在线压力,满足中小网站压力测试要求 6)实战演习(架构师必备) tcpcopy可以用于实时和离线回放领域,并且tcpcopy支持mysql协议的复制,开源一年以来,功能上越来越完善。 如果你对上线没有信心,如果你的单元测试不够充分,如果你对新系统不够有把握,如果你对未来的请求压力无法预测,tcpcopy可以帮助你解决上述难题。
tcpcopy It is an online TCP duplication tool and can be used for testing (using netlink and raw sockets). Description: It can help you find bugs without deploying your server software on your production servers.It can also be used to do smoke testing against your products. For example, when you want to migrate your web server from Apache to Nginx, tcpcopy can help you test it. Apache is running online, while tcpcopy can copy the TCP flows from Apache to Nginx. To Nginx, the TCP flows are just forwarding to it. This will not affect Apache at all except cost a little network bandwidth and CPU load. Scenarios: 1) Distributed stress testing Use tcpcopy to copy real-world data to stress test your server software. Bugs that only can be produced in high-stress situations can be found. 2) Hot backup It is very suitable for backup tasks if connections are short-lived. The request loss ratio is quite low (e.g. 0.00001). 3) Online testing Prove (2012-10-10, Unix_Linux, 95KB, 下载5次)


[网络] tcpcopy

tcpcopy是一种应用请求复制(基于tcp的packets)工具,其应用领域较广,我们曾经应用于网易的广告投放系统,urs系统,nginx hmux协议开发等系统,避免了上线带来的很多问题。 总体说来,tcpcopy主要有如下功能: 1)分布式压力测试工具,利用在线数据,可以测试系统能够承受的压力大小(远比ab压力测试工具真实地多),也可以提前发现一些bug 2)对于后端的短连接,请求丢失率非常低(1/10万),可以应用于热备份 3)普通上线测试,可以发现新系统是否稳定,提前发现上线过程中会出现的诸多问题,让开发者有信心上线 4)对比试验,同样请求,针对不同或不同版本程序,可以做性能对比等试验 5)利用多种手段,构造无限在线压力,满足中小网站压力测试要求 6)实战演习(架构师必备) tcpcopy可以用于实时和离线回放领域,并且tcpcopy支持mysql协议的复制,开源一年以来,功能上越来越完善。 如果你对上线没有信心,如果你的单元测试不够充分,如果你对新系统不够有把握,如果你对未来的请求压力无法预测,tcpcopy可以帮助你解决上述难题。
tcpcopy It is an online TCP duplication tool and can be used for testing (using netlink and raw sockets). Description: It can help you find bugs without deploying your server software on your production servers.It can also be used to do smoke testing against your products. For example, when you want to migrate your web server from Apache to Nginx, tcpcopy can help you test it. Apache is running online, while tcpcopy can copy the TCP flows from Apache to Nginx. To Nginx, the TCP flows are just forwarding to it. This will not affect Apache at all except cost a little network bandwidth and CPU load. Scenarios: 1) Distributed stress testing Use tcpcopy to copy real-world data to stress test your server software. Bugs that only can be produced in high-stress situations can be found. 2) Hot backup It is very suitable for backup tasks if connections are short-lived. The request loss ratio is quite low (e.g. 0.00001). 3) Online testing Prove (2012-10-10, Unix_Linux, 104KB, 下载12次)


[网络] linux-web

? 描述网络和网络互联,解释它们的作用 ? 简要讨论TCP/IP协议栈,IP地址,协议端口,因特网服务和应用 ? 解释什么是客户/服务器软件模型,它如何工作 ? 讨论各种用于电子通信,远程登录,文件传输,远程命令执行,以及状态报告的网络软件工具 ? 简要描述安全shell ? 覆盖如下命令和原语:finger, ftp, ifconfig, nslookup, ping, rcp, rlogin, rsh, ruptime, rusers, rwho, talk, telnet, traceroute
? describe networks and network interconnection, to explain their role ? brief discussion of TCP/IP protocol stack, IP address, protocol port, Internet services and applications ? explain what is a client/server software model, discuss how it works for ? e communications, remote login, file transfer, remote command execution, and status reporting network security software tools shell ? ? brief description of the coverage the following commands and primitives: finger, ftp, ifconfig, nslookup, ping, rcp, rlogin, rsh, ruptime, rusers, rwho, talk, telnet, traceroute (2011-07-30, Unix_Linux, 637KB, 下载25次)


