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按分类查找All 视频捕捉采集剪辑(89) 

[视频捕捉采集剪辑] h5player

视频增强脚本,支持所有H5视频网站,例如:B站、抖音、腾讯视频、优酷、爱奇艺、西瓜视频、油管(YouTube)、微博视频、知乎视频、搜狐视频、网易公开课、百度网盘、阿里云盘、ted、instagram、twitter等。全程快捷键控制,支持:倍速播放 加速播放、视频画面截图、画中画、网页全屏、调节亮度、饱和度、对比度、自定义配置功能增强等功能,为你提供愉悦的在线视频播放体验。还有视频广告快进、在线教程 教育视频倍速快学等能力
Video enhancement script supports all H5 video websites, such as: Station B, Tiao Yin, Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi, Watermelon Video, YouTube, Weibo Video, Zhihu Video, Sohu Video, Netease Open Class, Baidu Online Disk, Alibaba Cloud Disk, ted, Instagram, Twitter, etc. The whole process shortcut key control supports: multiple speed playback, accelerated playback, video screenshots, picture in picture, full screen web pages, brightness, saturation, contrast adjustment, customized configuration function enhancement and other functions, providing you with a pleasant online video playback experience. It also has the ability to fast forward video ads, and fast learn online tutorial education videos (2023-12-22, JavaScript, 0KB, 下载0次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] vip视频网站源码+微信对接

免费使用 无需授权 采集影视 多个路线解析VIP视频 有多个广告位 直接翻广告即可
Free use, without authorization to collect video, multiple routes to resolve VIP video, a number of advertising, direct advertising can be (2017-09-03, PHP, 8213KB, 下载9次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] muti-camera

连接摄像头并摄像和截图等 【Demo内容说明】 - 1. 登录即自动获取所有模拟通道和IP通道 2. 预览、抓图、客户端录像基本功能,其中抓图包括BMP和JPEG抓图(包括抓图保存在缓冲区中) 3. 2014-04-30:增加hiDDNS域名登录功能 4. 2014-6-27:增加通道列表上右键IP通道设置(添加、修改、删除)功能,其中取流模式只支持直接从设备取流(NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO、NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO_V40) 5. bin文件夹下为已编译的可执行程序(Release版本),SDK日志保存路径: C:\\SdkLog\\
U8FDE u63A5 u6444 u50CF u5934 u5E76 u6444 u50CF u548C u622A u56FE u7B49 u3010Demo u5185 u5BB9 u8BF4 u660E u3011 - 1. u767B u5F55 u5373 u81EA u52A8 u83B7 u53D6 u6240 u6709 u6A21 u62DF u901A U9053 u548CIP u901A u9053 2. u988 u989 u9C8 u3001 u6293 u56FE u3001 u5BA2 u6237 u7AEF u5F5 u50CF u57FA u672C u8029F u80FD uFF0C u5176 u4E2D u6293 u56FE U5305 u6210 by weight of u09103 u5138 u5B3 u5B3 u5B3 u513A u4E2D uFF09 3. 2014-04-30 uFF1A u589E u52A0hiDDNS u57DF U540D u5F0 u5295 u529F u803D U52A0 u3001 u439 u653 u3101 u3101 u5A1 u5A1 u5F0F u53E U53D6 u6D41 uFF08NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO u3001NET_DVR_IPCHANINFO_V40 uFF09 5. bin u6587 u4EF6 u5939 u4E0B u4E3B u5DF2 u7F16 u8BD1 u7684 u53EF u6267 u884C u7E0B u5E8F uFF08Releas E u7248 u672C uFF09 uFF0CSDK u65E5 u5FD7 u4FDD u5B58 u8DEF u5F84 uFF1A " C: \\ SdkLog \\" (2017-05-15, C#, 16216KB, 下载11次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] www.chaopeshipin.com

Ultra-touch video watch online www.chaopeshipin.com_ adult super hit video _97 free public resource super touch online video _ super hit video free public 97_ 97_ super hit night recently uploaded videos shot line and super touch online video (2016-07-10, Visual C++, 594KB, 下载1次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] vlcPrstpchuanliushipin

