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按分类查找All 视频捕捉采集剪辑(89) 

[视频捕捉采集剪辑] douzhuli

抖助理,批量去水印,支持 快手、抖音,YouTube、Instagram(包含快拍)、Twitter、TK、Threads、Facebook、Vimeo、afreecatv、Tumblr、Triller、Likee、Twitch、Pinterest、Snapchat、Reddit、VK、Dailymotion、SoundCloud、Lemon8、Suno音乐、小红薯、AcFun、B、Amazon亚马逊、天猫、闲鱼、UC视频、趣头条、皮皮虾、皮皮搞笑、微博、秒拍、绿洲、小咖秀、美图秀秀、美拍、云音乐、央视网(CCTV)、新华网、虎嗅、虎牙、斗鱼、糖豆、喜马拉雅、陌陌、映客、迅雷、WIDE短视频 、最右、开眼、酷燃、剪映、糗事百科、梨视频、**等上千个平台
Dithering assistant, batch watermark removal, support for quick hand, dithering, YouTube, Instagram (including snapshot), Twitter, TK, Threads, Facebook, Vimeo, afreecatv, Tumblr, Triller, Likee, Twitch, Pinterest, Snapchat, Reddit, VK, Dailymotion, SoundCloud, Lemon8, Suno Music, Little Sweet Potato, AcFun, B, Amazon Amazon, Tmall, Leisure Fish, UC Video, Fun Toutiao, Pipi Shrimp, Pipi Fun, Weibo, Secopap, Oasis, Xiaozhou There are thousands of platforms such as Cafu, Meitu Xiuxiu, Meipai, Cloud Music, CCTV, Xinhuanet, Huxiao, Huya, Douyu, Tangdou, Himalaya, Momo, Yingke, Xunlei, WIDE short videos, Zuoyu, Kaiyan, Cooran, Clipping, Encyclopedia of Embarrassment, Pear Video, * *, etc (2024-04-20, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Crazy-SLR

Welcome to the "Crazy SLR" YouTube channel—where every video is a ticket to a world of wonder! Join us on an exciting journey through science, tech, entertainment, and adventure, as we explore the coolest experiments around. Get ready for mind-blowing discoveries, fresh ideas, and endless inspiration! (2024-04-04, HTML, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] monitor_client

We can use camera to collect image data, and then send data to the corresponding server, so that we can achieve network video surveillance. (2018-04-01, C/C++, 7KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] VIP视频解析源码

Video website VIP member video parsing source code (2018-01-02, WINDOWS, 300KB, 下载22次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 视频捕获软件开发完全教学

delphi for lessnion,TV select, very good book (2017-09-26, WINDOWS, 20KB, 下载2次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] tv

In addition to Tencent video, you can watch all web video,In addition to Tencent video, you can watch all web video (2016-11-01, PHP, 923KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] tgbTV

推广宝电视直播系统是一款非常实用的收看网络电视系统,更重要的,它是完全免费开源的,没有任何功能限制。 在线实时收看数百个国内外精彩电视频道的节目及电台广播节目. 简便的操作,您只需选择便可观看、收听节目; 绿色软件;体积小,速度快,占用资源少!操作更简便!
Promotion Po television broadcast system is a very useful watch network television systems and, more importantly, it is completely free and open source, without any functional limitations. Online real-time viewing of hundreds of domestic and international programs and radio broadcasts exciting TV channels. Simple operation, you can simply choose to watch, listen to programs Green software small size, high speed, small footprint! Easier to use! (2016-05-05, ASP, 817KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] jpjxw

木鸟飞年度力作 沉寂了大半年,再次重现网络江湖,特此奉此经典新作:精品教学网2010版,以新云为内核,在保留全部功能的基础上增加了视频频道,附带8000条数据,多条采集代码,新手上传即可使用
Annual masterpiece wooden bird flew six months of silence, the network of rivers and lakes to reproduce again, is hereby Fengci classic new work: teaching quality halftone 2010, a new cloud core, while retaining all of the features on the increase in video channels, with 8000 data , a number of acquisition code, a novice can use to upload (2016-04-28, ASP, 6652KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] BadAppleSharp-Source