[网络] camera

. SUPPORT multi languages that InstallShield supported. 2,Preview resolution: 160*120 176*144 320*240 352*288 640*480 800*600 1024*768 1280*960 3.支持的SENSOR:7131r,MI360(S),MT9V111 4.支持的操作系统:win2k,xp32,xp64,vista32.由于没有过whql,暂不支持vista64. 5.此版默认50HZ。 6.已经解决不能生成oem问题 7.可以卸载旧的驱动 8.解决了网吧中360S识别问题。---071023 by better
. SUPPORT multi languages that InstallShield supported. 2,Preview resolution: 160*120 176*144 320*240 352*288 640*480 800*600 1024*768 1280*960 3.支持的SENSOR:7131r,MI360(S),MT9V111 4.支持的操作系统:win2k,xp32,xp64,vista32.由于没有过whql,暂不支持vista64. 5.此版默认50HZ。 6.已经解决不能生成oem问题 7.可以卸载旧的驱动 8.解决了网吧中360S识别问题。---071023 by better (2011-07-29, Unix_Linux, 51924KB, 下载9次)


[网络] nginx-1.0.0.tar

Nginx ("engine x") 是一个高性能的 HTTP 和 反向代理 服务器,也是一个 IMAP/POP3/SMTP 代理服务器 。 Nginx 是由 Igor Sysoev 为俄罗斯访问量第二的Rambler.ru 站点开发的,它已经在该站点运行超过四年多了。Igor 将源代码以类BSD许可证的形式发布。自Nginx 发布四年来,Nginx 已经因为它的稳定性、丰富的功能集、 示例配置文件和低系统资源的消耗而闻名了。目前国内各大门户网站已经部署了Nginx,如新浪、网易、腾讯等;国内几个重要的视频分享网站也部署了Nginx,如六房间、酷6等。 新近发现Nginx 技术在国内日趋火热,越来越多的网站开始部署Nginx。
nginx [engine x] is a HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server written by Igor Sysoev. It has been running for more than five years on many heavily loaded Russian sites including Rambler (RamblerMedia.com). According to Netcraft nginx served or proxied 4.70 busiest sites in April 2010. Here are some of success stories: FastMail.FM, Wordpress.com. (2011-04-12, Unix_Linux, 639KB, 下载12次)


[网络] udp_brodcast_send

如果没有设置BLOADCASE选项的不递送。 如果bind端口不匹配不递送该套接口 如果绑定的不是INADDR_ANY话,那么BIND的地址和目的地址匹配才能递送:也就是说你必须BIND一个广播地址或者绑定INADDR_ANY 用ifconfig命令可以disable块网卡的BROADCAST标志,让其不能接受以太网广播。 这是接受装置
If the option is not set BLOADCASE not delivered. If the port does not match does not bind the socket if delivery is not bound to INADDR_ANY, then the BIND destination address matches the address and can be delivered: that you have a broadcast address or BIND bind INADDR_ANY block with the ifconfig command to disable the network card BROADCAST flag, let it not accept the Ethernet broadcast. This is the receiving device (2010-12-24, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载4次)


[网络] udp_brodcast_rcv

如果没有设置BLOADCASE选项的不递送。 如果bind端口不匹配不递送该套接口 如果绑定的不是INADDR_ANY话,那么BIND的地址和目的地址匹配才能递送:也就是说你必须BIND一个广播地址或者绑定INADDR_ANY 用ifconfig命令可以disable块网卡的BROADCAST标志,让其不能接受以太网广播。 也可以使用ioctl的SIOCSIFFLAGS方法去掉一个接口的标志IFF_BROADCAST,使之不能接受以太网广播。
If the option is not set BLOADCASE not delivered. If the port does not match does not bind the socket if delivery is not bound to INADDR_ANY, then the BIND destination address matches the address and can be delivered: that you have a broadcast address or BIND bind INADDR_ANY block with the ifconfig command to disable the network card BROADCAST flag, let it not accept the Ethernet broadcast. You can also use ioctl' s SIOCSIFFLAGS method to remove an interface symbol IFF_BROADCAST, so they can not accept the Ethernet broadcast. (2010-12-24, Unix_Linux, 1KB, 下载6次)


[网络] iNodeClient_For_Linux_V3.60-E6210.tar

campus network linux client graphical interface, easy to use. (2010-12-15, Unix_Linux, 7625KB, 下载57次)


