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按分类查找All 数据挖掘/数据仓库(66) 

[数据挖掘/数据仓库] huaweidata

huaweidata,关联规则挖掘属于数据挖掘的一个分支,主要挖掘数据之间的因果关系。具体到告警关联规则挖掘,也就是挖掘告警之间的因果关系。 部署在网络中的设备在运行过程中会产生大量的告警,网管将这些告警记录收集起来,统一挖掘分析其中的关联规则。通过关联规...
Huawei data, association rule mining, is a branch of data mining that mainly explores the causal relationships between data. Specifically, mining alarm association rules refers to the causal relationship between alarms. The devices deployed in the network will generate a large number of alarms during operation. The network management will collect these alarm records and uniformly mine and analyze the association rules within them. Through association rules (2016-06-14, Python, 36KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] ZhihuDataAnalysis

ZhihuDataAnalysis,通过分析知乎用户数据,把握当前热点话题,推送相关行业信息。构建用户画像,给用 户打上标签,有利于对用户信息进行整体把握,挖掘其中有价值的信息。通过pageRank算法构建 用户社交关系网,挖掘大V用户,控制社交舆论的发展趋势
ZhihuData Analysis analyzes Zhihu user data, grasps current hot topics, and pushes relevant industry information. Building user profiles and labeling users is beneficial for overall understanding of user information and mining valuable information. Build a user social network through the pageRank algorithm, mine large V users, and control the development trend of social media opinion (2021-04-07, JavaScript, 15241KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] track-manager

Track manager, this is an online ride hailing backend management system that mines data from billions of taxi trajectories to obtain information that is helpful for the company s profitability. And manage drivers, orders, and trajectories through this system (2017-06-24, JavaScript, 1283KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] QQZoneMood

QQZoneMood,QQZone mood spider and analysis. QQ空间多线程爬虫和数据挖掘。提供线上服务,扫码登陆即可自动爬取和分析数据,还有网易云年度报告风格的数据展示;使用docker- compose打包程序,方便部署;额外提...
QQZoneMood,QQZone mood spider and analysis. Multi threaded crawling and data mining in QQ space. Provide online services, scan the code and log in to automatically crawl and analyze data, as well as display data in the style of NetEase Cloud annual report; Using Docker Compose to package programs for easy deployment; Extra mention (2023-03-04, Python, 47984KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] ywoa

ywoa,云网OA协同办公系统 - 企业级OA系统|OA系统|OA办公|OA办公平台|OA协同|OA办公系统,基于专家级工作流引擎,深入研发15年,服务过1000多家客户,拥有成熟的 OA系统 功能。自带低代码开发平台,让您可以快速上手、快速实...
Ywoa, Cloud Network OA Collaborative Office System - Enterprise Level OA System | OA System | OA Office | OA Platform | OA Collaboration | OA Office System, based on an expert level workflow engine, has been deeply researched and developed for 15 years, serving over 1000 customers, and has mature OA system functions. Equipped with a low code development platform, you can quickly get started and implement (2021-07-15, Java, 207784KB, 下载0次)


[数据挖掘/数据仓库] LARS算法

Abstract There are a number of interesting variable selection methods available beside the regular forward selection and stepwise selection methods. Such approaches include lasso (Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator), least angle regression (LARS) and elastic net (LARS-EN) regression. There also exists a method for calculating principal components with sparse loadings. This software package contains Matlab implementations of these functions. The standard implementations of these functions are available as add-on packages in S-Plus and R. Keywords lasso, LARS, SPCA, Matlab, Elastic Net, Sparse, Sparsity, Variable selection (2017-07-16, matlab, 740KB, 下载57次)
