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[文件操作] ApkRename

Apk rename.把android的apk安装包按格式重命名。执行时必须与aapt.exe在同一个文件夹。
Apk the rename android apk rename the installation package according to the format. Implementation must be in the same folder with aapt.exe. (2012-05-07, Visual C++, 356KB, 下载49次)


[文件操作] 20098232184328

In order to do a lot of resources currently advertising network, the general word document on the website to add their unique templates, so you want to upload some of the word document, you need to modify, if the file in number, not time-consuming, too much, this software can be Batch completed! (2011-08-02, Delphi, 650KB, 下载4次)


[文件操作] VBScriptaADSI

ADSI VBS and batch operation on the domain server scripts, medium-sized network needs. Batch directory operations can develop software using VBScript or Jscript scripting. Need to know: AD object attributes, LDAP, modify the sample script would be of great help. (2011-07-26, VBScript, 10KB, 下载10次)


[文件操作] wenjian

一个文件夹下有若干个文本文件,文件名无规律。读取每个文件的内容,提取出文件内容中的时间信息。如果有时间信息,则以时间信息重命名文件。 例如: Hello.txt的文本内容为:中国天气网讯 据中央气象台消息,今年第11号超强台风“凡亚比”于2010年9月19日上午8时减弱为强台风,随后于9时前后在我国台湾省花莲县丰滨乡附近沿海登陆。登陆时中心风力15级,50米/秒,中心最低气压940百帕。 则可将文件重命名为2010-9-19.txt
A folder with a number of text files, the file name without the law. Read the contents of each file, extract the contents of the file in the time information. If there is time information, places to rename a file time information. For example: Hello.txt the text reads: According to China Central Meteorological Station weather, Reuters news, No. 11 this year, super typhoon " Where Abigail" was at 8:00 on September 19, 2010 weakened into a typhoon, and then in 9:00 Taiwan Province of China before and after Fongbin Township, Hualien County, near the coastal landing. Centre wind landing 15, 50 m/s, minimum central pressure 940 hPa. You can rename the file as 2010-9-19.txt (2010-10-17, C/C++, 169KB, 下载16次)


[文件操作] XXXX

C语言编程宝点之XXXX main()主函数 每一C 程序都必须有一main()函数, 可以根据自己的爱好把它放在程序的某 个地方。有些程序员把它放在最前面, 而另一些程序员把它放在最后面, 无论放 在哪个地方, 以下几点说明都是适合的。 1. main() 参数 在Turbo C2.0启动过程中, 传递main()函数三个参数: argc, argv和env。 * argc: 整数, 为传给main()的命令行参数个数。 * argv: 字符串数组。 在DOS 3.X 版本中, argv[0] 为程序运行的全路径名 对DOS 3.0 以下的版本, argv[0]为空串("") 。 argv[1] 为在DOS命令行中执行程序名后的第一个字符串 argv[2] 为执行程序名后的第二个字符串 ... argv[argc]为NULL。 *env: 安符串数组。env[] 的每一个元素都包含ENVVAR=value形式的字符 串。其中ENVVAR为环境变量如PATH或87。value 为ENVVAR的对应值如C:\DOS, C: \TURBOC(对于PATH) 或YES(对于87)。 Turbo C2.0启动时总是把这三个参数传递给main()函数, 可以在用户程序中 说明(或不说明)它们, 如果说明了部分(或全部)参数, 它们就成为main()子程序 的局部变量。
err (2007-11-02, Visual C++, 8KB, 下载7次)


[文件操作] Vc_Tin

这是一个用BORLAND C++ BUILBER 5 编写,能从一个文本文件导入数据,并建立delaunay三角网。需要的可以看看!!内有详细说明!! 作者 :jiangzx 编写时间:2004.4.18
with BORLAND C BUILBER 5 preparation, from a text file import data and the building of nodes triangulation. Needs can see! ! Within a detailed description! ! Author : jiangzx preparation time : 2004.4.18 (2006-05-16, C++ Builder, 198KB, 下载81次)
