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按分类查找All 书籍源码(84) 

[书籍源码] LAN9254_ETHERCAT 手册及评估原理图

LAN9254 2/3端口EtherCat子设备控制器,带集成以太网PHY和多路复用HBI/32 DIGIO
LAN9254 2/3-Port EtherCat SubDevice Controller with Integrated Ethernet PHYs and Demultiplexed HBI / 32 DIGIOs (2023-04-24, PDF, 5796KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] 541_美女采集

此源码能全自动采集图片文章,无需手动操作现全自动采集,免安装; ·经实际测试,站点已兼容各大主流浏览器,提供良好的用户体验..
Beauty Collection Source Code (2019-01-19, PHP, 618KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] 网新中英文企业手机电脑一体化建站标准版

Chinese and English enterprise mobile phone computer integration station Standard Version background management (2018-06-19, C/C++, 14638KB, 下载0次)


[书籍源码] kuaibu1.91M1.2

The novel quick capture restoration list, the introduction do not show the BUG. (2018-01-30, WINDOWS, 4535KB, 下载3次)


[书籍源码] app_pojieshuom

App crack instructions, the specific tools of their own search in this site, the text that word document, successfully cracked Andrews mobile app, except for confusion (2017-05-12, WORD, 234KB, 下载3次)


[书籍源码] sao_eq71

Maximum Likelihood (ML) criteria and maximum a posteriori (MAP) criterion, Partially achieved tracking speed iterative relaxation algorithm, When processing a signal frequency analysis. (2017-04-16, Visual C++, 6KB, 下载1次)


[书籍源码] jqg

The virus mostly in Internet cafes and other large computer networks would be more popular, usually in the personal computer is not easy in this virus, most anti-virus software can now killing the virus (2011-01-19, C/C++, 2KB, 下载4次)


[书籍源码] siheyi

本系统是ASP+Access 编写而成,集手机号码归属地查询,全国身份证查询,区号查询,邮编查询于一体. 手机号码查询归属地的数据库来源于联通,移动,网通内部数据,数据总数将近12万条绝对齐全,准确率100 ! 可自行转换为其他格式数据库(如MYSQL,MS SQL等)。最后调整时增加了159,153,156,150等最新号码段 本数据库将不定时更新 全国身份证查询系统使用的数据和国家正规数据保持一致绝对无错
www.98bk.com (2010-01-23, ASP, 4392KB, 下载60次)


[书籍源码] lan

Which describes in detail how to set up a mail server, is to use a virtual machine to complete, and hope to those who need lan networking help (2010-01-11, Others, 745KB, 下载48次)


[书籍源码] 5956462biyesheji-qicheshouhoufuwuzhongxin

诚信网络购物中心 互联网的兴起从本质上改变了整个社会的商品交易方式,国内各大企业从上个世纪90年代互联网兴起之时,就产生了通过网络进行销售经营商品的想法。但是由于在互联网上企业的信誉难以认证、网络法规政策不健全、物流不发达等一系列的原因,限制了网上交易发展的步伐。进入21世纪以后,随着整个社会的发展、进步,制约网上交易的各个瓶颈问题逐一被击破,各企业也纷纷的加入到电子商务的洪潮之中。 诚信网络购物中心是由吉林省明日科技有限公司开发的,程序的主要目的就是通过网站来推广互联企业的产品和服务,并使客户随时可以了解企业和企业的产品,为客户提供在线服务和订单处理功能。从长期的战略目标来说,网站不仅仅是产品和服务的推广,而是通过Internet、企业内部网(Intranet)和企业外部网(Extranet),将买家与卖家、厂商和合作伙伴紧密结合在了一起,因而消除了时间与空间带来的障碍。 系统主要分为前台和后台
based integrated business application solutions, the real B/S model, the use of asp development, the whole system is mainly storage module, sales module, inventory management module, statistics module, Member modules and account management system constitutes. These modules basic covering a variety of business-to-Invoicing management software requirements (2009-12-22, Java, 1926KB, 下载30次)


[书籍源码] ch52

Use Linmod and dlinmod function to extract the linear model, using Linmod and dlinmod function to extract the linear model, using Linmod and dlinmod function to extract the linear model. (2009-11-11, matlab, 5KB, 下载18次)


[书籍源码] City_of_supply_and_demand_information_website

都市供求信息网源码是基于Struts 2.0和SQL Server 2000开发的
City of supply and demand information network source is based on Struts 2.0 and SQL Server 2000 Development (2009-09-10, Java, 4184KB, 下载5次)


[书籍源码] hlink.080731-2355.tar

This is part of Skynet search notes at the time, I bought a book reading in this area, and later learned of their own to share with Members (2009-07-31, C++, 175KB, 下载5次)


[书籍源码] UDP

The program for the simple udp protocol software, you can do when Ethernet communication, data testing and analysis (2008-09-20, Visual C++, 32KB, 下载13次)


[书籍源码] INDEX

This is an online bookstore page of code, is my graduation project. We can see that do is not very good, I graduated from the design requirements as long as the past is like, so not very serious preparations. (2008-06-16, ASP, 3KB, 下载3次)


[书籍源码] GB_T3382.2-2003

GB_T 3382.2-2003 文件传真三类机在电话网中的互通技术条件 第2部分:在公用电话交换网上的文件传真传输规程.pdf
GB_T 3382.2-2003 paper fax machine three types of telephone network in the exchange of technical conditions in Part 2: In the public switched telephone line facsimile transmission of the document order. Pdf (2007-11-09, Others, 5019KB, 下载10次)


[书籍源码] GB_T3382.1-2003

GB_T 3382.1-2003 文件传真三类机在电话网中的互通技术条件 第1部分:用于文件传输的三类传真终端的标准化.pdf
GB_T 3382.1-2003 paper fax machine three types of telephone network in the exchange of technical conditions in Part 1: File Transfer for the standardization of the three types of fax terminals. Pdf (2007-11-09, Others, 2059KB, 下载9次)


[书籍源码] zhejiang_university_acm_onlinejudge_code

浙江大学acm在线判题器代码集。 本人在浙大acm判题器上的所有代码(心血) acm.zju.edu.cn acm/icpc acm大学生程序设计竞赛 练习网站,网站上有历年全球各地区分区赛试题,此集合为上载者accepted的代码
Zhejiang University acm online- that's code sets. I Zhejiang University acm- that for all of the code on the (effort) acm.zju.edu.cn acm/ICPC acm Collegiate Programming Contest practice web site, a calendar year global Area-examination of this pool were accepted on the code (2006-04-08, C/C++, 204KB, 下载1134次)


[书籍源码] 西部网安整站

程序内核采用万博中小企业网站管理系统,并做了一些防攻 击处理.安全方面绝对放心. 默认帐号:speed 默认密码:admin888
procedures used Huambo core SME website management systems, and has done a number of anti-attack treatment. Rest assured safety. Default Account : speed Default Password : admin888 (2006-02-13, ASP, 2673KB, 下载46次)


[书籍源码] 电子书原代码

initial upload, not quite be classified. This is a collection of electronic documents software. Support from the browser window respite Yedao local window. Personal view text faster than the network grasping webcollecter such good. Small, green and apply. (2005-11-23, Delphi, 33KB, 下载14次)