本项目是一个基于安卓的视频直播项目源码,编译安装到手机上后,在电脑上安装vlc播放器,在vlc播放器(媒体-打开串流)里面输入安卓客户端生成的rstp地址点击播放就可以串流你手机摄像头实时看到的东西。前提条件:手机和电脑的ip在同一个网段亲测有效。pydroid-ipcamera这个项目能够将Android设备变成一个漂亮的网络摄像机 ip camera。
This project is a Android based video living broadcast program source code, compile and install to the phone, VLC player installed on the computer, in VLC player (media- Open streaming) inputs inside the Android client generates the RSTP address, click on the broadcast will be able to stream your camera phone in real time to see things. Prerequisite: mobile phone and computer IP pro test in the same network. Pydroid-ipcamera this project will be able to turn the Android device into a beautiful network camera camera ip. (2016-05-16, PHP, 6061KB, 下载11次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] shipincaiji

Many friends wish I could video programming, video chat nowadays almost become cafe owners are an invaluable asset, the software embedded in the video communication is so cool, and a camera only needs one hundred dollars. Can be achieved on the software features video capture, preview, select the compressor (video files, but amazing!) Compression, decompression, playback. Grab single-frame picture to save (2012-02-05, Visual C++, 22KB, 下载6次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] Camera

摄像头(CAMERA)又称为电脑相机、电脑眼等,它作为一种视频输入设备, 在过去被广泛的运用于视频会议、远程医疗及实时监控等方面。近年以来,随着互联 网技术的发展,网络速度的不断提高,再加上感光成像器件技术的成熟并大量用于摄 像头的制造上,这使得它的价格降到普通人可以承受的水平。同时这两年CAMERA被 广泛应用于mobile phone,这样也促进感光成像技术的进一步提高,例如30万象素, 130万象素,200万象素等。
Camera (CAMERA), also known as computer camera, computer eye, etc., as a video input device, in the past been widely used in video conferencing, telemedicine and real-time monitoring and so on. In recent years, as Internet technology, network speed and continuous improvement, together with the photosensitive imaging device and a large number of sophisticated technologies for the manufacture of the camera on, which makes its price down to ordinary people could bear. CAMERA simultaneously in these two years are widely used in mobile phone, this is also the promotion of photographic imaging technology to further improve, for example, 300,000 pixels, 1,300,000 pixels, 2,000,000 pixels and so on. (2009-03-06, C/C++, 253KB, 下载15次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] server

该程序采用了VFW(Video For Windows)体系结构进行编程,编译工具为VC++6.0或以上,视频编码采用了VFW体系下的DivX,当然你也可以根据需要改为Xvid或是其它,由于这份Demo以前写得较匆忙,没有留下任何文档,主要是因为程序非常的简单,但是对于没有VC++基础或是对VFW不太熟悉的朋友可要仔细看了,有问题就到中华视频网的QQ群里面问高手吧!(注意,要编译运行本程序,需要安装DivX)。
The program uses VFW (Video For Windows) architecture program, the compiler tools VC++ 6.0 or above, video encoding using the VFW system of DivX, of course, you can read Xvid or other, As the Demo ago than write a hurry, did not leave any documents, mainly because of very simple procedure, but there is no VC++ basis or for a friend not too familiar with VFW (2008-08-10, Visual C++, 1561KB, 下载5次)


[视频捕捉采集剪辑] 409900vod

秀山在线影院本程序授权普通用户免费使用.适用范围:远程教育\视频点播\视频教育\音乐欣赏等 如果您做为商业用途,请支持程序的发展购买商业版系统.您将获得更加完善的服务. 本次发布的版本为正式完美版本 支持直接开REAL播放插件。
Xiushan online theater ordinary users of the procedures authorized use free of charge. Scope: distance education video education video-on-demand music and other commercial purposes as if you, please support the development of procedures to purchase commercial version of the system. You will receive more complete service. The release as an official version of the perfect support for REAL Player plug-ins directly. (2008-01-03, ASP, 9334KB, 下载51次)
