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[DevOps] AWSCoreInfrastructureSetup

Using IaC tool Terraform for setting up AWS Cloud infrastructure. Setting VPC, public subnet, EC2 instance inside it, security group. Configuring internet gateway and route table. (2024-04-15, HCL, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] wuji-car-rent

基于SpringBoot的汽车租赁系统(源码+讲解+调试运行)适合人群 马上毕业 需要毕设的同学 技术栈 前后端分离 前端使用: Vue+ Element 后端使用: SpringBoot + Mysql8.0 +Mybatis +支付宝支付 功能 分为 管理员端 和 普通...,
The car rental system based on SpringBoot (source code+explanation+debugging and running) is suitable for students who need to graduate immediately. The front end and back end of the technology stack are separated. The front end is used: Vue+Element. The back end is used: SpringBoot+Mysql8.0+Mybatis+Alipay. The payment function is divided into administrator end and ordinary, (2023-09-23, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] wuji-campus-bike-rent

基于SpringBoot的校园自行车租赁系统(源码+讲解+调试运行)做毕设课设均可 2. 技术栈 前后端分离 前端使用: Vue+ Element Plus 后端使用: SpringBoot + Mysql8.0 +Mybatis+支付宝支付3.功能 分为 管理员端 和 普...,
The campus bicycle rental system based on SpringBoot (source code+explanation+debugging and operation) can be set as 2 The front end of the technology stack is separated from the back end. The front end uses Vue+Element Plus. The back end uses SpringBoot+Mysql8.0+Mybatis+Alipay, (2023-09-14, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] DingTalk_OBS_ZWX

一个用来应对网课的方案,真的是,正经人谁上网课啊。 使用软件:OBS Virtual Audio Cables 钉钉视频会议。 希望能够正确使用~ ~ ~ ~ (!!!然后效果就是挂了一个视频在钉钉会议里,并且开麦就是电流声了!!!),
A plan to deal with online classes. It s true that serious people who take online classes. Software used: OBS Virtual Audio Cables nailing video conference. I hope you can use~~~~(!!!) correctly, and then the effect is to hang a video in the nailing meeting, and the sound of electric current will be heard during the opening!!!), (2023-08-16, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] smartpbr

SmartPBR为一个帮助 运 维 人员快速自动化安装策略路由服务,主要企业使用LINUX网关策略路由组网环境。,
SmartPBR is a policy routing service that helps operation and maintenance personnel quickly and automatically install policies. Major enterprises use LINUX gateway policies to route networking environments., (2017-03-27, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] aioScan_CVE-2020-0796

基于asyncio(协程)的CVE-2020-0796 速度还是十分可观的,方便 运 维 师傅们对内网做下快速检测。,
The speed of CVE-2020-0796 based on asyncio is still very impressive, which is convenient for operation and maintenance masters to quickly detect the intranet., (2020-03-18, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] smartvpn

帮助 运 维 人员快速自动化安装OpenVPN服务的脚本,主要用于企业使用OpenVPN组网环境。,
Scripts that help operation and maintenance personnel quickly and automatically install OpenVPN services are mainly used for enterprises to use OpenVPN networking environment., (2017-03-16, Shell, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] idcenter

idcenter(分布式ID生成中心):极高效的分布式id生成系统,每个客户端获取id的tps可达到400万+,服务端可支持海量的客户端。具备高容错性,即使网络不稳定也能 运 转(只要不连续长时间断网)。使用http协议进行通信,可支持多语言。具备完整的管理员登录、权限校验。部...,
Idcenter (distributed ID generation center): an extremely efficient distributed ID generation system. The tps for each client to obtain ID can reach 4 million+, and the server can support a large number of clients. With high fault tolerance, it can operate even if the network is unstable (as long as the network is not disconnected for a long time continuously). Use http protocol for communication, which can support multiple languages. Complete administrator login and permission verification. Department, (2023-04-19, Java, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] loginlog_windows

读取登录过本机的登录失败或登录成功的所有计算机信息,在内网渗透中快速定位 运 维 管理人员。,
Read the information of all computers that have logged in to the local computer and failed or successfully logged in, and quickly locate the operation and maintenance management personnel in the intranet penetration., (2019-09-30, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] opsweb

The comprehensive management platform for Baihe network operation and maintenance (python+flask framework+cmdb+scheduler+salt) has been successfully running for more than two years, and can basically achieve more than 80% of the repetitive work of daily operation and maintenance. Because the system relies on underlying data and many third-party modules, it is difficult to deploy and run, so it is recommended to only study code!, (2022-04-04, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] Redrock-SRE-2022-Ops-Winter-Assessment

2022 年红岩网校工作站运维安全部运维方向寒假考核,
In 2022, the winter vacation assessment in the direction of operation and maintenance of the operation and maintenance security department of Hongyan Network School workstation will be carried out, (2022-02-25, Python, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] -

... 、Pulse、Graphs 10、仓库的心跳线代表什么 11、star的作用是? 12、fork的作用是? 13、 watch的作用是? 14、 搜索结果分别有哪些类别 15、 你在github上挖到什么宝 1、开发者的交流平...
... Pulse, Graphs 10. What does the heartbeat of the warehouse represent? 11. What is the role of star? 12. What is the function of fork? 13. What is the function of watch? 14. What are the categories of search results? 15. What do you find on github? 1. The communication level of developers (2017-04-25, Others, 0KB, 下载0次)


[DevOps] PLDroidRTCStreaming

PLDroidRTCStreaming 是七牛推出的一款适用于 Android 平台的连麦互动 SDK,支持低延时音视频通话、RTMP 直播推流,可快速开发一对一视频聊天、多人视频会议、网红直播连麦、狼人杀、娃娃机等应用,接口简单易用...
PLDroidRTCStreaming is a connected microphone interactive SDK for Android platform launched by Qiniu. It supports low latency audio and video calls, RTMP live streaming, and can quickly develop one-on-one video chat, multi person video conference, online celebrity live broadcast connected microphone, werewolf killing, doll machine and other applications. The interface is simple and easy to use (2018-09-10, Java, 53234KB, 下载0次)
