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按分类查找All 编译器/解释器(79) 

[编译器/解释器] german-media-scrape

Scripts to scrape large German news websites, and access to the data (1.1 million German language news articles from 01 2020 to 12 2022)., (2023-09-18, R, 0KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] 好例子网_ToAsm_第五次作业

Compiler complete version, do course design is very easy to use, lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis, intermediate code, assembly (2021-04-25, C/C++, 1103KB, 下载0次)


[编译器/解释器] LUAC解密工具

lua解密工具微微有点老..也有不少不会编译的..本菜狗集成了一下.. 其实工具主要作用是处理unlua的中文问题.
Lua decryption tools are slightly old. There are also a lot of non-compiled. This vegetable dog integrated for a while. In fact, the main function of the tool is to deal with unlua's Chinese problems. (2019-03-23, C/C++, 1366KB, 下载25次)


[编译器/解释器] TinyCC 0.9.26

TCC(Tiny C Compiler)0.9.26源码 VS版工程 已经实现VS2008和VS2013 打开即用 可编译 可调试 建议使用VS2008编译
TCC (Tiny C Compiler) 0.9.26 source VS version project VS2008 and VS2013 have been opened and used Compiling and debugging It is recommended to use VS2008 to compile (2018-01-19, C/C++, 567KB, 下载22次)


[编译器/解释器] Complete-Binary-Search-Tree

网易云课堂-陈越、何钦铭-数据结构-2016春 PTA-04-树6 Complete Binary Search Tree 编译器:python2
Complete Binary Search Tree A Complete Binary Tree (CBT) is a tree that is completely filled, with the possible exception of the bottom level, which is filled left to right. Now given a sequence of distinct non-negative integer keys, a unique BST can be constructed if it is required that the tree must also be a CBT. You are supposed to output the level order traversal sequence of this BST. (2016-04-12, Python, 1KB, 下载1次)


[编译器/解释器] Eluant-master

openra compile the necessary module Eluant, domestic Without this module, go outside the network to download, can be used to study the source code to the package (2014-07-19, C#, 92KB, 下载6次)


[编译器/解释器] P862

p.862 is ITU standard proposal, is mainly used to evaluate the narrowband telephone network and the end-to-end voice quality and voice quality of the decoded speech encoder. P.862 in the standard document and implement software. (2012-11-19, Visual C++, 5128KB, 下载7次)


[编译器/解释器] wtl

The Microsoft WTL10.0 version for VS2010 binding. Interface treatment is very effective. Has been tested and is successful. The official website released the version can not find. Have been sent to. Quickly grab it. (2012-05-29, Visual C++, 1070KB, 下载111次)


[编译器/解释器] MinGW4.5.2

mingw 4.5.2 完整的编译器 windows下的ming gcc 开发环境-complete mingw 4.5.2 under windows compiler development environment ming gcc
mingw 4.5.2 完整的编译器 windows下的ming gcc 开发环境-complete mingw 4.5.2 under windows compiler development environment ming gcc (2012-01-07, Windows_Unix, 10890KB, 下载15次)


[编译器/解释器] cli

Command-line interpreter, inch C language, do not call any library, for small system migration (2011-05-03, C/C++, 13KB, 下载42次)


[编译器/解释器] C0Compiler

C0 written grammar with c compiler (2010-01-14, Visual C++, 241KB, 下载55次)


[编译器/解释器] Graph

Map-building (including the adjacency matrix and adjacency list approach): directed graph, undirected graph, and to the network to the network. To map depth-first and breadth-first traversal, and for the minimum spanning tree graph, the directed graph for topological sorting, and single-source shortest path (Dijkstra algorithm), Floyd algorithm (2009-07-03, Visual C++, 224KB, 下载45次)


[编译器/解释器] ww

Number of procedures, C++ prepared. They are doing when compiling the collection of class-based reference, huh, huh, are放上来, and a variety of written grammar, LL (1), LR, and recursive decline, there are some semantic analysis, and quaternion type, Reverse Polish-style, etc., and each able to run debug. (Not good, I do not现眼out) ... ... (2009-05-22, Visual C++, 7690KB, 下载90次)