[网络] squid-

Squid cache(简称为Squid)是一个流行的自由软件(GNU通用公共许可证)的代理服务器和Web缓存服务器。Squid有广泛的用途,从作为网页服务器的前置cache服务器缓存相关请求来提高Web服务器的速度,到为一组人共享网络资源而缓存万维网,域名系统和其他网络搜索,到通过过滤流量帮助网络安全,到局域网通过代理上网。Squid主要设计用于在Unix一类系统运行。 Squid的发展历史相当悠久,功能也相当完善。除了HTTP外,对于FTP与HTTPS的支援也相当好,在3.0 测试版中也支援了IPv6。 Squid与Linux下其它的代理软件如Apache、Socks、TIS FWTK和delegate相比,下载安装简单,配置简单灵活,支持缓存和多种协议。用ipchains+Squid的解决方案,就可以获得通过缓存高性能的同时能够无缝的访问Internet。这是它的最新源代码
What is Squid? Squid is a fully-featured HTTP/1.0 proxy which is almost (but not quite- we re getting there!) HTTP/1.1 compliant. Squid offers a rich access control, authorization and logging environment to develop web proxy and content serving applications. Where did Squid come from? Squid is based on the Harvest Cache Daemon developed in the early 1990 s. It was one of two forks from the codebase after the Harvest project ran to completion. (The other fork being what became Netapp s Netcache.) The Squid project was funded by an NSF grant (NCR-9796082) which covered research into caching technologies. The ircache funding ran out a few years later and the Squid project continued through volunteer donations and the occasional commercial investment. Squid is currently being developed by a handful of individuals donating their time and effort to building current and next generation content caching and delivery technologies. An ever-growing number of companies use Squid to sa (2010-08-26, Unix_Linux, 3323KB, 下载115次)


[网络] more-release-one

The CLICK codes of MORE, a wireless opportunistic routing protocol, in the paper 《Trading Structure for Randomness in Wireless Opportunistic Routing》 by dina (2009-12-03, Unix_Linux, 37KB, 下载37次)


[网络] system-manager.tar

Distributed application system s own device management software to manage all the server s network status, system resources, the state (CPU, memory, file system), the application process status. Software using standard SNMP protocol to support V1-V3 version. There are also agent management module, you can visit the agency to obtain status information can also be unsolicited TRAP, with third-party standard SNMP network management platform for docking. (2009-10-08, Unix_Linux, 124KB, 下载35次)


[网络] dsr

动态源路由协议(Dynamic Source Routing, DSR)源码。DSR是在移动自组网(MANET)中使用的一种路由协议。
Dynamic Source Routing protocol (Dynamic Source Routing, DSR) source. DSR are in mobile ad hoc network (MANET) to use a routing protocol. (2009-03-12, Unix_Linux, 84KB, 下载95次)


[网络] uc_net_src

linux-source network protocol stack (including ICMP, TCP/IP, UDP, ARP, DHCP, CHAP, PPP, etc.) (2009-03-02, Unix_Linux, 343KB, 下载170次)


[网络] bcm43xx

Wireless card drivers, have a good reference value linux_2.6.21 can be used directly, if in other platforms, can refer to transplantation (2008-07-19, Unix_Linux, 110KB, 下载33次)


[网络] ppp-2.4.4

Realize Ethernet point-to-point protocol for dial-up Internet access, dial-up basis is part of software modules. (2008-07-16, Unix_Linux, 1597KB, 下载50次)


[网络] mystar1

The same for linux certification process, but this is more suitable for applications, as long as the will. Conf file in the user name and password set up (which is under the certification in the campus network user name password), and mystar and then copied to/etc, in terminal implementation can mystar (2008-04-28, Unix_Linux, 289KB, 下载57次)


[网络] RouterOS-v2.9.6

Linux 2。6内核ROS多功能路由器,集网管,DHCP,上网控制,VPN,PPOE拨号为一身
Linux 2. 6 core ROS multifunctional router, set management, DHCP, Internet access control, VPN, PPOE for a dial-up (2007-08-17, Unix_Linux, 11031KB, 下载222次)


[网络] cvbxcvg

secondary server itself not shared access and genuine collector cards, and do not need monthly Genuine card authorization, only the server running on the server software, which can be installed in the server or hosted by the Internet server, network bandwidth and transmission conditions had improved, (2006-06-22, Unix_Linux, 24KB, 下载10次)