The use of auxiliary software will be black and white video by frame after the separation, put in the in folder, start the software will automatically read the folder pictures, and then generate TXT files, the text files can be used for liquid crystal display module, can also be used for console display. Pure entertainment. (2014-12-22, C#, 12KB, 下载2次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 601bbb81ee45

Video keyframe, you know,,,,,,,,,,,,. (2012-08-11, Visual C++, 400KB, 下载8次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Scameralp

Including using a common computer camera, because it is written with the m language compatible with all versions. Original address (in ilovematlab I made a post, download a lot of people, so here also issued, to share): http://www.iilovematlab.cn/viewthread.php?tid=38743& highlight = contains the content: the camera preview and capture camera pictures saved timer application m file to establish gui controls. Convenient for beginners to learn. (2012-08-04, Visual C++, 2KB, 下载2次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 22

Video capture, video compression, audio capture, audio compression, audio playback, data transfer, command and control a series of visual communications. (2012-06-12, Visual C++, 555KB, 下载12次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] network

Solve the D/A mixed video surveillance and security projects in the current multi-brand network video surveillance systems can not be the problem (2011-05-17, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载3次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] sdk_cn_3.1.1.5

Hikvision DVR SDK development package, including the 8100 series DVR all of the features of the VC implementation code, currently the main use of video surveillance Hikvision DVR, the SDK software development kit is useful for monitoring (2011-03-26, Visual C++, 5599KB, 下载117次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 2004(8)

DVR Universal Video Card Driver (2011-02-24, DOS, 9735KB, 下载33次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] td

[Zlchat2.0正式版安装说明] 1. 首先安装好通达OA(默认OA安装目录是d:\MYOA,以下说明以此为准)。 2. 下载以下文件,并安装至OA安装目录(也可以使用正式版光盘中的安装文件): http://www.zlchat.com/oa/zlchat2_tdoa.rar 3. 运行通达Zlchat视频会议系统2.0.exe,再以管理员登录OA系统,系统会提示你升级。 4. 将向正式用户提供的zlchat.swf,拷贝至d:\MYOA\webroot\general\vmeet下,替换试用版文件。 5. 将向正式用户提供的zlchat-server-1.4.jar,拷贝至d:\MYOA\zlchat\lib目录下,替换试用版文件。 6. 登录OA系统,点击开始升级,进入OA后,点击菜单“我的办公桌->视频会议”,建立一个新的视频会议,即可开始使用。 注意事项:zlchat服务器使用1935端口,请确保1935端口是开放的.如果服务器在内网,但是你又想让外网用户可以访问的话, 请在路由器中添加1935端口映射.
err (2008-11-06, PHP, 753KB, 下载57次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] VB6_USB_VideoCaputre

VB6 视频捕捉程序(使用 VFW): 捕捉画面、捕捉为AVI文件、视频设置、视频源设置。
VB6 video capture process (using VFW) : screen capture, document capture to AVI video setup, Video Source installed. (2007-05-09, Visual Basic, 67KB, 下载460次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] av800-driver

AV800 Video Capture card services for the equipment, has made packaging, Operation API can be simply applied to the project (2007-05-03, Visual C++, 26KB, 下载8次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] tvp5150

tvp5150 Video Decoder Chip driver, cpu through i2c control of the chip Add to Driver driver/i2c/chips directory, and the makefile to accede to the document can be driven compiler. (2007-01-10, C/C++, 2KB, 下载458次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] gdk548_powerpcb.v3.5

TMS320DM642GDK DSP芯片的GEBER文件,TI标准坐标,开钢网必备.
GEBER file for TMS320DM642GDK DSP chip,TI standard coordinate,it is essential for development. (2005-05-13, PDF, 7KB, 下载29次)