[编译器/解释器] Analysis_of_the_essence_of_C_language_examples

◎ 光盘内容说明 1.【Code】目录,包括实例1~190的所有源代码和可执行程序。 2.【Tools】目录,包括TC2.0编译器。 ◎ 光盘使用说明 1. 源代码的使用说明,参见【Code】目录下的CodeReadme.txt文件。 2. TurboC 2.0 的安装方法,参见【Tools】目录下的ToolsReadme.txt文件。 ◎ 技术支持 在光盘使用过程中,如果遇到问题,请发邮件至linread@163.com或zjulinruizhong@yahoo.com.cn与我们联系。
◎ CD description 1. 【Code】 directory, including the examples 1 ~ 190 of all source code and executable programs. 2.】 【Tools directory, including TC2.0 compiler. CD-ROM for use ◎ 1. The use of source code, see Code】 【CodeReadme.txt document directory. 2. TurboC 2.0 installation method, see Tools】 【ToolsReadme.txt document directory. ◎ Technical Support CD-ROM to use in the process, if problem encountered, please send an e-mail zjulinruizhong@yahoo.com.cn and linread@163.com or contact us. (2009-03-28, C/C++, 4468KB, 下载2次)


[编译器/解释器] wfp11

文件名 :test3.c * 文件描述:预测分析法实现的语法分析器。分析如下文法: * E->E+T | E-T | T * T->T*F | T/F |F * F->(E) | i * 输入:每行含一个表达式的文本文件(#号结束)。 * 输出:分析成功或不成功信息。 * 创建人:余洪周 <nick19842000.cublog.cn> 2006-12-16 * 版本号:1.0 * 说明 :为了表示的方便采用了如下的所示表示方法: * A=E B=T * 非终结符:0=E 1=E 2=T 3=T 4=F * 终结符 :0=i 1=+ 2=- 3=* 4=/ 5=( 6=) 7=#
File name: test3.c* Document Description: Forecast Analysis parser achieved. Grammar as follows:* E-> E+ T | ET | T* T-> T* F | T/F | F* F-> (E) | i* Input: each line contains an expression of the text file (# its end).* Output: Analysis of the success or otherwise of information.* Created by: Yu Hong Zhou <nick19842000.cublog.cn> 2006-12-16* version number: 1.0* Note: To show the convenience of using the following method as shown:* A = EB = T* non-terminator: 0 = E 1 = E 2 = T 3 = T 4 = F* at the end: 0 = i 1 =+ 2 =- 3 =* 4 =/5 = (6 =) 7 =# (2007-11-26, Visual C++, 3KB, 下载36次)


[编译器/解释器] 21codes_vc616677824666

词法语法分析器 输入源程序,输出语法分析树,预测分析表
lexical analyzer input source grammar, syntax tree output forecast analysis Table (2007-05-28, Visual C++, 210KB, 下载42次)


[编译器/解释器] Making_plain_binary_files_using_a_C_compiler_cn

online to find the one pair of c compiler profound grasp of things, not the source of high-quality, repeat things to upload nor is the e-books, people in need can look at the pdf format (2007-04-20, C/C++, 204KB, 下载55次)


[编译器/解释器] ldp-portable

实现了MPLS中的标签分发协议(LDP 3036 )的基本功能
realized MPLS label distribution protocol (LDP 3036), the basic functions (2006-03-23, C/C++, 359KB, 下载52次)


[编译器/解释器] mytinysompile

SIP软件开发记录 由于通信网的封闭性,网络结构的复杂性,通信设备的多样性,使得通信软件难以在一个统一的平台(包括硬件平台和操作系统平台)下运行,所以迄今为止,通信行业的开源项目仍屈指可数。    下面,我们把通信类的软件简单的进行一下划分
SIP software development record as a closed network, network structure of the complex nature of the diversity of communications equipment, making it difficult to communication software in a unified platform (including the hardware platform and operating system platform) running, so far, the telecommunications industry is still a few open-source projects . Now, we kind of communication software for about a simple division (2005-04-30, C++, 51KB, 下载21次)
